Bleach RP


11th Squad Captain
Jan 24, 2008
The Devil Fruit Orchard
Firstly: Yes, I am aware of the presence of two other Bleach RP threads, but none of them have gotten off the ground, to my annoyance, and so I thought I'd have a go at starting one...
Hopefully people show some interest but if not...
Anyway, here's the basic stuff...


This is set when the Bount Arc would normally have been, so before the attack on Hueco Mundo by Shinigami (*glares at Ichigo and friends*) and after the events with the Orb of Distortion in Soul Society (i.e. so Aizen, Ichimaru and Tousen have defected)

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><!--/coloro-->The Human World (Earth)<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
This is set in Japan, although we could set it somewhere else. If we do set it in Japan, probably the best idea, then there is no need to speak in/refer to things in Japanese. The main area, or more likely, the starting area is going to be a small area of Tokyo that we all should be familiar with, named Karakura Town. Hollow's here are undetectable by humans unless they are born with the ability to see them, or spend enough time around a powerful spirit-energy source.

The destination of those who commit unspeakable acts in the Human World. When a Hollow that is too wicked to enter Soul Society is slain (by a zanpakutō), the gates of hell appear and the Hollow is dragged in.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><!--/coloro-->Soul Society<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
Consisting of a large, walled city named Seireitei (or the Court of Pure Souls) in the centre and four regions consisting of 80 districts outside of the city, this world is the domain of the Shinigami and the non-Shinigami soul citizens. The four regions are called Rukongai (Towns of Wandering Spirits), with the proximity to Seireitei being a measure of how peaceful the Rukongai is. For example; Realm 1 is peaceful and orderly, whereas Region 80 is filled with criminals and poor housing.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><!--/coloro-->Hueco Mundo<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
Meaning "Hollow World", that in itself is an apt description of this place. It is a dry, desert-like area between Soul Society and Earth, it is where the Hollows themselves reside when not hunting on Earth. Entrances here are via ripping the dimensional fabric between the two worlds (Soul Society and Human World)

Character Types

NB: Although these are Anime-only they will still exist in this RPG
Bounts are a clan of human beings with high spiritual energy and special powers. They were accidentally created by shinigami scientists looking for a way to create eternal life. Bounts consume the souls of human beings to survive; theoretically, a Bount could live forever by doing so. Although the Bounts have a strict rule to consume only the souls of the dead, the final group of Bounts chose to drain souls from living humans in order to become more powerful. Each Bount uses a "doll" in combat, a type of familiar possessing its own special abilities. Every doll is unique and is a manifestation of the user's power. If the doll is destroyed, its owner is destroyed as well.

Hollows are former pluses (deceased human souls) that lose their hearts to despair or remain in the real world for too long. Any spirit that is not guided to Soul Society by a shinigami may eventually descend into a hollow. These are evil ghosts who reside in Hueco Mundo but travel to the living world to feed on the souls of the living and dead alike. Like shinigami, hollows are made of spiritual matter and cannot be detected by ordinary humans. While the majority of hollows can be overcome by the average shinigami, there are some which surpass even the most elite shinigami in strength. All normal hollows wear white masks, but a small group of hollows have broken them, becoming arrancar. By shattering their masks, these hollows regain the ability to reason, obtain a humanoid form, and gain access to shinigami powers. Hollows otherwise may take on any form, ranging from furry (like Mammals) or lizard-like to outright demonic! Weaker (and by definition less intelligent) hollows usually only attack in a melee style, whereas stronger hollows have a wide array of abilities with which to kill their quarry. Hollows also vary in size, though it tends to be fairly consistent amongst the various classifications of hollows. In Hueco Mundo, some hollows are no larger than common pets. Most common hollows are about twice the size of an adult human, though it can vary to a degree. Huge hollows, aptly named for their size, are as large as two-story buildings. Finally, gillian-class menos are even larger than the huge hollows, standing as tall as a common skyscraper.

Much like the residents of modern Japan, and most cannot see or sense disembodied spirits in any way. Spirits can, however, inhabit artificial human bodies called gigai which are visible to ordinary humans. One in 50,000 humans is a medium with some awareness of nearby ghosts, but only a third of these are able to see them clearly, and only the strongest of mediums are able to speak with or touch ghosts. Certain unique humans naturally have both the power to sense and the strength to fight with spirits. Ordinary humans can gain the ability to interact with spirits by spending time around a large source of spirit energy.

A plus is the spirit of a person who has died. A chain, known as the Chain of Fate protrudes from the chest and binds the plus to a location, object or person that they felt close to in life. The soul can move about freely if the chain is broken, but this also causes the chain to corrode. Normally, pluses are sent to Soul Society by shinigami in a ritual called soul burial before this corrosion becomes significant. If the Chain of Fate is corroded entirely before a soul burial can be performed, a hole will form in the chest of the soul where the chain was once anchored. Such souls are driven mad and become evil ghosts known as hollows.[16] If the Chain of Fate is torn out deliberately, this also leads to spiritual degradation.

