
  • Thread starter FireDeath
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My 3rd thread about bosses, but this time not only about the Final Bosses but about all of them, this time I want to to know the coolest, the FF boss with more style.
For me, Reno, his hair and the way he fight, really cool
the coolest has to be kuja cause hes so powerful and his hair is cool
AAAAAAAAmfg. Kuja is my bishie.
I have to vote for Kuja. <3333333333
FFVII's boss had the best ambitions
FFVIII's boss had the best final dungeon

Annnd that covers the good bosses ^_^
The Sanctuary Gatekeeper from FFX was my favorite beast, as far as humans go though id have to say kuja is far and away the coolest
The Sanctuary Gatekeeper from FFX was my favorite beast, as far as humans go though id have to say kuja is far and away the coolest

Ommggg it took me 9328439 tries to beat the Gatekeeper. X__x
Good opponent.

And I agree that Kuja is a seriously amazing antagonist. <3
Sephiroth or Kuja probably from the human side.

I liked fighting Evrae in X because he was so difficult. XD