Seth opened the door, and entered the scroll shop.

"So. why did those dudes want you dead?" Seth asked with a slight smile.
'Ahh, ya know the usuall ....' meaning he couldn't be bothered to explain as it was complicated.

He pulled up a second crate of weird and wacky spells for the day. He pulled the first off the top, chanted the incantation ... nothing happened. It burnt in his hand and he grabbed a second scroll.

'So this is that alchemist, didn't look that tough. He fell down with his own attack.'
Seth smiled. "Well, he is tough. He was just surprised, and pummeled earlier today. Don't worry, the one that did it, did not survive"

"I vouch for him" Seth stated, as he walked towards the counter.
He chanted again, and again nothing. The scroll burned in his fist.

'Well, okay then.' he muttered, starting to wonder if any worked in this crate. He pulled out another scroll. He sat it down on the counter.

'So, have your brought him to discuss more details,' again speaking like normal folk. He also pointed to the alchemist. 'Cos well ....'

He trailed off. He chanted the third spell, a small yellow orb/ ball floated above the scroll.
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Evan smiled at the fact that Seth was defending him to the scroll seller, "Hey Seth, don't worry about this guy, if he really wants to find out how Strong i am" Evan reached into his bag and pulled out a green potion and drank it, he glowed Green for a few seconds and all of his cuts and bruises were gone, when he stopped glowing he looked at Ray "you can find out for yourself"
Rey waved the scroll, the one that caused the orb, the yellow object flew towards Seth's friend. He didn't bother to check if it hit or not. But waved of the statement, he wasn't in any mood to fight.

'That won't be necessary...' Rey told him and shook his head. He stood abrubtly. 'Come on,' he sighed moving back to the darking back room door.
"about time" Seth stated as he grabbed the scroll in mid air.
He put the scroll on the counter, and followed Rey.
Like earlier the place was a mess. However Rey easily found his way to the back of the room and his work table. He took the only seat and waited for the pair to come after him. The new one would probably get lost he thought.
Evan walked into the room and smiled "messy house keeper, lets clear this up" Evan crouched down and began drawing a transmutation circle on the floor. Upon completion he placed his hands on it and two stone hands came from the floor and moved the boxes, they then turned into two chairs and Evan sat on one, he looked at Seth "why don't you have a seat mate"
Rey groaned, more than likely he would now have to find another path to his bed room. Well he did have some extra chairs in the least. and a direct path to his work bench. He had a sour look on his face as he waited for Seth to be seated, he rubbed his hand through the curved scar.
Evan looked at Rey "so what are the details of the job?, and Seth told me i can have anything from inside the bank vault, is this correct?" He placed his right hand on the table and began to think about anything else his father might have left in the Box
'Wel, ye,' Rey sighed, he probablydidn't make it clear before. 'I meant to say earlier, that wed, hafta take everythin in the vault.

He paused then continued, 'All the money, all the jewels, all the other things. However seeing as the guy won't be paying you. You can be able to take as much as you can carry, or sneak away with.'

'Every Vault will be emptyed.'
Evan looked to the floor "the contents of box 217 are mine, you try and stop me taking them i will make sure you are executed, as i will be the one who does it." Evan stood up to get a better look at the bank map "oh and i am guessing that i don't have to tell you if you double cross me you are dead"
Seth followed Rey, now entering the room with more ease.
He chucked lightly as Evans comment.
But went up to the plans, ans awaited instructions.
'Ya are a child at this here game are you not sir?' Rey laughed at him. 'Everyone is looking for a chance to double cross some one else, in fact it is one of our favorite games.'

'So take ya box when the time comes child. I am not a greedy person ... In fact I want nothing from this heist.' Rey muttered and flicked his hair out of his eyes.
Evan was curios as to why Ray was planning one of the most dangerous bank Heists in the history of the planet, and all of it for nothing
"why are you doing this rey?"
Rey looked down, the question was inevitable yet when some one had asked him what it was he suddenly felt all cold. Not as in body temperature, he was darker than he usually felt. He looked back up at the alchemist sitting opposite him and brushed the hair out of his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak the truth then shut it, these two didn't need to know. He had already made the mistake of talking to that bar keeper a few days back. This was for him alone and that was it ... besides rich kids need more money and alchemists that are searching for boxes are none of Rey's concern. He didn't know how long had past when he looked back up to the pair.

'I want to go down in history as the amn who masterminded the impossible.' he lied, 'It is none of your concern any way. You want ya box, and the Rich Kid wants more money,' gensturing slightly at seth.

'Now so we can't be a meeting here all the time, tis way too suspicios. And I'll give you guys a few scrolls to leave with.' he said to both of them.
Evan laughed "I'm not here for scrolls, and i didn't say that the box was all i was going to take either." Evan stood up and placed both of his hands on the table "i have preparations to make i shall be back in a couple of hours" Evan announced before leaving
After the .... kind of rude exit from the alchemist. Rey looked at Seth and asked.

'So are you going to be leaving with some scrolls then ....'
"Bah" Seth started "Your scrolls suck anyway" he smiled broadly.

"instead, go over some of the details with me" he stated, as he nodded towards the notes