~~Boundless Sky~~ [Part ONE] {OPEN}


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 12, 2009


(Part ONE)

With LiFe Comes DeAtH

This is not life, they said
It is a dream, a twisted desire
One born of a man who had everything
And felt he lost all that was most precious to his heart
A man lost within his sorrows
To troubled to see the suffering of those he rules

This was once our world, they spoke
One filled with vibrant color, wondrous creatures
And above all else, a joyous people
However this is but a faded memory
No longer is it the land we loved
But a prison without a lock, key, or door

Though there are hardships now
Though pain is in the hearts and souls of all
Death may have us in it's grasp
With the tiniest hope, the smallest of courage
We will push on strong and firm
And as long as that light burns within ourselves
We will never surrender ourselves to this oppression

I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt
Somewhere out in this grand, vast world of ours
There lays a Boundless Sky ...
For all those who seek it

To sum it up, the world of Keimusho is being run by a somewhat oppressive Emperor, one who follows his actions through both anger and depression (his wife died while giving birth, and because of this, he takes out his bitter feelings on society, and places his rage and hatred towards Ishka, his son [harsh, physical abuse]). The Noble and Wealthy class may not feel most of this, but much of the Masses do, especially the Stateless People (you will learn more about the Social Classes down below). The gap between the Wealthy and the rest of society is quite big, and shortening any of that length would take many, many years before any results could be noticed.

In terms of technology, it is steam-punk inspired, so it leaves a fair amount for the imagination.. For example, there are things that are similar to airships, land vehicles, boats, etc., however think of these things on a more domestic or simpler level. Almost everything owned by anyone who is not of Noble of Divine class will be simplistic and not all that fancy. So, the Noble and Divinity (with the Divine having the best of everything) will have their hands on the more sophisticated things (including technology), while the Masses will not, and even less so for the Stateless People.

This Role-Play will be on somewhat of a large scale, in terms of the size of the land. I’m leaving a lot of space open for creativity here, in terms of the geography, the people, as well as many other aspects that you can think of. This is a world of humans, half-humans, and multi-formed beasts, which allows you to work your charcter(s) out however you may wish (for the most part). However, keep in mind this RP does have a plot and a driving force, and it'll be moving at a decent pace. Also, because of the harsh nature within the RP, odd, weird, grotesque events are acceptable.

  • No God-Modding
  • No Power Playing
  • No Double-Posting
  • Place the word ‘mamba’ at the top of your Template
  • No Spamming; Keep OOC Posts in OOC Thread as much as possible (This is OOC Thread)
  • Editing Template after your first Post in the Role-Play is frowned upon (or to put it bluntly, prohibited, unless of course it has to do with your character’s personal traits, such as gender or personality, etc.)
  • The mamba thing was a joke, don’t do it
  • If you have any questions regarding the rules, or the Role-Play itself, be free to ask
  • If you will be leaving for any amount of time, please let me know, that way people can overlook your character’s previous actions during that time, so as not to kill the Role-Play
  • If you have any ideas or thoughts that you think could improve this RP, I’m open to suggestion
  • I ask that you at least post two-three times a week. Don’t post once, come back the next week, and expect someone to always catch you up on things (though, being the nice guy I am, I probably would do that, but you get the point)
RP RuleS
  1. This RP will be considered 14+ due to the language and slightly disturbing content that will be accepted in this RP.
  2. Though there will be a slightly grotesque theme to this RP (at times), keep any kind of romance/sexuality from R/X-rated material
  3. Keep in mind, no one will have a strength or power that surpasses even the Cherubim. Like any story, through experience and training, you will get stronger eventually. This RP is going to focus a lot on character development in many areas (such as personality, view on the world/life, knowledge, abilities, etc.), be sure to keep this in mind
  4. Veterans and Newbies alike are welcome to join
  5. This is a literate RP. I’m not exactly setting a minimum, but more than just a few sentences would be nice. Exact literacy is not a requisite, however at least make it legible enough to understand
  6. You may create and use more than one character, however four is the limit (this, however, is only suggested to the more experienced Role-Players, but all are welcome to it. Dedication is a must, though)
  7. Most of all, just be creative with your writing, thoughts, and ideas. Have fun everyone, after all, that’s what this is about =P


As stated before, there will be a fair amount of openness in terms of creativity with the world of Keimusho, however, things such as weather effecting elements (latitude, longitude, sun, winds, etc.) will be in play, so as you travel north or south from the center of the world, things will begin to get colder. The humidity and dryness of an area near the center of the world will be determined by the sun and plant life, basically anything that would normally effect climate in our world. I think you get the idea.

Actually, the planet is somewhat smaller than what our Earth would be, and also has only two continents. One rests on one (named Aranno, where we are) side of the planet, taking up about forty percent of space, while the other (Shinuda) takes up only about twenty-five percent, leaving the other thirty-five to be filled with water (though there are numerous amounts of islands, both big and small, spread across the vast ocean, and they are not included within that percentage, and neither are the lakes and rivers within the land). Here are some landmarks, however, that will be definite in this Role-Play (also keep in mind that in this Role-Play [Part ONE], we will only be on the continent of Aranno)

(The following will just be brief descriptions to give you an idea of the areas):

The Capital

The Capital of Arrano, Eutoria: (This area is what you perceive it to be, however keep in mind, and I MEAN keep in mind the differences of lifestyles and commodities between the Divine (very sophisticated and fancy everything), Noble (sophisticated things, expensive objects/materials/etc) , Common Folk (nothing special, just simplistic things (wooden houses, stone homes, caravans, etc), and Stateless People (very, very low quality lifestyles), so make sure not to make things completely unrealistic).