The Quincy are a clan of spiritually aware humans who once fought against the hollows, using weapons composed of spiritual energy to slay them. As opposed to shinigami, Quincy absorb and channel energy from their surroundings to fight. Unlike the shinigami method of killing hollows which allows the hollow to enter Soul Society, the Quincy technique simply destroys the hollow's soul entirely. This method has the propensity to shatter the balance of the universe, because when souls are destroyed, the number of souls entering and leaving Soul Society cannot remain equal. This issue prompted the shinigami to conduct a campaign to exterminate the Quincy about 200 years before the main storyline. At least two Quincy still remain.

Also named Soul Reapers or Death Gods, they are souls with inner spiritual power, recruited from the ranks of the residents and nobility of Soul Society. Like all spirits, they cannot be detected by normal humans. Shinigami use their zanpakutō, supernatural swords that are the manifestation of their owners' power, to perform soul burials on pluses. Shinigami also use zanpakutō and magic known as kidō to fight their archrivals, the hollows. A group of shinigami known as the vizard have also obtained hollow powers through illegal means, gaining removable masks and access to certain hollow abilities.

Few hollows have the potential to remove their masks normally, and even if they manage it the change is not significant. The process of turning a hollow into an arrancar is called shinigamification. Arrancar and ordinary hollows differ in two ways: the location of their holes and the near-total disappearance of their masks. When hollows become arrancar, the chances of them retaining a humanoid form increase with their intelligence; only vasto lorde-class arrancar will definitely assume a humanoid form. If powerful enough, an arrancar can seal his or her excess power into the form of a zanpakutō. Unlike with shinigami, this zanpakutō is by no means sentient. It is simply the hollow's true form sealed into a sword. Therefore, an arrancar's release of their zanpakutō is merely a temporary restoration of their former selves. An arrancar release is called resurrección.

The vizard are the antithesis to the arrancar; they are shinigami who have obtained hollow powers and whose shinigami powers remain dominant (although they do have to undergo a process and maintain their dominance over their hollow), while the arrancar are hollows that have obtained shinigami powers and whose hollow powers remain dominant. Having begun as shinigami, the vizard appear entirely human. Unlike the arrancar, they do not have holes or partial masks (common traits of transformed hollows) anywhere on their body, though they can produce masks on demand, and they carry zanpakutō like normal shinigami. When using their hollow powers, a vizard's appearance does not change except for the mask on their face and the color of their eyes, with the whites of their eyes turning black and the irises gold. This process of donning one's hollow mask is referred to as "Hollowification".

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><!--/coloro-->Mod Souls<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
Mod Souls are artificially created souls that have been designed to hunt and combat Hollows. Unlike Common Souls these do have their own unique personalities and each also have their own special strengths.

Plot Line

Now, this is a very loose plotline as I want to give people as much freedom to do what they want as possible but here is the gist:
Soul Society is under attack from more than just Aizen and his Arrancar/Hollows/Espada, a small gang of rogue Vizard have somehow met with, and fused with some Arrancar, forming a new type of soul that has been dubbed; Anguna, Dark Souls. There are twelve of these Anguna and the weakest is supposedly more powerful than Luppi of the Espada. Previously they had been sighted in all three realms; Hueco Mundo initially, then the Human World and now Soul Society.
Wherever they go they leave behind a trail of devastation wider than Grand Fisher used to (yes, he existed and yes, he is now dead) and an order has been Soul Society; kill the Anguna. They are to be stopped at all costs, as even Aizen has issued an order of kill on sight to his armies as well. There is a temporary, very shaky truce between the Espada, Vizard and Shinigami and, so far, everyone is working together, using a small portal between Hueco Mundo and the outermost district of Rukongai as the joint base camp. The order has been made, find and destroy the Anguna. However, no-one knows where they are, as they are camped somewhere in Hueco Mundo, in secret, hiding from everyone else.

I think that should do for now. If you want me to tweak it then I will, I just thought that this might be an interesting idea.

A Few Side Notes (Up for change if not-wanted)

1) If you are a Shinigami you have to make your own zanpakutō. You cannot have one of the ones from the series (unless you are from the series whole).
2) You can make up your own Kidō spells.
3) The Hollows that are mentioned in the series do exist, but you can still be one/make up your own.
4) If you are a human you can be a substitute Shinigami, but only for a maximum of 50 posts, then you must return the powers. If you wish, you can then brave death in order to become a full Shinigami.
5) You can be someone from the series (i.e. Aizen, Ichigo etc.) but only if you ask me first

Character Sheet<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->Name:
Race: (Note: Everything barring; substitute Shingami, humans and Quincy has soul as a race. Bounts have both soul/human becasue of their dolls)
Occupation: (E.g./ Hollow, Shinigami, Plus)
Marks/Tattoos etc:
Combat Style:

If I've left something out, please tell me...