Black orbs, last hunts (?) and levelling up.


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 11, 2007
Umeå, Sweden
So, I've looked through all the threads I can find on this installment, and none of them discuss the matters that I am now about to bring up. However, if any of it has been discussed before I do apologise and hope this thread is to be removed. :)

I have a few questions I've been meaning to find out the answers to, because they're all eating me up inside:

1) Black orbs: When I first got to Pharos at Ridorana these thingies were to be found everywhere, after killing monsters. However, I was silly enough to sell most of them off at the Bazaar, and now - upon returning to Pharos after leaving this area storywise - I can't seem to find any. Where have they all gone? None of the monsters I kill now seem to drop any. I do know I need X amount of them to be able to unlock a certain something (I believe the Seer), but since I've already gotten rid of them, is it now too late to unlock that certain something? This would be very unfortunate as I am one of those who want to complete _everything_ in a Final Fantasy game. :P

2) Last hunts (?): I've got 2 hunts left to finish on my list, but I believe there are more to find. The ones I've got left are the Seer and Fafnir. My question is, since these two are the only ones I seem to be able to activate on the "message boards", do I have to kill them before I can accept the remaining hunts? I've completed a total of 41 hunts so far (not sure how many there are) and neither Montblanc or the "message boards" seem willing to let me accept any new ones at this point.

Also, I've tried beating Fafnir but no matter how I go about doing it, he kills me off within minutes. I am at level 70-76; should it really be that hard? Any tip on how to kill him? I read somewhere one can stand behind a big rock and thus be protected from his attacks, but that certainly didn't work for me ...

3) Levelling up: Last but not least; where is the best place to level up your characters? Up until recently Giruvegan seemed to work smoothly for me, but as I am now reaching the higher levels, it's starting to take quite a while between each level.

I believe that is all for now. :) I am very grateful for any bit of tip I can get, because I am at a loss here!
3) See my topic on auto levelling to get your characters up without doing anything.
3) See my topic on auto levelling to get your characters up without doing anything.

I did, and I am most likely to try it out. Although I still do like a good challenge, and was wondering if there are any good places to do it all on your own.

Thank you for pointing it out again though. :)
So, I've looked through all the threads I can find on this installment, and none of them discuss the matters that I am now about to bring up. However, if any of it has been discussed before I do apologise and hope this thread is to be removed. :)

I have a few questions I've been meaning to find out the answers to, because they're all eating me up inside:

1) Black orbs: When I first got to Pharos at Ridorana these thingies were to be found everywhere, after killing monsters. However, I was silly enough to sell most of them off at the Bazaar, and now - upon returning to Pharos after leaving this area storywise - I can't seem to find any. Where have they all gone? None of the monsters I kill now seem to drop any. I do know I need X amount of them to be able to unlock a certain something (I believe the Seer), but since I've already gotten rid of them, is it now too late to unlock that certain something? This would be very unfortunate as I am one of those who want to complete _everything_ in a Final Fantasy game. :P

2) Last hunts (?): I've got 2 hunts left to finish on my list, but I believe there are more to find. The ones I've got left are the Seer and Fafnir. My question is, since these two are the only ones I seem to be able to activate on the "message boards", do I have to kill them before I can accept the remaining hunts? I've completed a total of 41 hunts so far (not sure how many there are) and neither Montblanc or the "message boards" seem willing to let me accept any new ones at this point.

Also, I've tried beating Fafnir but no matter how I go about doing it, he kills me off within minutes. I am at level 70-76; should it really be that hard? Any tip on how to kill him? I read somewhere one can stand behind a big rock and thus be protected from his attacks, but that certainly didn't work for me ...

3) Levelling up: Last but not least; where is the best place to level up your characters? Up until recently Giruvegan seemed to work smoothly for me, but as I am now reaching the higher levels, it's starting to take quite a while between each level.

I believe that is all for now. :) I am very grateful for any bit of tip I can get, because I am at a loss here!

