Break HP

Grimoire Valentine

Red Mage
Feb 11, 2007
England but now in Canada
I've been trying desperately to find armour with the Break HP abilty but havn't found any, I know you can get 30 components to make it if you open three chests in that Cocobo race at requiem temple, but I can't do that, too hard. Any other way to get the components. Or anyone know where I can get the armour?

P.S. Sorry if this isn't the right room to post this.
I think you can get it from collecting monsters for the monster arena (can't remember where soz)
Dark Aeons and Omega Weapon normally drop Break HP Limit Armours. But I would go for the latter first since the former are likely to be way out of your league.

How to get 30 Wings to Discovery from Remeim Temple Chocobo Race:
Keep yourself on the right track whilst opening the 3 chests along the way and remember DO NOT TOUCH ANY POLES. Once you've opened the 3rd chest, you'll automatically leap to the next track on the opposite side (instead of jumping downwards like when you opened the previous 2 chests). Keep going until you reach the second junction where it descends to a lower level as you ignore the first junction. Go down it and instead of running towards the screen, keep going forward and remain on the left track this time until you reach the bottom. This strategy works all the time.

The Original Creation Shinryuu drops 1 (2 for an overkill) WtD if you beat him. However, he's a very tough nut to crack with low stats.

Marlboro drops 1-5 WtD if you bribe him with 540,000 gil. I normally fought him in the Monster Arena with the save sphere nearby, making sure I can get at least 4 (5 if I'm lucky) off him. That way, it becomes worth it after shelling out that amount of fortune.

If you're short on cash, kill those mimics that lie in the Omega Ruins with someone equipped with the Gillionaire ability. You'll get 100,000 gil per kill.
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Depending how strong and fast your Yuna is try using Yojimbo's Zanmato and on Dark Yojimbo to get some break HP armour. Kill him 4 times if you can then save and reload the game and keep killing him until you get what you need. Or you could kill easy dark Valefor until she drop break Hp Armour.
I'm curious about this myself as I've never been able to aquire Break HP Limit apart from the armour dropped by Omega Weapon, can you Bribe Great Malboro for WtDs as well as the ordinary Malboro?
Anyone could do it.
I prefer the fighting shinryu technique to get ultimate armour ^_^
Gives you 2 per battle so you dont waste alot of gil :monster:
CtP is right. Break HP Limit is good, but it's not god. There are still attacks that can cream you even if you have 99,999 HP. It's all about how you play the battle.
excactly someone aggres with me the sphere griddosnt even need to be STARTED to beat nemesis idk about peneance of dark aeons cause i have never played that version
Well if you have 255 defence then break hp limit isn't really needed unless you fight dark aeons or penance.
It is possible to beat penance in a NSG game but it would be extremely hard, not to mention you will need alot of luck (not characters, you)
I always thought that Break HP Limit was crap for Penance, but after observing 1 guy wipe the floor with him in a little over 20 mins, I'm not so sure anymore.:unsure:
break hp limit is THE MORST OVERATED ABILYITY EVER in final fantasy 10 i dont have the peneance and dark aeons version but i have seen people beat him with that and i have beat nemesis with out having maxstats and not breaking hp limit and he was easy
Well obviously since he only does physical attacks. Auto-life, attack, auto-life, etc makes it boring after a while