Boss Fights!

Proudclad 2 for me as well for the same reasons everyone else has stated, man I didn't expect to die there! The most annoying was the last boss, I spent a while slowly killing him but staying alive then he cast doom and I died haha, luckily the second time he didn't cast doom at all.
haha yeah he does that whenever he is near death

Actually he does that after a 20 minute timer.

And yes Barthandelus II was definately the hardest boss for me when I played this game, and the Barthandelus I was the second hardest.

I think he was so hard because he is the guy that made me realize that I need to grind up a little bit before I proceed. Because I became stronger I am not sure if another boss would have been harder in my eyes.
Who in your opinion is the hardest enemy boss or not to battle?

Ok so there are definitely a lot of hard battles in this game especially if you power level out the ass but i'd have to say that the hardest battle for me and i was maxed out at the time was Hecotoncheir i really hated that battle i think it was the toughest one and well maybe tied with Barthandelus 2 i didn't use sabotuers until orphan lol so who or what in your opinion is the hardest to fight?
Gigantuar wrote off my team. He spams 10,000 needles every three or four seconds 8(

You gotta throw some crazy paradigms together and spam daze to take that bastard down. Some impossible stagger gauge to fill aswell between healing and rebuffing/debuffing, hardest mission in the game for me.

Vercingetorix ain't that difficult, you can even five star him by
poisoning him and defending until he dies.

That mutant cactus was such a pain the first time I saw it :gasp:

I ran into it while I was doing the extra missions and I totally wasn't ready for it. All it took was for a few needle spews and my team was dead and buried.

I still haven't gone back to it...and I don't think I will. Its sad when the side mission bosses are more difficult than the regular bosses in the raktavija...and vercingetorix was pretty intimidating the first time I encountered it... :gasp:

64 was indeed the hardest thing for me to beat. Theirs only 3 missions that I found hard besides the last one it was the one where you had to fight those 2 things on top of the hill in pulse (where its night time and they where really difficult) and the next being that flying bird (looks like one of the things flying around pulse but he looks different and more angry) but the last one I couldnt beleive i even beat and I highly doubt I can do it again. getting the achievement for 5 star on every mission wont happen for me. Even I did 5 star 1 - 63 theirs no way I could five star the last one or even beat it again.
Personaly I found the hardest boss in the game to be Cid on my first play through. until that battle I had just used the same basic set up and technique for all of the fights, then when I came up against Cid I kept getting killed agin and again. Proud Clod II was also a chlange but mainly because it was more frustraitng then challenging.
Proudclad 2... or whatever that thing that switches between aerial and ground mode is called xD. He attacked way too fast for me... but all bosses become really easy once you search online for the perfect strategy. Both forms of Orphan were EXTREMELY easy for me (just pray that they don't auto-kill your party leader xD). The last form was laughable... Just switch to Rav/Rav/Sab and get it staggered to 999%. Then switch to Rav/Com/Com and you're done...