Black Magic


dark sorcerer
Jun 2, 2007
Tower of Babil
Hey everybody :]

I was wondering if there was some way in this game to make your characters' magic power stronger. I'm currently on Mt. Bur-Omisace but I've gone back to defeat some bosses and marks whilst I still have Larsa.

Right now I'm trying to beat White Mousse, and I'm guessing since it's a flan magic is going to be a favourite. However, my characters all hit for much more on monsters with a weapon that with magic, and without the cost in MP.

Can anyone help me make my black magic more efficient?
Magick Augments are a must. Channelling Augments are a great way to really lower your MP score.

Magic armour such as the Adamant hat boost your magick power also. It might depend on what character you want to be a mage to. Ashe and Penelo are perfect for the job. with Penelo having the largest MP naturally, without Augments or equipment.

Magick Augments are a must. Channelling Augments are a great way to really lower your MP score.

Magic armour such as the Adamant hat boost your magick power also. It might depend on what character you want to be a mage to. Ashe and Penelo are perfect for the job. with Penelo having the largest MP naturally, without Augments or equipment.

You might also look to magic boosting weapons like staves, and set some characters so that all they do is cast, cast, cast. It's a timeless strategy.
Shoot, there is a quest that makes that particular hunt extremely easy. He spams water, if I can remember correctly. I believe there is an item somewhere that either absorbs or neutralizes water attacks. It will make him much easier. I forget the quest but I'm sure it's available on GameFAQs.
Well if you equip lordly robes and circlets together with the staff of the magi then you will have high magic powered characters. ^_^
Just set your gambits for attacking to scathe and also equip sage's ring to half mp costs for magic.
Actually I think Rods are better for casters then Staffs. If i remember correctly Staffs boot a certain element like a fire staff/ice staff/thunder staff. But Rods boost your over all magic damage for every element. But i take my caster down both Staff and Rod trees and if a mob/hunt/boss is especially weak against a certain element then i'll equip the staff for the opposing element.

I do the same with my "tank" I keep armor and shields that null elemental spells like some shields null fire/ice/holy/dark and some armor halfs all spells cast against you.
Like AG said, if you hit up as many Augments on the License Board as early as you can in the game, you'll boost a lot of your characters stats quick and get a good jump on the game difficulty.

Magic is probably the last one to worry about overall, but for certain spots of teh game that you're mentioning, you gotta do what ya gotta do.
White mousse is easy! Do berserk on him and watch him doing his physical attacks on you who are hardly any good :lol:! Not sure but I dont think you can silence him, berserk does work! Use bacchus wine for a bigger chance but berserk magic will hit eventually as well ;)
Yea as stated the aguments will help out extremly. Getting magic lore will boost the damage you do with magic by a decent amount. As well as any armor or weapon to help boost the effectivness. Another way for massive damage is just use quickings which makes everything like a breeze, especailly for certing hunts when thier hp starts dropping to the 1/4 range.