Boring set of playable characters

The characters are not boring, sadly they aren’t anything new either. As funny as Balthier was, as complex as Ashe was, as mysterious as Fran was, or as admirable as Basch was they all seemed to be the same characters I have seen in previous Final Fantasies and RPGs with new names and appearances.
The fact that each characters stats are blank slate to be determined by the player through the license board and armor mean didn't help set them appart.
yup xii characters were boring as hell the only one i liked was balthier.
vaan was just a yawn
I will admit that Vaan was rather Blah. To tell the Truth I think Balthier should have been the MAIN character and Ashe be the Secondary MAIN character. Vaan just didn't have anything to say or do with the main story.
Balthier could have been the main man but you could obviously tell he wasn't as at every given opportunity he would claim to be the leading man (Lets face it, the leading man wouldn't keep bragging on about it. :D ). I thought Basch was a good candidate. Got screwed over by his twin brother and a bitch of a princess slap him in the face yet he remained loyal and would have done anything to protect her. It's probably his age that prevents him from being the main character and would have been a nice change from the usual teenage type. As far as I know the only non-teen protagonists are Cecil, Bartz and Cloud (20, 20 and 21 respectively) and the last 4 haven't been over the age of 17.
Hmm, I don't agree at all that they're a boring set of characters. However, Vaan really irks me, so...yeah, he was pretty much the only boring character for me. He was just there...quite random, if you ask me.

The rest are cool in my eyes, especially Balthier, Fran, and Ashe. They're all unique, actually. They're more realistic than any of the previous FF characters. It's a change, either like it or you don't.

Ah, Fran's voice...I just really can't seem to get over it! I wonder what type of accent she has...and please, don't say "Viera accent."

I thought the character were pretty weak. Balthier and Fran had their charm but the others werent great. Vaan and Penelo were unnoffensive but boring and just mixtures of past final fantasy characters. Basch and Ashe got on my nerves. They were one dimensional and you had to really concentrate whenever they spoke because they spoke in such an annoying way!
Personally I hated Fran. I just have a tendency to not like her. Not sure why, but yea.

Penelo was right up there with the most boring, however. Saying maybe 5 lines in the whole game...pathetic.

On the other hand, Balthier, Vaan, Basch, and Ashe seemed to have unique personalities in that they were determined and have a specific goal. Their attitudes reflected what they wanted to accomplish and how they progressed in the story. They also each had twists, except Vaan.

Fran and Penelo however seemed to be straight-forward with nothing really behind their character. You can argue for Fran about the banishment thing, but other than that I got little to no effect from her.
I thought the character were pretty weak. Balthier and Fran had their charm but the others werent great. Vaan and Penelo were unnoffensive but boring and just mixtures of past final fantasy characters. Basch and Ashe got on my nerves. They were one dimensional and you had to really concentrate whenever they spoke because they spoke in such an annoying way!

You never had to concentrate that much. I never had a problem with their speech.
Out of all of the characters, I would have to say that Vaan and Panelo are a lot less interesting compared to the rest, but not boring.

In fact, I though most of the characters where strong, especially Ashe, Basch, Balthier, Fran, Gabranth, Dr. Cid and may others. However, there are other flaws with the characters as a whole that I've said in many other posts, but I can't say I was bored with them. :|
Sometimes it was fine, but then sometimes they would suddenly start speaking in ye olde english and it felt like I had to interpret what they were saying rather than just watching the cutscene!
Am i the only one that like vaan?? he was ace! he may not have said musch but he was ace in fights!
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The only characters which didn't do it for me were Penelo and Ashe. Sure, Ashe had a powerful and key role, but she really didn't strike me as a great character.

Penelo hardly had any say at all, and was just 'there,' more often than not.

The rest, however, I particularly liked. Balthier and Fran in particular. ;D

^^ Good call. I like Penelo, but what is the point of having her there? "She's Vaan's friend." ...good job. You save her and then she tags along. I wish Basch was the main character. He has the most drama - or maybe I'm biased. Ashe has a decent back story as well, but I just don't find her that interesting. Balthier also has a great back story. I just wish it were fleshed out more. We get a decent look at Fran's people, but they're so standoffish that I was looking for more closure.
Balthier isn't boring nor Fran,Ashe and Basch
the 2 others they where boring
but sometimes I whised they had something to say
when you where on the fields and caves or battling
just some funny lines ya know
I Liked the Balthier and Fran relationship the most. They were so loyal and just great to watch. Overall though the characters were pretty hollow. Ash and Basch had a story to tell I guess, but Vaan and Penelo had nothing really. It just was terrible in comparison to the far better X characters.
well i'd have to agree about this group of characters. i mean i liked a few like basch and balthier. but vaan had to be the weakest main character ever as far as personality and background and importance in the story. balthier brough comic relief and basch is the typical tough ex-soldier type guy. fran was alright too, but the rest were low quality.