Bio Review Waiting List

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Finally got around to creating a second RP bio, after about a month, the character is actually Crimson Wolf's sister, but as of right now, neither of them know of each other's existence, but it will of course change at some point, at some place, some time, but those details remain to be seen. :wacky:

Name: Sophia.

Link to Waiting Bio:

Also a heads up, Crimson Wolf, after having that small image of his Human shape enlarged while still pretty much keeping the image quality is had at the 100 x 100 size, some...details I was not aware of became clear.

The new pic ( ) will be updated into the RP bio of Crimson Wolf, as 1) I didn't notice that the red fur had those markings, and 2) I thought he wore some other top under that long, open coat, but that's all him there. xD

And now this has it not quite matching up with the pic of him in his Wolf shape...well, perhaps the markings only show in his true form, his human shape. Yeah, that should do.

Sorry, long post is long, but at least it isn't spam, and I think it is on topic, this all concerns my RP Bios. It'd be awesome if Sophia gets approved without me needing to make any edits. :awesome: But yeah, a pic of it in her Wolf shape will be added soon. ;]
I'm going to be AWOL from bio review checking through Sunday night, so Vikki has agreed to step in during my absence. She'll also have the power to go over any bio she feels compelled to jump in on from this point forward. So yeah. (y)
Alexander is now under review, but won't be completed until tomorrow night.

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Amaya is now under review.

Give me one or two.... or forty ... days. :wacky:

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No real preference, Intended mainly for RPB and orpgs where he fits, ie. heavily divine inspired stories or stories with a plot angle involving ancient egypt, and simular situations...


Second bio for approval, again no real preference, same thread as the one above. Seeking permission for ONE SPECIFIC orpg where the power levels are expected to be "nigh onto the divine" so it's intentional and other joiners of that orpg might have simular bios for approval in the future
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Anbu is now under review.

UPDATE: Checked a second time.

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Arukab is now under review for RPB.

UPDATE: Checked a second time.
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