Britain going back to the dark ages?

The Illusive Man

Controlling You because I can.
Oct 24, 2008
who knows
First and foremost, ill be honest this is a bit of a rant I made on my blog about the current state of the UK, but I believe its probably one of the more truer accounts of the state of the country and the economy. it pulls no punches and I will warn you, it may offend one or two people, so if you are Pro Europe and Pro Tory, I would urge not to bother reading it.

Blog on the UK's state

You may discuss any points in the blog here and your most welcome to let me know what you think.
i could rant about immigration for hours on end. Its just ridiculous how many people get into this country. Even people who are found to be here ilegally arent alwyas deported. This countries just a big rug that immigrants walk all over. Come over to the uk and wel give you a house, then, you can claim benefits and send them back to whatever country you came from. Wheras people born here, whov lived here for years are struggling or in many cases, cannot make enough money to cover theyre bills.
Unlimited immigration, its a fucking joke.
I have one question for Tory voters: did you really ever want this to happen?

I'm with you here. This country is a goddamn mess and I don't like David Cameron one bit, I've never liked the cunt. I definitely agree that the immigration is ridiculous. The foreigners get all the benefits and yet British people's money that goes into tax is getting paid DIRECTLY to them. If we wanted to go to another country and expected that, then we wouldn't.

Cutting the armed forces is ridiculous in itself, too. Just expect terrorists plotting against us now that a few thousand have gone.

Expect the ministers to get a big fat pay rise as well. There are more people working longer than they do and yet don't get bonuses. They struggle with their jobs. I just lose hope for this country the more I hear about the ridiculous politics.

This is going to be worse than what happened in the 80's. As if the economic crisis wasn't bad enough, it'll probably happen ten times over with this pathetic government. Just watch and see them get thrown out at the next election.
I'm no Brit, but I'd be one to say. Your current government sucks...I'm sorry, but I'm seeing a few steps back with the Cameron Government. But that's beside the point.

Immigration is a big issue in every country. The problem with it though is that because of the economy, it is being sent over to the back burner, not realizing that immigration and especially illegal immigration is a major reason why the unemployment levels are as high as they are now. That is unacceptable, in order to get the economy back on track, get rid of some of these temporary workers and put the Brits back to work. :mokken:

As for the cut in the military, that is utter BS in of itself. The Great British Military, the one whose navy once ruled the waves at one point is now a broken shell of it's former self. Now in my honest opinion, that is unacceptable. For the record, the Brit's situation is practically worse than it was in the 80's, and it's time for a change in government. Start making more ships, I mean France has it's own full length Aircraft Carrier, what kind of crap is this Queen Elizabeth-class boat you guys are...(cut to prevent monologuing)

I think the Brits needs a new government, none of this Cameron Crap. -__-

Thanks for the comments so far, its good to see that most people tend to agree with what I put, heres a 2nd blog/rant on the liberal media I just wrote up, again your comments and feedback are welcome, and once again be warned...I'm not pulling punches.

Liberal Media Rant
Cameron is a cunt. Honestly.

"We're on in this together"? Bullshit. The only people that appear to be together are Cameron, his posh new flatmate Clegg and their legions of wealthy, out-of-touch Tory ministers and non-doms that can safely lean back with their champagne while the rest of the country suffer in these cuts. Almost 500,000 jobs cut from the public sector, the fate of winter fuel payments for the elderly disputed, industry threatened and many schools deprived of the funding they so desperately need for Gove's untested academies plan. It's all a joke. The Tories know little of how the ordinary people will cope in these austerity measures.

We need to cut and save money. No one is disputing that. But it's the coalition government's way of doing it. Immediate cuts and all that while blowing all this money away to foreign aid in countries that don't even need it as much as others such as India. What about curbing back on some foreign spending? I don't agree that all foreign aid should go, but at least review it. Military cuts are a joke. The Conservatives already flamed Labour for leaving the frontline troops vulnerable. Cutting in the Ministry of Defence won't make it any better. But worse. As for immigration, well - I do not agree with anything the BNP says. Stopping all immigration is no more than a far-right wing's fairytale idea. Labour did little about it, yes, but the Tories' idea can't be any better if it allows in unskilled EU migrants from Eastern Europe and not the skilled people we need.
Never took it you were liberal, I tend to be Centre-left in my political thinking.