The City is split into four levels, The Divine Level (castle) which is elevated above the Noble level that is below, and below that is the Common Area, and the Slums. The Divine are able to go where they please, the Noble can go everywhere but the Divine area (with the exception of a few), the Common Folk can travel their area and the Slums below, where the Stateless in the City are restricted to the Slums alone. The Stateless have no rights, and will usually be killed if they were caught within their own area anyways)

The Imperial Castle, Lanark (the middle of Eutoria): This castle is made out of a seemingly white, holy substance that would always shine even in the darkest of times. However, ever since the Emperor's depression, it's luster has been dulled a great deal. There are many towers that make up the Castle, and surround it. There is a large white wall which surrounds the grounds, and it also must be said that the castle takes up quite a large area. The gates both on the walls and blocking entrance to the Castle's Interior are made of gold with a dense metal base. Silver can usually be seen on the trimmings of the Castle's architectural details.

The Slums of Eutoria:
The darkest, dankest, dirtiest, absolute worst part of the city. It lies under the main level of Eutoria, under the stone roads and pathways, where all the trash is thrown. There is absolutely nothing pleasant about this place, and any of the Stateless People who did not wish to leave the safety of the City Walls continue to hide in here. There are some huts and poorly made 'houses' made for those down there, made by the people themselves, however they are nothing to be impressed with.

Outside the Capital

Outpost of the North, Meranda: An island made completely of ice sitting at the center of the world. It is fairly small, but has several mountainous icy peaks, as well as a rugged landscape. The climate is cold and harsh, and there may only be a few clans that actually live here.

Settlement of the South, Yonday: Around the same size of Meranda, however it is connected to Arrano by a land bridge on the southern most point of Keimusho. It snows heavily here, and the landscape is basically like a white desert that seems to go on as far as the eye can see. It seems to be a barren wasteland, however there could be more to this place than meets the eye...

Dead Bog: It is a misty marshland that stretches on for miles and miles. It is said that the spirits of the dead haunt this place, tormenting and ultimately causing death to all those who would risk passage through this place. It is located within the south-eastern reaches of Arrano.

Braodi Forest: This is a very dense forest far to the west of Eutoria. The sun rarely reaches the floor of the forest because of the thick, long, outreaching branches that tower above. Many of the trees stand at ridiculous heights, while some are fairly small, however the majority are quite large. The beasts are always on the prowl within this place, especially during the night.

Underground Catacombs: Very little is known about this vast, expansive tunnel network that supposedly spreads throughout the entire continent. There are very few who know about the entrances to this mysterious place, and they are kept secret from the Divinity as much as possible. The Cruor are one of the largest Tribes within the Stateless People, and supposedly they take inhabitance within the safety of the underground. Not much else is known about it, however there are rumors of some very ferocious beasts creeping beneath Keimusho's surface.

Wildlands: This is basically a desert, filled with your sand, sand storms, sand tornadoes, cacti, desert creatures, the works. This can be located a few miles southwest of Eutoria, just a bit below Keimusho's equator.

The Great Plain: This land is filled with valleys, stone pillars, canyons, rivers, as well as a few mountains here and there. It is a great grassland, and are there are very few to no trees whatsoever. This land has one of the biggest areas in the entire RP, compared to all of the other locations in Arrano, anyways.

**NOTE** You do not have to start in these areas, you can very well create your own (to a certain extent), however these areas will play a vital role in the Role-Play’s progression (though some more than others), so this is why they are listed.


Magnus Power and Magica

There are two great forces within the world of Keimusho: Magnus Power, and Magica. Both are very important to the planet's life, as well as the warriors, scholars, and various other people who use it. Magnus Power is the life force of the world; it holds the life of Keimusho, it supplies the energy that keeps things alive. Magica is an energy which is within all of nature; trees, water, mountains, clouds, and other such things. Even without just one of these energy sources, the world would slowly decay and ultimately die off, along with everything upon it. It is uncertain as to where these energies come from, as the location of the actual supplying sources has been long forgotten. Even the Emperor does not know of the whereabouts.

Warriors and Magica users draw upon these energy sources to execute mysterious techniques and abilities. Though a great deal of Keimusho's population does not have the potential to use them for their own purposes, there are some who have discovered, whether intentionally or not, to use these powers. Though generally Magica has much greater power than Magnus energy, Magnus Power abilities are often much quicker to use (though sometimes, this is not the case for both). In most cases, those who can draw upon these energies are usually more skilled with one, however there are few who can use both efficiently, however in those circumstances, they usually won't have as much expertise as those who are skilled with but one of them.

(These Energies are tied to your Abilities attributes, so keep this in mind)

MAGNUS POWER: This usually relies on the strength and ability of a person, more so than their knowledge of how to use the techniques. Unlike Magica, which uses just Energy, Magnus Power usually requires the user to follow through with a Physical Attack/Manouver. Think of it this way: the Magnus Power fuels the fire, however the fire can't do anything if there is nothing to burn. Using such abilities usually leads to using a weapon, or your own person to execute.

Magnus Power is usually drawn from within one's own personal supply in their body, and will begin to tire if used constantly. However, there is no need to worry, because after a certain amount of time the planet's natural source of Magnus Power will regenerate your body after a certain period of time, and each and every person has a different level of regeneration speed. It is much easier and faster to use the abilities, and don't take as much energy out of a person like Magica does.

MAGICA: In contrast with Magnus Power, these abilities will rely on the users knowledge of how to cast the spells and techniques, as well as their own personal expertise of controlling Magica. To utilize such abilities, one must gather the Magica energy from within the environment, and mold it into whatever form they wish to use it.

