Biggest Annoyance?

No Blue Mage.

Fran should have been the Blue Mage, with her affiliation with the Mist and all. A class system would have been nice, instead of enabling everyone with the opportunity of being UBERMAGE and SUPERSOLDIER.

Seriously, Greatswords + Magic = Ownage

The potential for classes was there in the beginning ... Warrior, Gunner, Archer, Thief ... but ... blah. The Zodiac Job System seems as if it'd make the game 100x harder. Wiith the hectic battles ... the mish-mash of classes is needed.

I liked the Quickenings, but what annoyed me was that they PHAILED by themselves. Maelstrom's Bolt, a level 3 Quickening, did 42 Damage by itself ... using up all of my MP, where it would have been easier just to attack it physically ...

The plot drags on. "Snippet of plot and character interaction" - *gets sent of to some dungeon or other for an item* - Repeat 4+ times over.
Wrong. Time Magic has one of the most ass-saving spells in the game: Warp. Hastega is pretty damn useful too. Arcane has Decoy, Bubble and Dispelga.

Right. Technicks were EXTREMELY useless. And Telekinesis wasn't even that good, it was stronger to just use magic.

I agree. Time magic was very useful, especially when you were in a dungeon with lots of traps. Penelo was forever setting off traps in my game. >_< Anytime I saw traps, I could just cast float instead of trying to maneuver around them.

Pathetic final boss + pathetic ending = annoyed me

Yes, the ending was quite disappointing.

I liked the Quickenings, but what annoyed me was that they PHAILED by themselves. Maelstrom's Bolt, a level 3 Quickening, did 42 Damage by itself ... using up all of my MP, where it would have been easier just to attack it physically ...

That's why I hated them. To even do any sort of damage, you had to get a good chain and a good chain depended a lot on the first roll. So, it was quite easy to waste all of your MP with the quickenings.
Wrong. Time Magic has one of the most ass-saving spells in the game: Warp. Hastega is pretty damn useful too. Arcane has Decoy, Bubble and Dispelga.

Screw you, don't tell me that I am wrong since I am just posting my opinion on what I believe is true. Heck the only spells that I personally have used outside of the Black and White spell have been Dispel, Blind and Slow and they where for mainly used for fighting bosses and marks.

I don't really see any need to cast Bubble when your charcters can wear Bubble Belts, the belts are much better than the spell cuz the belts effect is permanent unlike the spell whose effect is temporary.

Same goes for Protect and Shell, I don't see any point casting them when Shielded armour and Mirror Mails easily do the same job as those spells.

Also I found spells like Vanish, Warp, Oil, etc to be kinda pointless and useless in battle to be honest.
And VR is entitled to his. Please dont say "Screw you" to another member.
VR please respect others opinons aswell please. Thanks guys.
I don't really see any need to cast Bubble when your charcters can wear Bubble Belts, the belts are much better than the spell cuz the belts effect is permanent unlike the spell whose effect is temporary.

Also I found spells like Vanish, Warp, Oil, etc to be kinda pointless and useless in battle to be honest.

The thing about bubble belts is they take up your only accessory slot. And there were other good accessories to use, such as the rose corsage (prevents silence) and the Genji glove. I kept bubble on a gambit for Balthier and Penelo since I needed those other accessories but Basch had a bubble belt.

And what the hell did Vanish do anyway? I used it once but I'm pretty sure it did nothing.
*Finished XII about 10 minutes ago*

Why does everyone hate the ending? I liked it ... made me smile :P Sure, it left it open, but I liked how it was fun and playful (no one complains when FFVII's ending was an open-ended one ...)

I'm annoyed that The Undying wasn't that hard ... although, he was x10 harder than that pathetic excuse for a final boss, Yu Yevon.
my biggest annoyance was of course the lack of a strong main character. vaan just doesnt cut it for a final fantasy main character. he barely has any connection to the story, he eventually is almost completely uninvolved in any of the games events besides the death of his brother, and ashe takes more of a leader responsibility than him. he's just poor, he dresses like a male stripper, and his voice and corny lines annoyed the hell out of me.
*Finished XII about 10 minutes ago*

I'm annoyed that The Undying wasn't that hard ... although, he was x10 harder than that pathetic excuse for a final boss, Yu Yevon.

To be fair, I'd say Jecht was the real "final" boss of FFX; if Yu Yevon was meant to be remotely challenging, you wouldn't have been given permanent auto-life for the entire fight.

On the subject of Vaan, I sort of liked how he took more of an observer-like role than any of the previous main characters in FF games.
Haha, this kinda resembles a bash FFXII thread. Anyway...

Balthier is probably my biggest annoyance in the game. Possibly my most hated male character ever. He is incredibly cringeworthy, and everytime he speaks, I'm always cursing.
The fact that we had to wait 5 years just for this game was the most annoying thing to me. I think within that time they could've made this game the best one yet.
I also was disappointed in the lack of character development. But I also was annoyed by the use of Gambits. Although it was a good innovation and had practical uses, I would just hate having to edit those every now and then for different bosses and enemies who had different attributes.
There were quite a lot of hunts in XII.....Not complaining there....

- Treasure chest kept re-spawning. >:/

- Lack of a main character. I didn't care much about Vaan but when Square Enix first showed off the game it made you seem that Vaan was the main character. I wish he had a bigger role.

- Ashe....I understand that she's under a lot of stress and is trying to regain her throne but....She was way too bitchy. Ashe was so cold to the party and there was a lack of interaction. The only interaction was her complaining about nethicite.

-Lack of towns. There wasn't much town exploring. In the other Final Fantasy games you would hang around town, gather information, buy items, find hidden items, etc.

- Esper....That bothered me, they didn't bring the old summons back. Instead the new espers were just random shapes and patters slapped together. Some espers were hideous.
FFXII is my favourite FF, but I'll bash it anyways.

Character development - it was rubbish. Probably the worst out of the series, with the exception of some spin off games.

Too much effort in finding certain fights - It took me nearly an hour to find Zodiark, in which I almost died due to having 15-20 lvl 75 mobs trailing me. And Zodiark wasn't even that good. I enjoyed finding Omega, but I had an online map, which I suspect many people didn't.

Yiazmat - My favourite FF boss, other than the fact that I got him down to 8,000,000 without saving once and died, which I had to start again. The first time it's enjoyable, but after that it's so tedious. Second attempt took me 10 hours including saves. They should've given a stronger move that anyone could access eventually or just give him less HP.

Other than that FFXII was king.
Aw... I haven't finished the game yet. I'm not looking forward to such a long fight with Yiazmat...10 hours... sounds so tiring.
There are strategies to reduce the fight to as short as an hour, but I tried them so many times and they never worked, so I did it the old fashioned way. Without Masamune the fight is hopeless though.
Either the underwhelming second half, or the maddeningly long dungeons (I'm looking at YOU, phucking Pharos Lighthouse).
The lack of an earth spell in the game as there are plenty of monsters that are weak against earth. I realize there are weapons with earth elemental properties but an earth spell still would have been nice, especially in the battle with Chaos.
for me it has got to be on the hunts where you have to spend like half an hour looking for a hunt then you realise he is right at the begining!!