Anyway, far as I see it, Cameron is gonna make the problem worse than it already is, I swear...
Stop giving foriegn aid to Israel, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, India Kashmir and Jordan.

Stop having slush funds for un-needed projects - such as the weston beach pier which cost over £50M. How does a pier cost £50M?

Stop the £100 Billion renewed trident defence project. I'm all for security but really we are paying for cold war technology - we will never have an armed nuclear conflict with Russia, if it was going to happen it would have in 1964 Cuban missle crisis but it didnt, and 40 years later all that happens now is sabre rattling at the UN. Stop paying for this monstrousity, that we can do without.
I have one question for Tory voters: did you really ever want this to happen?

Im at least glad Cameron has done what needed to be done, and stopped this insane spending labour kept up for over 10 years. Keeping labour cronies in charge we would have been way worse in 2015 than we are now. No I didnt vote Tory or Labour, or even Lib Dem.

Start making more ships, I mean France has it's own full length Aircraft Carrier, what kind of crap is this Queen Elizabeth-class boat you guys are.
We are making them, the Queen Elizabeth is super-carrier size, so I dont know what you are talking about. It's on par with US super carriers like Nimitz class.

Cutting the armed forces is ridiculous in itself, too. Just expect terrorists plotting against us now that a few thousand have gone.

It is bad, but the UK has some of the greatest military technology in the world. Dont be too quick to think its a total disaster and terrorists will come knocking on our door. Still I dont like 8000+ soldiers out of a job.
What I especially dont like is RAF Kinloss being closed down, which is a target zone for intercepting Russian Bear bombers that coast along UK airspace in Scotland once a month. Lot of people out of work there now and RAF lossiemouth looks next for the axe, losing two bases in Scotland would be a greek tragedy. It wouldnt surpirse me though, Tory understanding and respect of Scotland has always been a joke...

The Great British Military, the one whose navy once ruled the waves at one point is now a broken shell of it's former self
I wouldn't go that far, the Royal navy is still one of the best in the world. It can go toe-to-toe with anyone, including the US.

Immigration needs to match Austrailia's model more faster. We introduced the points system 30 years to late but now in these times we need to be tougher on immigration and public money propping up foreign nationals who dont work and come here to exploit our benefits system.

We are making them, the Queen Elizabeth is super-carrier size, so I dont know what you are talking about. It's on par with US super carriers like Nimitz class.

I did not know that...

...I'm gonna kill my friend for making me look stupid like that.

Well at least it's a step in the right direction, but I mean, they could do better, no?

It is bad, but the UK has some of the greatest military technology in the world. Dont be too quick to think its a total disaster and terrorists will come knocking on our door. Still I dont like 8000+ soldiers out of a job.
What I especially dont like is RAF Kinloss being closed down, which is a target zone for intercepting Russian Bear bombers that coast along UK airspace in Scotland once a month. Lot of people out of work there now and RAF lossiemouth looks next for the axe, losing two bases in Scotland would be a greek tragedy. It wouldnt surpirse me though, Tory understanding and respect of Scotland has always been a joke...

Are you serious? :O

That's just dissapointing, think of how many jobs are cut doing that, not to mention the fact that in the event Russia goes back to Cold War mode (which although is a far off policy now, is still possible) then the British Isles just opened themselves up for a nuke in their backyard...

I tell ya, the British Military need not need the budget cuts, I agree, stop sending foriegn aid to nations that don't need it, Israel dosen't need it, Pakistan doesn't need it, Zimbabwe definitely doesn't need it (gunning for Civil War mode there to overthrow the current government) and India is supposed to be a potential superpower, that supposed to be the other way around...
It's true that with labour we would probably be in the same diabolical situation as labour were far too soft on immigration and are largely responsible for the overpopulation of the unskilled and sponging immigrants in the first place, but the tories are not doing a much better job either.

The problem with labour was its incompetent leadership, its been said time and time again, Mr Brown was a lumbering buffoon that couldn't even tie his own shoe laces, never mind be responsible for the day to day running of an entire country. That problem has been pretty much solved.

However I currently have utterly no faith in British politics at all, they all seem to be in it for what they can get, not a single one of them knows what its like to be on the breadline and are completely out of touch with society.

Personally I dont think it would be a bad thing for our style of Politics to be abolished and changed to a more Modern US style of presidency and senators, people from the people elected by the people and paying for there own campaign trail out of there pocket to show that they are doing it for the love of there country rather than from how much they can swindle it for.

