[Birthweek 2016] Treasure Hunt! - Game Thread


Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
Staff member
Social Media Team
Jun 26, 2008
Shiva Snowflake
Carlos el Cactuar
Chocobo Egg
Accessory (Arms)
Accessory (Head)
Polyphemos Bromios
FFXIV Server
Free Company
This is the game thread for the Treasure Hunt game.

For rules, sign-ups and general discussions please see the other thread here.

Remember, anyone can join at any time. If you want to enter a chocobo, just sign up. You never know if you'll hit the jackpot or not...

In this thread I will post the updated maps and round details, and contestants shall post their coordinates in here.

You can also check here for updates on the chocobos, their inventories, and their remaining turns.


Participating chocobos:


Name: Gentleman
Owner: Rich Uncle Pennybags
Inventory: Nothing.

Turn 1 - 0, 10 - Antlion!
Turn 2 - Lost
Turn 3 - T,7 - No Finds.
Turn 4 - H,5 - No Finds.
Turn 5 - V,3 - No Finds.


Name: Elenaboko
Owner: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Ancient kylixes = 1,000 Gil
Skeletons of mother and child and pottery toys = 450 Gil
Broken ronso horn = 350 Gil
Midgar Zolom kebab = 497 Gil
Total = 2,297 Gil.

Turn 1 - Q,7 - No finds.
Turn 2 - O,3 - No finds.
Turn 3 - P,5 - No finds.
Turn 4 - N,4 - No finds.
Turn 5 - M, 6 - Ancient kylixes (+2 turns)
Turn 6 - L,4 - Skeletons of mother and child with pottery toys.
Turn 7 - J,6 - Broken ronso horn (+1 turn)
Turn 8 - I,6 - Midgar Zolom kebab


Name: Drumpf ('The Don')
Owner: Linnaete
Inventory: Cele's headband = 600 Gil
Skeleton with letter = 800 Gil
Total = 1,400 Gil

Turn 1 - U,6 - No finds.
Turn 2 - Y,3 - Celes' headband.
Turn 3 - Q,2 - Skeleton with letter.
Turn 4 - Q,3 - No finds.
Turn 5 - O,5 - No finds.


Name: Serina
Owner: randomrosso
Inventory: Jade figure of Hydra/Syldra = 1,000 Gil.
Timmy the Turtle = 400 Gil.
Total = 1,400 Gil

Turn 1 - I,7 - No finds.
Turn 2 - E,7 - Jade figure of Hydra/Syldra
Turn 3 - L,7 - Ultros attack!
Turn 4 - Turn lost!
Turn 5 - I,11 - No finds.
Turn 6 - M,13 - Timmy the Turtle (+2 turns)
Turn 7 - R,12 - No finds.
Turn 8 - Q,15 - No finds.
Turn 9 - O,13 - No finds.


Name: Boco
Owner: Shace paissa
Aerith's skeleton = 300 Gil
Carved Giant Kupo-Nuts = 600 Gil.
Giant Pearl = 1,500 Gil
Total = 2,400 Gil

Turn 1 - F,10 - Aerith's skeleton (+ 2 turns).
Turn 2 - N,2 - No finds.
Turn 3 - J,2 - No finds.
Turn 4 - D,1 - No finds.
Turn 5 - E,1 - Siren attack! (-1 turn)
Turn 6 - Turn lost.
Turn 7 - A,1 - No finds.
Turn 8 - A,7 - No finds.
Turn 9 - E,13 - Carved Giant Kupo-Nuts (
+1 turn)
Turn 10 - A,15 - Giant Pearl (+1 turn)
Turn 11 - H,11 - No Finds.


Name: Rogue
Owner: shivas
Lionskin and club = 1,200 Gil
Carved wooden moogle = 500 Gil
Ruined moogle house = 400 Gil
Moogle skull = 300 Gil
Total = 2,400 Gil

Turn 1 - N,7 - Lionskin and club.
Turn 2 - H,5 - Carved wooden moogle.
Turn 3 - H,8 - No finds.
Turn 4 - L,11 - Ruined moogle house
Turn 5 - G,4 - Moogle skull.
Turn 6 - L,5 - No Finds.


Name: Ghostrider
Owner: soulcorruptor
Shattered water crystal and fresco = 1,400 Gil
Statue of Mooglemachos = 600 Gil
Scattered skeletal remains = 200 Gil
Chocobo-feed = -500 Gil
Phoenix egg = 300 Gil
Ancient Naval Ram = 450 Gil
Total = 2,450 Gil

Turn 1 - H,14 - No finds.
Turn 2 - F,7 - No finds.
Turn 3 - J,1 - Shattered water crystal and fresco
Turn 4 - J,3 - Statue of Mooglemachos
Turn 5 - K,2 - Scattered skeletal remains
Turn 6 - K,1 - Phoenix egg (+ 1 turn)
Turn 7
- N,5 - Ancient Naval Ram
Turn 8 - O,6 - No Finds.
Turn 9 - O,2 - No Finds.


