Better late than never


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 10, 2009
Hi there!

It's been a while since I joined the forum but hopefully it's still ok to introduce myself. =)

I'm Cay from Finland and I'm 19 years old. I've been a FF fan about two years. The first game I played was FFXII and I still think it's the best FF. The next one was FFX and it's ok too but its combat system is really really irritating, I think. I have also played FFX-2 but it's not as glorious as XII and X. Right now I'm really looking forward to get FFXIII in my hands, it looks great! ^^

I also play Kingdom Hearts games. Love the way you can travel in Disney worlds and help their 'inhabitants' and the stories are also lovely. ^^ I like themes of the games and that's the main reason I like playing them.

Right now I'm playing FFVII but I don't have much time for playing since I'm studying. It's a shame because the game seems to be one of the best games I have played in my life. At leats I don't run it through.

Well, that's all about my FF history.

I love Finnish syphonic metal band Nightwish with all my heart. Doesn't matter if I'm sad, happy, nervous or angry, there's alway a Nightwish song that fits my mood and makes me feel better. Right now I'm both sad and happy becayse their lates tour is over and now they have well deserved break. I'm really looking forward to their next album! =)

I also like reading, mostly fantasy and thriller books. Historic books are also interesting. I'd also like to learn Greek mythology.

There's so much to tell but I don't want to bother you anymore. x)
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Welcome to the forums!

Ah, so you played FFXII first huh? Yeah, the battle system in that game is a lot different from all the other FFs. The old ones were all like FFX's, it's called turn-based and you just basically go through and pick and choose the commands where as XII was no random battles, etc...If you play the older FF games, be warned their battle systems are nothing like XII's and Kingdom Hearts either. lol They're all turn-based with random battles. Anyway, you're no bother and I hope you enjoy yourself here!
Thank you! =) I also added some new information since the text was quite short...
welcome to the forums, VII is awesome, Im an unashamed fan girl, though people don't seem to like FFVII fanboys/girls much 8F

I'm amazed XII didnt put you of FF for life....I know it would have me hehe, but then, you like it and I have a love hate relationship with it xD
I understand why you think FFX is not as good, seeing as your first game was FFXII. And FFVII is a great game, great story line, characters, battle system....
Enjoy the game!!
XII really sucked compared to X, I'm just expressing my thoughts....:dry:

Don't believe those blue reps, they are actually red but the keeps changing...They got split personality >_>

Anyway, hey have fun and stay active.
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Greek Mythology is interesting.

I'm very keen on mythology of any culture.

Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay, post a fair bit and make some friends! :monster: