*Bounces in*

Lil' Moogle

Vivi is mine.
Aug 29, 2008
Hi. I'm new. I like Final Fantasy. I like Vivi. I like Moogles.


Yeah okay, so hi. :D I'm Lil' Moogle. To explain my username: The ' lil' ' part comes from me being the baby of my family, I'm very childish, random, and hyper. The ' Moogle ' part comes from.. Well, Moogles from the Final Fantasy series. I think they're awesome. And Cute. They should so dominate all the Final Fantasy worlds. Bwahahah!~

I was going to join as ' Lil' BlackMage ' (Referring to Vivi from FF9 -- Best FF character ever! He's mine.) but went against it because it was too long. I find it awkward to talk about myself, so yeah. Basically I'm just a wierd sixteen year old Asian boy. ;o

Umumum.. What else? Oh yeah! And I'm interested in the RPG here. I just found this site from the magical site called 'Google' looking for a Final Fantasy forum to join!
hello there.
Hey, welcome to the forums!
In order to join the RPG, you need to have a post count of at least 50. So be sure to stay active!
Once again, Welcome to the forums! Have fun!
Well you're certainly the flamboyant one aren't you? You'll fit in just fine. :wacky:

Welcome etc.
took me long enough to find this thread man. According to your title and your first post, your an insane person. Welcome to the forums! glad to know that so far we don't have a normal person that is considered an outcast.