Name: Smiffcobo
Owner: iSmiff
Mythril ore = 1,000 Gil
Total = 1,000 Gil

Turn 1 - R,7 - Mythril Ore (+ 1 turn)
Turn 2 - M,2 - Hungry oglops! (-1 turn)
Turn 3 - Lost!
Turn 4 - K,3 - No finds.
Turn 5 - H,6 - Malboro burp! (-1 turn)
Turn 6 - Lost!


Name: Coive
Owner: Galadin
Broken pottery = 250 Gil
Total = 250 Gil

Turn 1 - N,6 - Broken pottery.
Turn 2 - V,12 - No finds.
Turn 3 - T,13 - No finds.
Turn 4 - U,13 - No finds.
Turn 5 - R,8 - No finds.


Name: Six
Owner: Six
Frozen mummies and a statue of a moogle death god = 800 Gil
Mogweed and moogle container= 300 Gil
Total = 1,100 Gil

Turn 1 - K,5 - Frozen mummies and a statue of a moogle death god.
Turn 2 - R,10 - No Finds.
Turn 3 - L,3 - No Finds.
Turn 4 - S,2 - No Finds.
Turn 5 - M,9 - Mogweed and moogle container

Elder Boko

Name: Elder Boko
Owner: Sice
Broken statue of a chocobo man = 1,000 Gil.
The Big Pom Pom in the Sky = 400 Gil.
Total = 1,400 Gil.

Turn 1 - K,4 - Broken statue of a chocobo man.
Turn 2 - H,4 - No Finds.
Turn 3 - K,14 - No Finds.
Turn 4 - H,7 - The Big Pom Pom in the Sky
Turn 5 - D,7- No Finds.



Name: Starbucks
Owner: Mitsuki
Chryselephantine statue of Poseidon Delphinos = 1,500 Gil.
Yeti wool = 200 Gil
Brahne aspis = 500 Gil
Total = 2,200 Gil

Turn 1 - M,12 - No Finds.
Turn 2 - K,12 - No Finds.
Turn 3 - K,8 - Chryselephantine statue of Poseidon Delphinos
Turn 4 - K,6 - Yeti wool
Turn 5 - J,5 - Brahne aspis

Current Map:

Map update 1:

Nine brave chocobos have journeyed to the mysterious island so far.

Here are their first dig locations!



O,10 - As Gentleman started digging in the desert he disturbed the nest of an antlion!


The antlion attacks Gentleman and he loses a turn.
Inventory: Nothing.

Turn 1 - 0, 10 - Antlion!
Turn 2 - Lost
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5

N,7 - Rogue digs between the two pillars and uncovers a lionskin and club!


Lionskin and club = 1,200 Gil
Total = 1,200 Gil

Turn 1 - N,7 - Lionskin and club.
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5

N,6 - Coive digs in the ruins of an ancient structure and discovers some broken pottery!


Broken pottery = 250 Gil
Total = 250 Gil

Turn 1 - N,6 - Broken pottery.
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5

R,7 - Smiffcobo digs inside the cave and finds some mythril ore!


Not only is the mythril ore valuable, but the magical properties of the metal give an energy boost. 1 turn gained.

Mythril ore = 1,000 Gil
Total = 1,000 Gil

Turn 1 - R,7 - Mythril Ore (+ 1 turn)
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6

F,10 - Boco dives into the lake and finds Aerith's skeleton resting on a rock at the bottom of the lake.


Though deceased, positive energy surrounds Aerith's body. 2 turns gained!

Aerith's skeleton = 300 Gil
Total = 300 Gil

Turn 1 - F,10 - Aerith's skeleton (+ 2 turns).
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7

Unfortunately the rest of the chocobos didn't find anything. Keep digging!

You may post new coordinates in this thread now.
Sweet! I'd like to dig H,5 for my next turn please.
F-7 please since H-5 was stolen from me
This is humiliating. Drumpf is not used to losing. He's only used to winning. All other Chocobos should be banned from entering the island until he figures out what is going on. Maybe they should be waterboarded instead, I dunno. One of them surely must have already nicked the treasure, because there is no way his genius has let him down for this particular fruitless grid search.

