Bio approval: Waiting List

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Jan 30, 2007
Yes, for those of you who haven't noticed, the bio section is currently stacked sky high with unnaproved bios. There are plenty of members that are no longer active who still have bios lingering around, and there are a handful of new members who are still seeking approval. I'm hoping that by adding this sticky list, we can approve the more active member's bios first! =]

So here it is; first come, first serve. Put your name on the list and we'll approve your bio for you in the order that you come. =]
Well it's good to see that people are finally jotting their names down here. :rolleyes:
Just to let everyone know, I'll be out of town today...I should be leaving pretty soon. I'll be back either..........tomorrow or Thursday.
I can start approving when I return. ^__^
aww.. then I have to wait for some time..
*sigh* ah well.. I guess it cant be helped
It doesn't take as long as you think for approval Red Fox. =]
Well that sure makes things nice and easy for me! Hehe. ^__^

I'll look at it right now Drachnon. ^__^
I'll look at it right away Julius; even though I know it doesn't even need looking at. lol.

Yep, Red Fox, your profile is approved!

And FFGuy, you're next. ^__^

SORRY for the double post.. needed it so this topic ould get "activated" again.

I have made a new character. in same topic, on the bottom.
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Ya rly Shen. I need my bio approved, but I am also currently working on finishing up on the history, so make yourself at home in mai Rp bio. ^_^
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