Magica users are born with the ability to naturally create certain elements from the Magica energy. Consequently they cannot use all elements either. However, one thing they do all share in common is the ability to enhance themselves or comrades, such as defense, offense, speed, etc. These spells, however, take some time to conjure, which makes it quite frustrating during battles at times (more powerful spells will take longer than weaker ones) Though they may not have quite the brute strength that Magnus Power users have, or the speed for that matter, however they can be even deadlier if trained properly.


The Class System

The world of Keimusho is run by a hierarchical system, which is deeply rooted within the society. Divinity rests at the top of this class system, with three other lower levels of people. The rank/order of the classes is as follows (imagine this in somewhat of a triangle diagram):

Divinity: They possess immense power and rule everything within Keimusho. They oppress those who are disobedient and resilient to their law. Often, they will have wings upon their backs, and usually those with the greater number of them, the more power they possess (the Emperor having the most, ten in total). However, they have the ability to cause them to disappear, and reappear whenever they wish. By no means are they angels, however they have been blessed with quite the destructive power, and it seems that there is no one within the lower classes can defeat them. It is somewhat uncertain as to what their true powers and capabilities are, however, what has been shown to the people below themselves is more than enough to keep the society in their place.

(These positions are open to no one. This is basically the enemy of the Role-Play, with the exception of one character that will be a big part to the RP)

--The Angelus: These Divine are the second most powerful race within Keimusho, their power riding below the Emperor’s and anyone within his lineage/bloodline. However, though they are more than just formidable warriors, there is a fairly large gap of power between the Emperor and his bloodline, and theirs. There are five of them, each with their own original personality, appearance, and abilities, though some skills they do share. They bare eight wings.

--Seraphim: These Divine Warriors have a bit more individuality within their ranks, all of them appearing to the similar, though they are allowed to express themselves a bit more. They are the third most powerful race within Keimusho and have six wings.

--Cherubim: The lowest class of Divine Warriors. They generally all look the same, as like soldiers within an army, all wearing the same uniform and baring the same demeanor. They carry four wings.

Noble Class: Basically, these are the aristocrats of Keimusho. They have great wealth, connections, and overall have a far easier life than all those below them. They will often treat the Common Folk like dirt, however there are few who may show sympathy towards them. They too, have rule over the masses, however not quite as great as the Divine have.

--Police/Guard: Those tasked with this duty are the enforcers of the major towns and cities, and can be spotted abundantly within the capital, Eutoria. They make sure to keep the law made by the Divine, and are not tolerant towards those who would chance to break those rules. Though some are a bit more lenient than others, you can expect them to all be as loyal to the Divine as the next.

--Warriors of Divinity: These are a special form of guard placed outside the Castle of Eutoria, though within the Castle grounds. They are specially hand picked by the Cherubim, those within the Noble Class that are fine warriors and have a great skill and aura about them. Though seldom do they leave the grounds of the Castle, when they do see action, they don’t hold back. Anyone who is not at least a refined warrior will not survive an encounter with these people.

Mass/Common Folk: This should be self explanatory. They are the normal, average, every-day people of Keimusho. They are not entirely ‘special’ in terms of society, however they keep the world turning, as they are the backbone of the economics, the reason why the politics are in place, and without these people, there is no one for the Divinity to rule. So, actually, they could be called the ‘actual’ backbone of society. Here are, however, various sub-classes.

--Hunters: These are Common Folk who are hired by the Noble Class, and in some cases, the Divine, to hunt down the Stateless People, and kill them, however all of the ‘jobs’ are found and taken within the Hunter’s Guild. The amount of pay is determined by the Tribe that the Stateless People belonged to (those belonging to YOU will often hold the most reward for the Hunter).

--Shop Owner: Self-explanatory. These people keep the economic, and at times social way of life moving in the world. The Divine receive a fair amount of money from these people, with taxes and payments and such.

Stateless People: These are those who are oppressed by the Divine, because of their disobedient and rebellious nature towards their rulers. They will often dwell within the slums of cities or towns. Some will create their own village/town underground, while others will make communities in hard to reach places, or at least far away from the places under the watchful eye of the Divine. There are a number of Tribes within the Stateless people, all with different characteristics. They hate the Divine for oppressing them, and have a loathing hatred for the Emporer. Here are the most wide spread, and well known Tribes.

--Wanderers: They are the least violent Tribe within the Stateless people, and will often flee should they be hunted or pursued.

--The Cursed: Though it is merely rumor, this clan is said to have made a pact with a dark beast in exchange for immense, horrifying power. However, this is merely gossip, and should not be taken wholeheartedly.

--Abbysus: This is where the rebels who are willing to fight will align with, those who really wish to make a change, though not to such an extent as the YOU. They do their best to sort things out with the Divine respectfully, but will resort to violence if necessary.

--Cruor: This tribe does not care for the Masses, Noble, or Divine, and do not generally complain about their current lifestyle. They are fairly content with how things are, however will defend themselves if are drawn into a battle. They tend to live within the Underground Catacombs that are spread and connected throughout the entire continent of Arrano.

--YOU: This is by far the most violent clan within the Stateless People, and enjoys causing disruption and pain to the Divine in any way they can, as well as those who agree with their ideals. They are basically the extremists of the Stateless People.



The Emperor, Shest Hulsfeel: (Look, but no touch) He was a good king until the Empress died during Ishka’s birth for which he blamed himself. Since then, he could not love Ishka and expresses his hatred for him through emotional and physical abuse. Since then, he turned his peaceful world into one of agony, hardship, and pain. He has also been sick for many years, and no one can understand why his health has been so poor.

