Bio approval: Waiting List

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I have looked at both of yours. Sadly, they are not approved as of yet.

New players don't seem to elaborate enough on their history. Although I only ask for a quick one, I still suggest that important events that changed the character's life are detailed.
Ok, I'll lend our friends here a hand and check your bios during my free time. I've already checked Dark Fayte's, so that leaves unchecked:

Hera Ledro
The Phantarch (could you please make my life easier and add a link? Thank you, much appreciated)

I will check them in that order asap.

Ok, I'll lend our friends here a hand and check your bios during my free time. I've already checked Dark Fayte's, so that leaves unchecked:

Hera Ledro
The Phantarch (could you please make my life easier and add a link? Thank you, much appreciated)

I will check them in that order asap.

Forget about's done :P

Just make sure to wait for either Rhea's, Shen's, or Vegnya's approval XD
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