Book or Movie?

Books or Movie?

  • Books

    Votes: 27 62.8%
  • Movie

    Votes: 16 37.2%

  • Total voters
Looks like I go against the preferences of the majority here, huh... I far prefer movies over books, I just don't get all that into reading books, it's just a bunch of letters, I've really like to see all the events happening right in front of me, it is far more visually appealing.

And my imagination has never been that great anyways, for as far as reading books goes, so it really just isn't my thing. :/
Depends what you're looking for really, I'd say the average person would rather sit and watch a film with great actors and special effects because it's just more pleasing overall, I'm one of those people on the whole, even as an English student.

However, I do thoroughly enjoy reading and when you really get into a good book, it's far, far superior to the film in which case I'd much rather read the book.
Books, definitely. People who don't read find instant gratification in movies. For example, read Harry Potter and then watch the movies. You will realize that the books kept you entertained for weeks, while the movies lasted a day or two. You'll also notice the details left out in the movies as well as your imagination.
Not that movies are bad, don't get me wrong. Interview With the Vampire was great// but read the book_
I'm very picky when it comes to prose. I generally don't like most writers' prose styles, so I would rather watch the movie than read the book. Then if I like the movie... I might try to read the book.
I'm a big cinemaphile so I'll have to go with going to have to go with Movies, even though I'm not very happy with the movies that have been out recently. I know that books are more intricate in terms of story and such but movies can be as effective since there's a lot more involved (acting, visuals, score etc etc)
I usually prefer books, but if I could choose to either watch the movie or read the books, then I would have to watch the movie. It takes me for fucking ever to read a book because I can hardly comprehend shit.

Comics and manga are different though. I get right into that shit. I'd want to watch Superman kick some ass on the big screen if it's done properly though. Way better than a picture with an action word.

So I guess I'd say movies.
Books. As much as movies based on books can be well developed (especially if you hadn't read the book before you saw it), movies very often leave off details that most readers cherish. I was going to see Legend of The Guardians, but then I realized it was a book series as well and check out the box set, so I can read them before I see the movie so I can make a good comparison of both.