The Emperor’s Son, Ishka Hulsfeel (Age 12): (Look, but no touch) He is the child of the deceased Empress and the Emperor who abuses him greatly, yet he does not hate him. Because the Divine grow their wings as they age, and Ishka only being twelve, has only grown two, and will remain at two as long as the Emperor continues to seal his powers away. With his powers locked down, he is no stronger than the cherubim, however, were they to be released, his strength would rival that of the Emperor’s.

Ira Falk (age 18), Owner of the Hunter’s Guild: (May be used) His parents were once of the Noble Class, however they, along with himself, did not agree with the Emperor’s harsh treatment at all, and because of this, were stripped of their Noble rights and demoted to the Common Folk. They would have been classed as Stateless, however they had done a fair bit to help the Emperor, and with this in mind, the Emperor made a deal with the parents that if their son would run the Hunter’s Guild within Eutoria, then all would be fine, however they would still be brought down to live with the Masses.

Enji Seki, Exiled Divine: (Look, but no touch) He was once of the divine and worked with Crome (one of my characters), but once the Empress died and the Emperor turned bitter, he left, but not before his Divine powers could be extracted from him. He was caught before he could escape, and made a deal with the Emperor to hunt down those that defiled his new laws, and kill them for the disobedience. He now does just that, and has been doing so for quite some time. Even with his Divine powers ripped from him, he is still quite the intimidating warrior, and can easily kill anyone who does not keep their guard up at all times. Anyone who faces him, beware.



[Place the Class of your Characters in Bolded or Underlined Text at the top of your Template, as well as the Sub-Class (if you have one). If you have ideas for a Sub-Class I did not mention, PM me about it and I’ll think it over]




Personality: (I hope to see many unique and original characters, and this is the place where you can describe exactly how they are)

Occupation: (In some cases, your Sub-Class is your occupation.)

Race: (Be creative here. This is a world where human beings, half-human characters, and multi-formed beasts live together, so there is quite an array of options here. Along with your race, state whether it is a human, half-human, or multi-formed beast)


Weapon: (if any)

Specialty: (if any) (You can have a maximum of two Specialties)
-Well Rounded: You’re not exactly an expert at anything, but you have a good knowledge of everything from hand-to-hand combat, to magic, etc.

-Combat Specialist: The Character is quite skilled with things such as weaponry of any kind, even bare handed! Watch out for these people in close brawls. They will usually not know of even the simplest Magica. (Magnus)

-Magica User: These people are highly talented in the field of Magica, able to cast spells and such things. Their power in this area can be quite immense, depending on the skill, knowledge, and experience of the person. Though some may be able to defend themselves in a duke-it-out fight, their physical and offensive weaponry abilities are rather lacking. (Magica)

-Healer: All who are trained within the medical field are very smart when it comes to the health of others, and how to figure out exactly what makes a person's mind and body work. They are very resourceful people, and can merely take things from their surroundings to make medicines to cure their comrades. There are few who know healing magica, however this is a skill that is known to very few. Most are merely medicinal/surgical/psychological doctors who do not know such advanced techniques. They have a great knowledge of the world and it's quirks, usually more so than most would know. (Magica)

-Mechanica: People with this talent work quite well with their hands. They know the workings of Keimusho technology and architecture, from wooden caravans, to buildings, and for the masters, even something as sophisticated as the Noble Classes Airships. They often use mechanical weapons, or even tools to fight. They are not the most valiant of fighters, but they can defend themselves fairly well. (Magnus)

**NOTE** If there are any Specialties that you would like that I have not mentioned, PM me about it, and I’ll think it over

Energy: (Magnus Power, Magica, or Balanced. Keep in mind, Balanced is quite useful, however will not be as powerful as one who is adapt to just one) (This will probably be linked to your Specialty, in terms of Magnus or Magica)

Abilities: (Be creative. They can be either Magica, Magnus Power, or a mix of both (but only if you have the option to do so)

Tribe: (For the Stateless People only)

Family Lineage/Bloodline: (For Noble Class only. If there is anything special about your family, please state it here.)

Element: (For those who have the ability to use Magica) (The options you have are Light, Dark, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Earth, and Wind. If you have a suggestion for any other element, please let me know) (Element limit is 3)


Extra: (Anything else that you would like to add?)


I'd just like to point out this is something I made nearly a year ago when I was really into this (haven't really written stories or RP's in quite some time, to be honest...). I just thought I'd stick it up here for old time's sake, and if anyone's interested, they can jump in. If not, that's fine too.

Name:Crome Shester

Age: 86

Gender: Male

Personality:Crome has a rather calm state of mind, and rarely does he ever speak out of his character. This in itself is quite rare in terms of the Wolfen race. He is rather mature for his age (in his race), and is a lot more knowledgeable than most people of his kind would be. A great deal of the time, Crome is rather humble, and doesn't boast about his success, nor does he gloat about others' failures.

In that intellectual mind of his, Crome carries wisdom far beyond his years, and often at times even the Emperor will come to him for advice on certain matters. In his rather peaceful state, he does his best not to get emotionally attached to an idea, dream, or person, so as not to act out in any depressing, harsh, or sinful ways. However, on rare occasions, he will act out quite violently due to his natural animal instincts. Should this ever happen, be prepared for the bloody massacre that is to follow. Even in most fights, he does not react like this, so one would have to really tear and rip at his heart to bring him to this over-emotional state.

