
  • Thread starter Judge Ghis
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Personaly I'm waiting for XII's release first. yes thats right XII, you remember that one don't you? the one BEFORE XIII. :rolleyes:
yep. 13 is for the ps3 which isnt even out yet.
I want the ps3.
SHUT UP! It's the Nintendo we want k. ur my clone. u should be like me!
I don't see how anyone can say they weren't impressed with the trailer whilst keeping a straight face. You do realise it was all (with the exception of the shots of the train from outside) rendered in realtime by the PS3's graphics engine? I know graphics don't make a game by themself, but that's pretty impressive.

The new battle system looks interesting. It's good to see they're trying something new instead of hashing out the same out battle system. I was also pleased to see that it looks like it's going to be a female lead character. Been a long time coming =P
We already knew that, thank you, you may find it impressive, some of us clearly do not.

Hashing out the same battle system you say? Not looked at FFXII's lately?

I sat and watched the trailer, and found myself not even intrigued, excited by it.

Fancy graphics were all it had, nothing else.

I guess X-2 never had a main female character then..
Judge Ghis said:
We already knew that, thank you, you may find it impressive, some of us clearly do not.

Hashing out the same battle system you say? Not looked at FFXII's lately?

I sat and watched the trailer, and found myself not even intrigued, excited by it.

Fancy graphics were all it had, nothing else.

I guess X-2 never had a main female character then..
"We" may have already known that, however "we" did not say so in this thread. I made a post hoping to clarify what people may or may not have known, based on what I'd read in this thread. I apologise.

Yes, obviously some of you are not impressed with the trailer and that's fine. I was simply adding my thoughts to the discussion. It was clearly a trailer aimed at showing off the power of the PS3 console and I think it achieved that. If you are not very tolerant of differing opinions then perhaps this here internet isn't the place for you.

I'm not sure how bringing up FFXII's battle system invalidates anything I've said. It's a fresh take on the combat and I'm pleased with that, but I'm glad to see they're not settling into any kind of routine, contrary to their actions in the past, and are continuing to come up with new ideas in games beyond FFXII. Besides, FFXII's combat isn't especially innovative, it's just a little more western then you usally see in Japanese rpgs.

FFX-2 was a spinoff, I was referring to games in the main series of the franchise.
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I am tolerant, just not the most friendly of people at times. I like to argue, so please remember that. My mood also changes from time to time. FFX-2 is a sequel, not a spin off. It still relates to the X story, spin offs are something like DoC.

Battle system in FFXIII. Is there even any information describing it? At all?
Don't worry, I'm an argumentative sod at times hehe. As for FFX-2, I just meant it's not part of the main series (i.e. it's not FFXI) :)

There's a lot of information in a thread on Somethingawful here but I don't know if you'll be able to access it. It's rather a lot to paste.
I have an attitude of cautious optimism, as with all Final Fantasies.

I have faith in Square, and I haven't disliked a single FF except for X-2. Sure, some are better than others, but they always put out a solid game that re-invents the series and stands well on its own.
Tethar Atrum said:
I know for a fact you are baised against this game Lisa but your point is valid.

Making claims about a game you have not played is simple foolish.
Oh and Final Fantasy VII is the best ever let no one challenge that.
FF7 is over rated the only reason you like it is because of sephiroth , if he was any other (non FF7)FF game you would make the same claim .
I actually care for Final Fantasy XIII. It looks fun the music for the trailer is my favorite thing about the game.
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