I absolutely fell in love with Blitzball, so I naturally spent a lot of time on it. I make sure to pwn the Goers the first game (basically get a Jecht Shot in then play keep away :P) then I hire Wedge and Biggs right away, they serve as excellent fillers. I booted up my old X file, and here's my team (most at level 99 btw, all with their key techiques...I know, I'm sick :P)

Wedge as my goalkeeper, with a 58 Catch.

Mifurey as LD, pretty balanced stats with a high pass rating.

Got my hands on Auda Guado as my RD, pretty balanced with high BL, and speedy.

Tidus is my MD, and while most prefer him as a forward, I found that his endurance was usually high enough to take a few hits, then swim on to the opposition's goal.

Had Brother as my LF, in case Tidus was covered, I'd pass to Brother and swim around (with his sexy 99 SP) and lead em away from Tidus, then pass to him for an easy goal.

Had Wakka as my RF, though didn't use him too often >.> My Brother/Tidus strategy was all I needed. ;) But he belonged on the team imo.
i can't remember what level i got to, i just remember i did play it throughout the whole game, so i must have been really high.
in one playthrough i was absolutely addicted to the sub game
Well in my current playthrough, I have Tidus LF Datto RF Berrik MF Judda LD Lakkam RD and Nimrook C. I know I took most of the Al Bhed team but they are pretty decent players, plus averaging 9-11 goals per game isn't bad. :P
I did win the first match you play in the tournemet for the Crystal Cup, was Luca Goers 2 Besaid Aurochs 4. My win/loss is I think 196 W 4 L (Would have to check, and I don't know bout team level.)
I love blitzball so heres my stats..i'm only at the highroad southend, so literally not far at all. But i've been playing blitz loads.
team level-7
max scout level just reached
never lost a game.

tidus-lvl 25
datto-lvl 11
letty-lvl 17
jassu-lvl 17
botta-lvl 18
keepa-lvl 25

when i finally move the game on, i'm going to scout to replace botta, he's terrible...the only let down on the team and his END is 6 :S so you can imagine he always gets hammered
My team was zev lvl 48 wedge lvl44 tidus lvl59 jassu lvl41 keepa lvl40 and botta lvl 39 Which was very good and I never had lost the score for every game was like 10-0 except against the al bhed psychs against them the score is around 5-1