Occupation: Imperial Doctor

Race: Wolfen (Multi-Formed Beast)

Wolfen are a very intellectual group, full of knowledge and wisdom that most other races could only dream of having. Their appearance may be a bit surprising for some, however it really isn't all that frightening. Basically, they are wolves that live, interact, walk (on two legs, and also have two arms with hands. Yes, five-fingered hands), talk, anything that any normal human could accomplish, and more.

They often live for several centuries, which means that Crome is actually quite young in his race, yet is far beyond his years in knowledge and experience (compared to most humanoid beings). Their builds are often bigger than average as well, which also means their brute strength will be greater than the average humanoid.

They are born with the amazing ability to manipulate Magnus Power and Magica at a far higher level than most humanoids/creatures are able to. They are also very in tune with the spiritual realm, and can more than often see many things that can not be viewed with the naked (or basically, any other) eye. Their senses are greatly developed far above that of other races (hearing, taste, smell, touch, sight).

Appearance: Being a Wolfen, he is a humanoid being with the appearance of a wolf. His head, making the race he hails from undeniable, has most of his beast-like complexion.

His face is constructed like that of a wolf, though it has somewhat of a human nature about it. He has fur growing from below his chin, making it seem as though he bore a beard of sorts. His ears are pointed a bit more than most of his race. The fur around the back of his head, as well as the side (including his neck) is quite big and spiky to a certain extent. Covering his entire cheek (on both sides) are two red markings which travel from about where his ears start to just below his eye (which are blue, by the way, and his coat is a silver/gray color). He stands at an astonishing height of 6'6".

Crome wears a faded blue jacket which flows down to his ankles (give or take). He leaves it open most of the time, showing off his bare stomach and chest (which are both built very well, by the way. He has a six-pack).There is a medium sized trimming which can be found all around the jacket (it's white). The shoulder of the jacket on the left side bares a blood red patch, with a faded yellow border. There is also thick yellow line above it, as well as a small line about a third of the size, signifying his position as 'Imperial Doctor'.

Around his neck (which is pretty thick compared to a normal humans neck) is a black necklace of sorts, and around his waist he adorns a black leather belt, which carries no real pattern. He wears simple white pants that end just below the middle of his calf, as well as a white robe over it that covers half of his left lower body. Upon his feet are brown leather sandals which are tied around the middle of his foot (which has three toes), and hooked to his ankle (he also has arms and five fingers, in case you were wondering).

Weapon: Lupus Gladius: After the 'Silent Wolfen Genocide, Crome travelled far and wide to gather the dead bodies of his fellow kin, giving them all a proper burial so as not to rot on the surface of Keimusho where the scavengers could slowly eat at their bodies. However, before burying them, he would take their four front fangs, which are the biggest and sharpest of a Wolfen's teeth. After several months of doing this, he finally returned to the Capital City, and through ancient forging techniques of his people, and many weeks of work, he was able to craft a magnificent weapon: the Lupus Gladius.

Crome was able to craft all of the teeth together, bending, compressing, shaping all of them together into a four and a half foot sword (just the blade alone). The fangs by themselves are quite sturdy and tough, however, to harden the weapon even more, he placed a thin layer of black steel over the cutting edge of the sword, while covering the back in a transparent liquid that hardens into a substance harder, and tougher than iron.

It's actual shape is rather curved, with the somewhat large curvy tip making this apparent. The actual color of the blade is a creamy white-tan color, with the the blackened steel covering the sharp end of the weapon. He artistically placed a carving of a wolf head on either side of the blade, giving it more of a sense of identity, instead of just seeming to be a normal sword. The hand guard is about the same color as the creamy-tan color of the sword, while the handle is made of black leather, however there is a red piece of cloth tied around the end of it, stretching out to about a foot and three-quarters of an inch.

The blade itself is actually about five to ten times sturdier than a normal weapon, giving it the advantage over many others. The Wolfen fangs also allow for the easy attraction of Magnus Power and Magica energy into the blade itself, which makes any abilities requiring the blade quite simple. Truly, this is a wondrous weapon, both in appearance, and stature.

Specialty: Healer & Combat Specialist

Family Lineage/Bloodline: The Shester Clan is one of the last known group of Wolfen to walk on Keimusho's surface. Most of the Wolfen race died out centuries ago due to a plague that seemed to only target those within the race of amazing creatures. Because of the Shester Clan's natural ability with medicines and healing arts, they were at least able to save themselves, but unfortunately no one else.

Energy: Balanced, but at a higher level than most (in terms of Healing Magica and Magnus Power Abilities, anyways)


Magnus Negation: Crome sends an output of Magnus Power through whatever part of his body, making the power levels equal to that of the attack he is attempting to negate. He can do this because of the Wolfen's natural senses to Magnus energies (as well as Magica), and as long as the attack is within his limit (and if he hasn't drained the ability, as it can only be used several times during a day) he can cancel the technique, making it seem as though it never occurred.

Wolf Fang:








Mark of the Beast:


Thief of Sound:

Energy Drain:

Wolfen Fist: This is a form of Martial Arts that was developed by the Wolfen, and is quite effective in any battle situation (it is basically a combination of Drunken Fist and Wing Chun, which means this style is mostly about powerful, random movements that cannot be easily traced, as well as the nullification and countering of any enemy).

