

Jun 17, 2008
In a house XD
Hello all! Hideki Ryuga here. I am just wondering if anyone is as excited as I am for Brisingr!! the third book in the Inheritance Cycle! I will be being to walmart tonight around 11:50-12:00 to pick up my copy!.

anyone else excited?

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I am extremely excited that this book is finally out! I've been dying to know what happened after the end of Eldest, and three years is more than long enough to wait lol I'm going to try and get it at my local books a million today, but since I didn't pre-order it, I'm not so sure I'll be able to get my hands on a copy... If not, my birthday is next month, so maybe then!
Thank God I missed work yesturday as we opened up the store at 8am specially for the release! We had events going on and I personally wasnt in the mood for it. Plus Im still readinf Eragon and Eldest is sat next to it waiting impatiently lol.
Thank God I missed work yesturday as we opened up the store at 8am specially for the release! We had events going on and I personally wasnt in the mood for it. Plus Im still readinf Eragon and Eldest is sat next to it waiting impatiently lol.
Do you work at a book store? I work at Barnes & Noble, and we stayed open until midnight to sell it. :P It was such a waste of my life, there were about 8 people there, as opposed to Breaking Dawn (hurl :gasp:) where there were hundreds.

I still have to re-read Eragon (I read it years ago when it was first released) and then read Eldest before I can tackle this book, lol.
Do you work at a book store? I work at Barnes & Noble, and we stayed open until midnight to sell it. :P It was such a waste of my life, there were about 8 people there, as opposed to Breaking Dawn (hurl :gasp:) where there were hundreds.

Yeah, we opened at 8am, we opened at midnight for the Harry Potter books lol. Sadly we barely had people for Breaking Dawn, we had a quiz and prizes ready but sadly 3 people showed up!
Yeah, we opened at 8am, we opened at midnight for the Harry Potter books lol. Sadly we barely had people for Breaking Dawn, we had a quiz and prizes ready but sadly 3 people showed up!
Oh, I'm jealous... D: We had throngs of teenage girls. Pretty much my least favorite kind of human being in existence. They weren't too bad, though. There were some flipping their lid that they couldn't get a copy of the book if they hadn't reserved one, though... loonies.

Brisingr, on the other hand, lol... I was begging people to come to the release if they asked about the book.
After Eragon I couldn't wait to read the entire Trilogy. However, after slaving through Eldest I don't know if I want to read it. To be honest I didn't even finish Eldest, I was grinding my teeth through the absolute moronic dialogue of Eragon. That kid is an absolute tool and his damn crush on the elf was draining my energy.

I think the only reason I enjoyed Eragon so much was for the character of Murtagh, he was really awesome. I also liked reading about the were-cat (or whatever the hell it was) However, he just seemed to switch pace in the second book, instead of this epic mission and the difficulties he encountered it was more about whinging.
It's no longer a trilogy because the book that was suppose to be the third was too long. I read it and I loved it Murtagh Owns all and I like him a lot better than Eragon. Plus his Dragon is crimson can't get much better than that. All I hope is that the King is A huge powerful badass because all he has been doing is sitting in that damn castle not doing a thing. I want him to ride out on his dragon and reck havoc and everything! I wonder too who the last egg will hatch for. i pray its Roran because he became one hell of a badass killing like one hundered people all by himself and making a mound off bodies too!