KH Blue Mushrooms

I never was able to pull off the combos needed to get items. I just gave up after about 20 tries.
vaguely remember the blue mushrooms cause I barely tried to fight them.
yea, 5 was probably my best
I got about 13 hits before he fell to the ground.

I heard using Aeroaga to bounce him up helps, though I haven't gotten around to trying it yet...
I got the Shiitake and Matsutake Rank for keeping a Rare Truffle in the air for at least 100 hits. It's not horribly difficult. Just go to Neverland and search the ship's deck for Rare Truffles. Since you can fly, keeping 'em in midair is a snap. Cast Aeroga if you wanna make it even easier.

Good way to gain experience points as well. The hardest part about the whole process is finding the things...
I too got the hundred necessary. However, I did it in the cave right before the final save. I recall having to do something ridiculously barely tapping jump and then attack, unequipping combo abilities, etc.

100's not too hard to do. You just need to go to Neverworld they're on the outside of the ship about 1/4 of the time. just fly and hit em. I did this whenever I got bored. Also I needed the Mystery Goo and other synth stuff.
Yeah, it isn't that hard! Dit it even without flying if i remember! Enter and reenter doors until you see them at the top of Neverland! :D
I discovered that Neverland was a good place to go: the recommended "stick yourself in a corner and use Aeroga" didn't work too well, so flying in Neverland and pacing myself worked rather well. It was brilliant for acquiring Mystery Goo.

Ninja'd. D=
Those damn bastards. I could never keep them in the air for longer than one hit. I was terrible at that. I looked up every possible guide to help me with it, yet I still could never do it.