Elements: Light, Dark, and Earth



Father & Mother = Mondo & Miri Shester
Blood Type= W (restricted to Wolfen race only)
Weight= 208 lbs.
Holy shite! that is detailed! imma gonna require a while to digest this sort of detail, so ill get back to you later, but can you describe the wholle basis of the rp in a smaller nutshell?
In a nutshell: It's a hierarchy placed in a somewhat steam-punk world. It's about survival of the lesser classes, and for now, the oppression and domination of the Divine (which is the top part of the hierarchy chain). Their is a lot of freedom in what you are able to do, however, like all stories, is going to follow a plot eventually. There is also things like magic and other related things, which you'll have to read up there for more detailed information. Ha hah, I'm horrible at summarizing things, so if there's anything specific you'd like to know, please ask.
Finally one good RP.:)

Name:Zitanier Epsilon Zoltan

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Personality: He doesn't speak too much.He usually says wise things.He doesn't fear anything even and his death.He has a great sense of humour and laughs with the fear of the others.


Appearance:He has a pale white skin,black hair and shiny crimson eyes.He is wearing black trousers,a grey shirt and a black jacket when he isn't in combat.When he is in combat he wears a black armor with a red cape.His appearance is quite scary.

Weapon:Two Fireblades.Fireblades are swords that have flames in their blades.

-Combat Specialist
-Magica User

Energy: Balanced

Abilities: He can use fire spells and he can use fireblades.

Tribe: Cursed

Family Lineage/Bloodline:He is a member of the Zoltan family.His family isn't noble but it is related with an extinct noble family.
Father:Zoel Beta Zoltan
Mother:Zeria Alpha Zoltan
Brother:Zeus Delta Zoltan

Element: Fire

Bio:His family was fighting to keep the divines and nobles out of Laars
and because of this they were killed.He lost his mother when he was 3 years old.He lost his father when he was 12 years old and his brother when he was 15 years old.Because he was left alone he became a member of the Cursed Clan.However most of his cursed friends are dead or became mad becuse of their curses.Now he is fighting for survival and for Laars protection.

He lives in a town outside of the Capital named Laars.
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Im SO in this RP.
Imma gonna make my own race, he will not be as strong as your Mr. Wolfie there, but he will specialize in speed. He will be of the Engineer class, AKA your Mechanica.

As my Username might suggest, I will make him a Foxen race.
If it is ok, he will know how to make explosives, of the Black powder sort. It makes sense as htat was made well before the steam powered things were.
If this is a no no, tell me and Ill edit it out.

Expect my char up in a few hours to a few days ^^

Bah, I made him already ^^
Nag on me of something needs to be changed.

Class: Common folk

Name: His real name few have the ability to even pronounce. Due to their vocal cords and facial features don’t support it. Most of the canine species, or those with some of it in, are able.
Humans and the lot have therefore named him: Mac.
((For species with canine in them (dogs, wolves.. etc) just write “Mac” and color it differently if they know his canine name))

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Mac is what one would expect of his race. They are sly as their racial trait, but most manage to suppress it now and then with their human side logic. They are well smarter then they look like, as a fox/human half-breed he has the intelligence of both. Though rarely shows it.
He loves to know how things work, and loves to build things. His mentality about constructions is simple. He makes them neither for good nor for evil, objects does not choose sides they simply are, it is the users that are either good or evil.
Curiosity is a thing that accompanies his race, along an almost hyperactive energy reserve. Though he manages to keep this under check, it has the chance to get out of hand when he starts to fix or build something.
To sum his personality up in a few words: intelligent, energetic, curious.

Occupation: See Speciality

Race: Foxen.

His race has 2 sides to it. Both are a half-breed of a red fox, and a human.
Though the 2 different appearances are large.
You have the humans with fox-like effects. As they are complete human looking, but have the ears, shout and tail. No fur and in all other aspects are human.
Then you have Mac’s case, they are much shorter, but have a higher degree of the fox side. They have the full rusty red and white fur, they can best be described as: A large fox walking on its hind legs, paws slightly changed to give something alike opposable thumbs and the ability to speak common.

They are both rather intelligent, but the latter race is the least common one and is often used as pets or slaves.
Though some manage to get higher statuses, the Foxen race is looked upon individually. Some might have no class, as in they are pets or slaves, or even being chased out as vermin.
Where as some have a common class, some even have jobs depending on their skills.

Living to an estimate of 30 human years, he is nearing his “half point”, and is considered the same as a 30 year old in human societies.

Mac walks on his hind legs most of the time, and at such a time he stands 120cm tall (4ft), and weighs around 30 kilos.
Though, as he is part of the fox heavy race, he tends to run on all 4 as a common red fox does.
He doesn’t wear any clothes, as his fur is enough, though he has a ragged leather cape around his neck. It is hooded and most often used during rain or to wipe dirt on.
His fur is mostly rusty red but he has white fur from the lower jaw all the way down his throat, stomach and between his legs. His feet have the same red color, but the paws are white. His tail stretches a rough 60cm (2 feet) and has the common bushy look, with a white tip.
His eyes are of a canine look, with a golden brown color.
All other aspects is best described as a “common red fox”

He carries a leather pouch; it is fastened with a strap over his shoulder, and another one around his waist. Due to his physical appearance that is the only way he can get it to hang there.
In said pouch, he keeps his tools of the trade no hammers of the like, but tinkering tools. Like small screw drivers and pliers, along some other tools that non engineers might look weirdly at.
He also carries a few of his black powder bombs and a lightning tool to use them if needed.

Weapon: Claws, teeth, tools and created items.
He carries a small bag with his tools of the trade, but he also carries a few explosives, Also known as bombs of the black powder type. As he is a skilled engineer, making black powder is no problem for him. (more in abilities)

-Mechanica: People with this talent work quite well with their hands. They know the workings of Keimusho technology and architecture, from wooden caravans, to buildings, and for the masters, even something as sophisticated as the Noble Classes Airships. They often use mechanical weapons, or even tools to fight. They are not the most valiant of fighters, but they can defend themselves fairly well. (Magnus)
In Mac’s case, he is a high skilled engineer, even though his skills aren’t being put to use. The other engineers look down on him, but he is useful enough that he has been granted the status of a commoner. He has a basic living area, though it is not much to brag about.