Drumpf heads north east to Y3. He will have this entire peninsula to himself.
Boco want's to swim to the very small island on N-2 (if he can go that far, if he can't let me know and I will change it.)
Map update 2:

Here are some more dig locations!



M,2 - Smiffcobo enters a flooded structure only to find a number of creepy oglops who are trapped, and hungry, on the top floor!

The oglops have eaten nothing but unfortunate seagulls for thousands of years... It's understandable that they've decided to nibble at Smiffcobo! Turn lost!

Mythril ore = 1,000 Gil
Total = 1,000 Gil

Turn 1 - R,7 - Mythril Ore (+ 1 turn)
Turn 2 - M,2 - Hungry oglops! (-1 turn)
Turn 3 - Lost!
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6

Y,3 - Drumpf explores a cliff and uncovers a headband with the name label of Celes. Either sweat, tears, or a combination of both have crystalised on the headband.


Cele's headband = 600 Gil

Total = 600 Gil

Turn 1 - U,6 - No finds.
Turn 2 - Y,3 - Celes' headband.
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5

H,5 - Rogue enters a moogle treehouse and finds an ancient statue of a moogle goddess carved in kuponut wood.


Lionskin and club = 1,200 Gil
Carved wooden moogle = 500 Gil
Total = 1,700 Gil

Turn 1 - N,7 - Lionskin and club.
Turn 2 - H,5 - Carved wooden moogle.
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5

E,7 - Serina explores a section of a pirate shipwreck and finds a statue of Hydra (aka Syldra) carved out of jade.


Jade figure of Hydra/Syldra = 1,000 Gil.

Total = 1,000 Gil

Turn 1 - I,7 - No finds.
Turn 2 - E,7 - Jade figure of Hydra/Syldra
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5

Unfortunately the rest of the chocobos didn't find anything this time. Keep digging!

You may post new coordinates in this thread now.
J,1 for my third fail of this game >-<.
Am I allowed to go for O,3?
What is Drumpf supposed to do with a woman's headband? I guess it could look great on his daughter, but there's something about this headband that seems...cheap. Like, 600 Gil? Is that it? Drumpf should only be acquiring the very best headbands that are crafted from the finest of adamantium or aurum regis or whatever, not this cheap trinket. He has many friends with the most expensive and luxurious headbands. He wouldn't be seen dead with this one. This would be a headband that only a hippie Chocobo like Boco Sanders would wear.

Drumpf would like to spread his beautiful huge wings and fly to Q,2.
Map update 3:

Here are the latest dig locations!



Q,2 - Drumpf explores the foundations of a ruined tower and excavates a human skeleton. Trauma of the skeleton's skull and ribs suggest a wounding by kupo nut projectiles, which proved fatal to the person. The legs and one arm are also missing.


A letter which the person was carrying is written in ancient Greek, but a translation reads as follows:

You were once a guest-friend in my home, as our families have been linked for generations. Ever since [... text missing ...]Please, come to our aid! The [....text missing...] creeps! The rodents are murderous, and we are dying.
If my hospitality meant anything to you, please come to our aid.


Cele's headband = 600 Gil

Skeleton with letter = 800 Gil
Total = 1,400 Gil

Turn 1 - U,6 - No finds.
Turn 2 - Y,3 - Celes' headband.
Turn 3 - Q,2 - Skeleton with letter.
Turn 4
Turn 5

L,7 - Serina investigates the river at the foot of the mountains but encounters octopus royalty!


Serina really should not have teased the octopus. Ultros attacks and takes a turn from Serina!

Inventory: Jade figure of Hydra/Syldra = 1,000 Gil.
Total = 1,000 Gil

Turn 1 - I,7 - No finds.
Turn 2 - E,7 - Jade figure of Hydra/Syldra
Turn 3 - L,7 - Ultros attack!
Turn 4 - Turn lost!
Turn 5

J,1 - Ghostrider investigates the ruins of another tower and discovers a crystal room.


There is a beautiful fresco in the room, and the shattered shards of a Water Crystal fill the floor.

Shattered water crystal and fresco = 1,400 Gil
Total = 1,400 Gil

Turn 1 - H,14 - No finds.
Turn 2 - F,7 - No finds.
Turn 3 - J,1 - Shattered water crystal and fresco
Turn 4
Turn 5

Unfortunately the rest of the chocobos didn't find anything this time. Keep digging!

I hope you're beginning to piece together the story of what went down on this island now!

You may post new coordinates in this thread now.
Having enough of this water adventure Ghostrider sees a statue in the distance only not to far away from the shore, so he shall inspect this J-3 spot.