1. It's never too late to get black orbs. If you've gotten into the Pharos Penumbra, you need to move to one of the side rooms before you can get orbs, but the game will never stop giving them to you until you've beaten the Shadowseer.

2. Addressing the issue of the hunts? You're not out of the woods yet, there are 50 hunts. After those and once you've gotten Fafnir and the Seer, the Behemoth King hunt opens up, then once you've beaten him and the Hell Wyrm, Yiazmat appears. Be prepared when you go into that fight.

Also 70 is about the right level for beating Fafnir, if your Gambits are set right.

3. Unless you find a place like alpha's Negalmuur location, I'd say the best place to level is the Pharos Penumbra.

That is all for now.
Also 70 is about the right level for beating Fafnir, if your Gambits are set right.

Eep, but I am completely clueless when it comes to gambits. You wouldn't happen to know how to set them up, would you? :D

Thank you so much for the help. :)
The process to get to the Seer is quite tedious and annoying. I am on the third level at the moment. The Abyss or whatever it's called. Ugh.
Also, I've tried beating Fafnir but no matter how I go about doing it, he kills me off within minutes. I am at level 70-76; should it really be that hard? Any tip on how to kill him? I read somewhere one can stand behind a big rock and thus be protected from his attacks, but that certainly didn't work for me ...

I beat Fafnir around level 63 or 64. I still had Reddas when I fought him, so I had him and Basch pummel fafnir and kept Balthier and Penelo long range to avoid his breath attack. If you have a magic user, set them to use thundaga and keep them on faith. I gave Balthier a bow with thunder arrows and I had him casting curaja anytime hp dropped below 50%. I also kept all the characters on bubble, bravery, shellga and protectga. I split the support magics between Penelo and Balthier.

I guess it all depends on how you have your characters set up though. If you want to have your magic user casting all magics, then you can have two people up front attacking. Just make sure you have something that protects against sleep and also make sure you dispel Fafnir at the beginning of the fight because he's on bravery.
I beat Fafnir around level 63 or 64. I still had Reddas when I fought him, so I had him and Basch pummel fafnir and kept Balthier and Penelo long range to avoid his breath attack. If you have a magic user, set them to use thundaga and keep them on faith. I gave Balthier a bow with thunder arrows and I had him casting curaja anytime hp dropped below 50%. I also kept all the characters on bubble, bravery, shellga and protectga. I split the support magics between Penelo and Balthier.

I guess it all depends on how you have your characters set up though. If you want to have your magic user casting all magics, then you can have two people up front attacking. Just make sure you have something that protects against sleep and also make sure you dispel Fafnir at the beginning of the fight because he's on bravery.

Okay, thank you. :) I will try your strategy.

Unfortunately I don't have Reddas in my party anymore as I am at the very end storywise (Bahamut has been unlocked) so I can't get any extra help from any "guests", but I've mastered all my characters' license boards and since I just got to level 83, Fafnir should be manageable as I follow your advice.
I have an easy (but extremely cheap) method of killing Fafnir. If you don't mind being cheap and just wanna kick its butt, then use this method.

Since you don't have a guest, I think it's better. Anyways when you get to the hunt's area, there should be a huge rock in the middle of the area. Normally, you would use this area to heal yourself if you get too low because Fafnir won't be able to attack you, maybe just casting sleep or other status on you. Now what you want to do is to cast reflect on all of your characters either with the Reflect spells or some auto-reflect equipment. Now set your gambits to Self: Thundara. Also, try to equip your characters with magic boost. Since you have Reflect on, the Thundara reflected will deal much more damage. For more damages, you can put on Magick's Gloves to deal more. Fafnir's Shock spell will also reflected at him dealing about 6000+ and with three characters reflecting Thundara it's probably close to 15000+ damage. With Haste and Faith on, it will really hurt Fafnir a lot. This is a fast and effective method of killing him. If you need to heal, use X-Potions. Don't use Curaja since it will be reflected to Fafnir.