-Black powder: He has learned the art of creating black powder, how hard is this as it only requires 3 components. With this he has learned to harness the rapid expansive effect of the black powder, and managed to invent bombs and even cannons.
-Extreme speed: Though small, he is one tough bugger to hit. As a racial trait of the physical type, Mac is very fast both in reaction time and speed.
-Higher senses: As he is of the canine relative tree, he has the senses that accompany it. Though he is by long used to the smell of oil and coal, he have a higher sense of hearing, smell and vision then most races. At least better then the humans.
-Cooking: He cannot cook for shit, being of the canine species he have no problems eating raw meat. So this never came as a problem to him.
-Espionage: While this is not something he uses that often, being of his small statue, and being a natural hunter. He has great abilities with sneaking and such.
-Lockpicking: this is of little problem for him. Being a highly skilled engineer he have created his share of locks now and then, so picking one is not something he has problems with and the necessary tools are in his bag.

Tribe: (For the Stateless People only)

Family Lineage/Bloodline: (For Noble Class only. If there is anything special about your family, please state it here.)

Element: (For those who have the ability to use Magica) (The options you have are Light, Dark, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Earth, and Wind. If you have a suggestion for any other element, please let me know) (Element limit is 3)

Extra: Though he is looked upon as a commoner, he is still looked down upon due to his race. Almost everyone calls him names and would prefer to throw him out of the city along the other vermin.
Mac does his best to ignore these, but sometimes he is caught off card, and he is far from the strongest creature around. So physical beatings do occur, although they are often stopped by guards or the like if they are around.
So if Mac were caught in town without his official papers of him being an engineer for the nobles, he would prefer not to think of what would happen then.

Bio: As a pup, or young lad in human terms. He was poorly taken care of by his parents; this was due to him being of the few of his race that looked more like a fox then a human. Though this was the truth for most of his kind, he could not care less as he was more occupied in taking things apart learning how they worked.
As years went on, his parents eventually died, though not a natural death. As they were of no use to the nobles, they had his parents thrown out, but they were killed instead to make sure they never returned. As they breached in the small hut they lived in, a guard stopped his fellow mate from delivering the killing blow to the young pup as he noted the room they were in.
Being amazed of the drawings and contraptions the young creature had invented on paper, instead of killing him they took him to their superior.
As time went on, he became a part of the engineering teams, fixing all from broken doors to the airships. Every major thing he created or fixed, the humans threw him away to take the honor. But he could not care less.
Host of his inventions were used on several areas, such as cannons and the like, but not with his name on them.
He never revealed how to create the black powder to his fellow men; he went directly to the higher ups with it. Though they were the same, and brushed him to the side taking the glory.
Though he had several contraptions left, he never told anyone about them, such as the bombs he carried around.
The few that treat him as an equal are the ones of his social class, namely the commoners. The above normally treat him as a friend when they need help, but as soon as that is done he is nothing mode then dirt.
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Class: Common Folk

Name: Felius (a.k.a. Peacemaker)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Felius is kind hearted yet, loner type of guy. He is always calm and collected but, when he needs he can be hot-headed and vicious. Apart from speaking towards others, or wander alone, Felius wishes nothing more than prosperity, peace and wealth within his own people and his friends.

Occupation: Thief

Reptilius (Human with a characteristics of reptile. Mostly within the legs, arms and torso.)


Weapon: Two twin daggers. Both have a black hilt, one red strip in both of them and the blades itselves are pure white.


-Combat Specialist: Felius is quite skilled with things such as weaponry of any kind, even bare handed! He uses Magica Power (Electric attacks) in the daggers, to create a stun object.

-Magica User: Felius is highly talented in the field of Magica, able to cast spells and such things. his power in this area is quite adavanced. He is one of the few who can use weapons within fights and yet, use magica power. (Magica)

Energy: Magica


Stun Dagger: Uses the power of his enviroment and molds it, to add an electric current in his daggers being able to create a stun dagger. When striked, the opponent can not move for a few minutes, depending on the place he was striked upon.

Thievery: He is one of the most infamous thieves ever existed. Not being able to fight with swords or alike, he is quite skilled with daggers and thievery. He doesn't harm his objectives, only steals from them.

Elements Body: He is very keen when using his own elemnts. He is able to create paricles of each element he posses and by doing so, those elements protect him from harm. They create field shells around Felius or around whoever he wants.

Cooking: Felius is a marvelous cooker. He is quite skilled within his own and tries to please them as he can.

Natural Enchanced: Being born with reptiles characteristics, makes him able to make jumps, twirls and dodge actions that normal people are not able to produce. His legs add him extra speed and jumping power; his arms add him extra attack speed and strength; his torso add him extra stamina and hardened body.

Tribe: None

Family Lineage/Bloodline: Felius was not born within Arrano. His characteristics speak for itselves. Though his own familly perished long ago, he still have their genetics.

Element: Lightning, wind and ice.

Bio: Felius was born and brought to Arrano. He then, was put into care of an old lady. Withou knowing anything of his familly and ancients, he began growing and learning pieces of his familly.

At the age 10 he was caught stealing an apple from a merchant. Though he got himself out of the merchants hands with a couple of apples, the lady wasn't very happy about it. So Felius decided not to steal ever again, which means he could only steal if he wasn't caught.