Sure America has its list of problems, but nothing on the scale as the problem the UK is currently seeing, America for all its issues has self sufficency something the UK really needs to strive for, now more than ever!
Maybe so, but I don't think even then would it solve the problems in itself.

To be pretty frank, It would take a radical change in both our governments to actually expect to achieve something.
I agree that immigration has gotten completely out of hand. Our taxes are going to benefit those who come over here and abuse the benefits system.

And that's not even mentioning our culture: everything's becoming politically incorrect now. I even heard rumours of trying to make Christmas into the 'holiday season' over here too, as the fact the name of Christ is in the title offends some people of other religions. I don't think we should change a holiday's name that is one of our core traditions, especially being an (apparently) Christian country.

Imagine going over to another culture and forcing them to change the names of their religious holidays. You just wouldn't, as you'd know you'd get nowhere. But I reckon now we're all politically correct, some may see Britian as pushovers so they can take us to the cleaners.

Anyway, that's just my personal opinion! =)
i wont bother about immigration, i could rant about that til im blue in the face...might come off a bit racist though, but the truth hurts :dave:


over 900 billion national debt (and rising) + interest

the goverment are looking to cut 84(ish)million in 4 years? so they're saying in order to clear our national debt it would take our lifetime and then some of an even further crippled nhs and the rest of the "services" the government are supposed to provide. 900+ billion pounds of debt and they think anyone gives a shit about covering the interest? its utterly insane. there are hardly any jobs as it is and theyve just cut a heap of them, theyre also proposing that we get unemployed folk out looking for work, theyre cutting benefits, this that and the other. doesnt matter how hard you look for work, if there arent any jobs, there arent any fucking jobs. all while they have their pretty little sums of money stashed away in offshore accounts to avoid tax.

this is david cameron trying to finish off what thatcher started. nothing more, nothing less. cut everything so all our government provided services are so shit theyre almost pointless then everyone will be forced to pay for private treatment. tell you what davey, lets just privatise everything now and get rid of the nhs, police, schools. everything. itll save you a shitload of money and make you popular with the rich folk.

all theyre going to do is drive the country further into this economic shit tip we're in atm, him and his poofy pals including his bumchum clegg need to get a bloody grip. by the time theyre booted out this country wont be worth living in, not for fucking british folk anyway. for all your pakistanis and nigerians yeah, come here, have a job, have a house, oh youve got family in nigeria, here have some money for them.

its not racism or bigotry that drives folk to vote for parties like the bnp, its the fact that you and your people are so out of touch with 99% of the population and youre all poncey pricks. you've essentially done to this generation what your horse faced baroness did to the last. enjoy your funtime while it lasts you brown nosing thatcherite cunt.

Here a link to the Strategic Defense and security review and Spending review. Due to tl;dr issues here are some key points:

Spending Review:

-£81 billion cut in public spending for the remaining 4 years of the parliament, with avg. departmental cuts at 19%

-£7 billion of extra welfare cuts

-Changes to incapacity benefit, housing credit and tax credits

-Rise in the state pension age to 66 by 2020.

-£3.5 billion increase in public pension contributions for Public sector employees

-Home Office face cuts of 25%, and local councils will face a yearly 7% cut in funding from central government each year until 2014.

-The Office for Budget Responsibility predicts that the spending review will lead to a loss of about 490,000 public sector jobs by 2015. (Are you fucking kidding me? 8( )

Strategic Defense and Security Review:

-British Army:
-Presence in Germany ends in 2020
-Overall numbers will drop by 7,000 to 95,500, meaning the largest possible deployment goes down to 30,000, from 45,000 in 2001.
-Number of Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks down by 40% ( :( )
-Number of AS-90 Self Propelled Artillery down by 35%

-Royal Air Force:

-Personnel reduced by 5,000 to 3,000 ( 8( )
-Nimrod MRA.4 project is cancelled and RAF Kinloss is closed down
-Future Strategic Air Tanker continues, and the Airbus A400M continues as planned, these aircraft along with the C-17A Globemaster III, will be the backbone of the British transport and tanker fleet.
-C-130 Hercules will be retired 10 years earlier
-12 Boeing Chinooks will be added to the current fleet
-The RAF will use the F-35C Lightning II CV (Carrier Variant) instead of the F-35B STOVL (Short Take off and Vertical Landing) (...)
-Sentinel R.1 will retire once it is no longer needed for support in Afghanistan

