Bio approval: Waiting List

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I shall get to these new characters ASAP. They should be done by Monday night. I will not be here tomorrow or on Sunday, as I have work, but I shall do as much as I can with the time I have.

Hera Ledro: The Eternal Dragonic Allsie

P.S. You will all notice that I have a new Bio Format up and running. Since you all posted BEFORE this was implemented, you need not change your bios. However, I HIGHLY recommend that you do, as it will improve clarity.
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Actually, Julius, if you'd like, I have a thread set up in the Hall of Warriors entitled Help on Bios. If you'd like, you can sign up there to be a critiquer. As an RPG Mod, I don't know if you're allowed to actually approve them, but you are 100% entitled to give critiques that people request. Sign up there, and let them know that you can help out that way for sure ;) I'm not sure about the approval bit, so we'll have to check on that ;)
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Alright, I'm looking them over now, guys. They should be done byt the end of the week. The only reason I'm giving them so long is because I have a pre-Calculus exam on Tuesday and a Psychology Exam on Thursday. And no, we don't get the week off for it, unfortunately. University sucks balls like that :'(

Anywho, they shall be finished by Friday, Saturday at the latest.
I got my character finished. I hope whoever eads it enjoys reading Zodiarne's Bio.
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