Ten more years passed and his name became a living legend within the city. Both Divine and Stateless People knew about him. Within those years, the lady died. Felius had cried that day and night and became somewhat cold in the pass three days. But, since she died of age and not because of anyone, Felius became alright and began visiting her grave ever since.

His house his protected by the particles also.
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Class: Noble

Name: Ryoko Kuroshiro

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Personality: With one word - knight. The foremost thing for his is his own and his families honor. A true warrior and a gentlemen. He appears as a cold and calm man for most of the time but overall is quite good-hearted. Never letting anyone to be hurt or anyone to be killed without a solid reason. Richard tends to follow the rules of knights and his own morals more than his followers, never letting anything to affect his good name. Tho in time he has become more arrogant, maybe even selfish. Also he has started using tricks to save his life. He has only one objective and that is to follow his family leader.

Occupation: Knight/ Mercenary - as he no longer serves king directly, he is told to work as mercenary.

Race: Human with a mixed elven blood. His father's family line has always been pure human but his mother was a mixture of Elf and a Human, so thanks to it he possesses more magical abilities than humans tend to have.

Appearance: He is a quite long man around 1.92 meters. He has a rather slim body build even when he is very muscular and has well-built body. His hair is dark brown and is a little above average. His hairstyle is always messy and the top of his hair sometimes may cover his eyes, but partly. His skin is very white, probably because of his elven blood. His ears are pointed as well, but are very short when compared to other elves. He has a huge scar going over his cheek and his eyes are blue. He has many scars and battle marks on his body and that reminds his battle experience.

Weapon: He has always a white double edged sword with him. It is a rare and old weapon, known to be forged many centuries ago. The sword has magical capabilities and helps him to absorb energy. The sword itself is quite long and huge, but somehow is as light as swords twice smaller.

-Well Rounded: He can be called as a well rounded because of his experience and knowledge in terms of everything. He knows how to use simplest Magica, probably because of his elven blood.

-Combat Specialist: He has learned sword arts since he was 6. Adding to it dozens of years as a warrior, bodyguard and as a mercenary his sword capabilities reach the top of his rank. His strength is also quite noticeable and his endurance is over the average. He can hold on for longer than many other.

Energy: Magnus Power - As being a swordman he has learned many secrets of magnus power. And thanks to the little experience with Magica and his blood, he has learned a way to combine Magnus attacks with something similar to Magica. But overall his magnus attacks are very variable, strong and with high accuracy. Also it is nice to mention that he never runs out of tricks to do.

White blood - thanks to his elven blood he is able to sense the blood of other humans and beasts in an area of 0.5 mile, but his own will be hidden well from beasts.
Aqua slash - The first magica and mangus mixture he learned. If there is any water near, he can simple deal a powerful hit which will send out the water and most likely punch the enemy down even when he isn't in melee range.
Impotent cut - He knows were all the main nerves and senses locate so he is able to cut out others abilities to move their legs or hands with a bare cut of surface.
Flash-step - Only move that relies heavily on his ability to use magica. Tho, without magnus he couldn't use it. He starts dashing at very high speed and when combines it with magica energy, he is able to move from one spot to other so that humans are unable to spot his road to there. There is a few second delay between every flash and unfortunately it drains a lot of both energies.
Elven senses - This is nowhere near a true elf power but is greater than normal humans. He is able to see better in dark, longer in day. He hears better and is also able to shout louder. He also has a mystical sixth sense so he has feeligns about occuring events.
Sword combos - there are dozens of useful combos he is able to do.

Family Lineage/Bloodline: The Kuroshiro family - Kuroshiro is a family name that one bears with honor and glory. It's history leads back to thousands of years prior to nowadays. The family has always been a family of nobles while being a family of warriors and legends. It has possessed many legends and Divines and three known members have been Seraphims. One even at the highest rank of Angelus. His great grandfather's brother. But unfortunately his great grandfather's brother, called Dominus Kuroshiro, left for a mission and never returned to the capital. He joined his brother and forged an army as big and powerful that no-onne other than emperor had controlled before. A war broke out which lasted for more than twenty years. In the final battle where the fate of both was being made, Kuroshiro's lost. Dominus was killed and the family was kicked out from the social layers. To the stateless people. Fortunately Ryoko's grandfather was able to get his family name glorious once again by being one of the greatest hunters ever. Eventually he made his way to the noble class but was told by former Emperor that from now on, in 200 years none of your family will ever join the Divinity. And so it has been. They have been noble's since than and are well known as the warriors outside the capital. The family lives now in a huge fortress of Dead Bog, called Gazad Dum. It's one of the few settlements there.

Element: Mixture of water and ice. He is able to control water participles with the help of his sword. Also he is able to freeze the wounds and water.

Bio: He was born to the well known but quite infamous family. At least at that time. His father started training him at early age of 7 and told him everything he knew. Her mother, who was a mixture of elf and human, told him about the basics of nature and world. He learned great amount of knowledge by that time and soon joined the warriors of divinity. His name got famous almost instantly and soon he had a change to meet the emperor. Emperor liked his loyalty and told to him that he may start working as a knight of his in the Dead Bog. So he did. For 10 years he was a loyal knight that served Emperor. But then his grandfather was assassinated by the Emperor's army, a year after the death of precious Empress. He didn't quit the order he had joined but he started following his father's orders. From there on he has been working as a mercenary or bodyguard, depending on the situation. But overall, he is doing what his father wishes.

Extra: Will see if I add anything :)

BTW! I am going to make one weird character as well. For some fun. But will do it later.