Blue Mages

Oh yar, Kimahri's and Quistis' blue mage abilities can be done through overdrive, which sorta limits them. Especially Kimahri.

But yeah, Thrust Kick came in useful many many times, in face of Marlboros. :P
So I pick Kimahri just because I used him the most, but in general I agree that blue mages are indeed powerful, but their abilities are sort of....under par. Well, most of them anyway.
Their abilities are very useful but they should be more of their main attacks rather than Limit Breaks and Overdrives.
Oh yeah, it would've been much better if it wasn't all overdrive. But what would their limit breaks be?
Repeating Blue Magic over and over downlplays its importance, in my opinion. xD
I'm a sucker for inflicting status ailments on foes -for shits an' giggles- so naturally the Blue Mage class appealed right off the bat. Though some of their attacks did lack power, they certainly proved themselves to be highly useful for a majority of the game until everyone else was dealing too much damage to be bothering with status effects.

Using the Blue Magic as an overdrive kind of sucked due to its inaccessibility, but they were still decent skills for a period of time throughout the game. Kimahri, for example, packed a serious punch when he was used for a sizable portion of X.
If Kimahri was used right and you knew what to use he was a very useful character.

His Mighty Guard, White Wind, Thrust Kick, Stone Breath, Fire Breath, Aqua Breath, Bad Breath, etc..

They were all really useful to me. Maybe for an Overdrive/Limit Break they could have some type of ultimate Blue Mage move. Ya know?
Oh yeah, it would've been much better if it wasn't all overdrive. But what would their limit breaks be?
Repeating Blue Magic over and over downlplays its importance, in my opinion. xD

Limit breaks could be half MP cost, or use Double Blue Magic.

And i dont think it downplays the importance, as the blue mage is still the only character who can do those attacks, and they're generally quite weak as a fighter. VII's Enemy Skill materia rather downplayed Blue Magic since you could get like three of those materias, but i only ever used one.
As much as I disliked the character, I choose Quina. It has a pretty good line of abilities early on and out of all of the ones listed, it was the one I used the most (except for X-2, obviously). As useless as I thought the character was to the story line, it did make for a pretty good Blue Mage, in my opinion.
Off of that list I would choose Quina for sure, but i think FFXI has the best blue mage in the series <.< >.>
What can I say, this is my worst colur mage. I love white mages and think blue magic is pointless.

Yeah I pretty much agree. it's only black and white mages that are of use. but if I had to pick, I'de say Kimahri because he's the only one I know:P
As Saix said once before in this topic, if you think Blue Magic is pointless, you clearly haven't played around with it enough. I agree that it is underplayed in a lot of games but it does a really good job of taking the very best attacks in the game, the ones that make you go "dammit, this monster is so damn tough", and puts it in your arsenal. If your patient enough to collect them and smart enough to use them then you practically have access to the best magic in the game.
As Saix said once before in this topic, if you think Blue Magic is pointless, you clearly haven't played around with it enough. I agree that it is underplayed in a lot of games but it does a really good job of taking the very best attacks in the game, the ones that make you go "dammit, this monster is so damn tough", and puts it in your arsenal. If your patient enough to collect them and smart enough to use them then you practically have access to the best magic in the game.


As I remember fighting a hord of Chimira's in FFX in Home and Kimahri's Stone Breath sure did come in handy. =).
I'd have to say Quistis.
Now I hate FF8 as much as the next guy but I still think they got Blue Magic right.

In ff8 you didn't actually have to use the character to gain magic, That was my problem in FF9 and FFX,(Nobody wants to use a Pink Blob and a giant cat) When you kill an enemy in FF* they may drop an item that teaches the magic, that stops you from having to run all around the world gathering magic if you decide to use your blue mage character.