Birthweek 2016 - FFF Member Awards Voting - Best New Member


May 9, 2013
Divinus Smifficus
FFXIV Server
Welcome to the Birthweek 2016 official polls!
Polls close in a week. (subject to change)

The Nominees are: shivas classicgamer sly Ross GothicSyn
As Ross is the only one I know and even see in the SB at times it goes to him on that principle.
Voting for Ross, because they keep their username short like mine. :lew:

Seriously though, they seem pretty invested and active as a newbie. (y) Keep it up!
It was a very hard choice between Tami and Mark since both have invested a great deal of fun into this community. I without a doubt think they both deserve this so much but in the end I think I'm going to give it to Mark for his entertainment with streaming, not to mention his work in the FFF fc (even though I'm not there anymore). I heard a great deal of it and I'm glad. As for Tami, I'm glad about her modship and she's a great member to have around as well. Her art shows dedication and I really appreciate that. I hope I can get to know her more often as she's a fellow of the Elf master race.

Keep it up the both of you.
Voted for shivas because she's a gem. Artistic, Active, Awesome: the true AAA member!
This was a difficult category to pick someone because we've had a lot of great new members this year but I think I'll stick with who I nominated and say Tami, she's become a mod so quickly too!
Pretty sure I nominated Tami because the others needed a competition. :wacky: This is a tough decision, everyone, but here it goes. Wark!

I mean Mark.

I just wanted to recognize him for streaming regularly for us, although right now he can't because his PS4 broke. I'm thankful for his contribution, directing some of his streamers here on FFF (and FC) even when he doesn't have to. Just the thought that he will sometimes recruit on the side speaks volume. I know how hard that can be; it can be almost cringe-worthy trying to advertise, so I appreciate the gesture.

We've got a lot of awesome new members this year, so I'm pretty stoked for next year!