-Royal Navy:
-HMS Ark Royal, the Flagship of the Royal navy, will be decommissioned almost immediately (as in the end of October) as well as the Joint Force Harrier group which will retire in April 2011. This is to save money for the new Queen Elizabeth Class CV (Carrier).
-Either HMS Ocean or HMS Illustrious Light Carrier will be decommissioned depending on which one is least capable of being a Helicopter Carrier
-One Bay-class LSD (Landing Ship Dock) will be decommissioned
-Replacement of Britain's nuclear deterrent will be delayed 4 years, saving £750 Million.
-7 Astute-class SSN (Nuclear-powered Submarine) will be built as planned
-The Surface fleet of Frigates and Destroyers is to be reduced to 19. "As soon as possible after 2020" the Type 26 FFG (Guided Missile Frigates) will replace the Type 23 "Duke-class" FFG.
-The Number of Personnel is reduced by 5,000 to about 30,000.

Comments, concerns, complaints...

...I am disappointed by the security review...this is my face right now -> -__-
And that's not even mentioning our culture: everything's becoming politically incorrect now. I even heard rumours of trying to make Christmas into the 'holiday season' over here too, as the fact the name of Christ is in the title offends some people of other religions. I don't think we should change a holiday's name that is one of our core traditions, especially being an (apparently) Christian country.

Imagine going over to another culture and forcing them to change the names of their religious holidays. You just wouldn't, as you'd know you'd get nowhere. But I reckon now we're all politically correct, some may see Britian as pushovers so they can take us to the cleaners.

Anyway, that's just my personal opinion! =)

itss too fucking correct. There was that ba worker who was sacked over refusing to remove her cross necklace. How the hell can that offend anyone? When i see a muslim in their veils i dont think, wow thats offensive.
Last year there was talk of removing christmas decorations from shops incase it offends non christians. Thats just utter bullshit, even if they were offended by that, which they arent as every corner shop u go into run by indians will sell crimbo decorations, it shouldnt be removed. It just feels like the countries forgotten about its own people and are bending over backwards for the people who migrate here.
Yet no one talks about fucking immigration at all. Its alwyas just brushed over. are they scared theyl sound racist? Probadly, but itl only be saying what every brit is thinking.
the review thingie said:
The UK Border Agency (UKBA) will save around £500 million by reducing the costs of
support functions, estates and IT. It will raise productivity in frontline operations by investing
in technology, immigration and asylum case working and border control. UKBA will also derive
better value from its spending with commercial suppliers.

that was the only significant mentioning of immigration in their shitty review. how many illegals have we got here that we "cant" send back? how much does that cost? what about people who are claiming benefits for family in another country? so called eu regulations, but if you go anywhere else you wont have the pleasure of scamming their governments. its a fuckin joke.

as for the military. in germany, why? in iraq why?

bloody joke so it is :hmph:
Reading The Guardian this morning just reminds me yet again how much I despise the Tories. There they were in the House of Commons. Weasel-faced Osborne finished his 10,000 word long spending review speech and the Tories just applaud, cheer - even Nick fucking Clegg takes the chance to grin and pat Osborne on the back. And you seriously call yourself a progressive liberal, Clegg? You just joined in the celebratory party of a government that is about to deliver a very unfair cuts programme to the poorest and the people most in need. As for those Tories, look at how pleased they seemed to look. Isn't it nice to have second homes, fat pockets and comfortable jobs without needing to worry about whether or not you can make it through next month like many people in this country.

Thank God no one I know voted for the Liberal Democrats. Clegg is one giant sell-out and come 2015 he will be punished in the ballot box. Not just him. The entire party most likely if they continue to passivey play the role of Cameron's political bodyguards. And still the coalition government cannot bring itself to curb on foreign aid (in fact are they going up or something?) and are cutting on other vital things, like the public sector jobs (at least the health and education departments are spared, thank God). The Tories know how to cut, but do they even have a plan for growth? And Labour isn't blameless either. Labour can't sit back and yell at the Tories for being irresponsible when they themselves were also irresponsible in office over a lot of things (yes. New Labour was appalling with spending and immigration) and shifting all the blame on the bankers.

Seriously. Is there no party anyone can trust in now? The electorate may buy the charm of Cameron and co., but wait until the pain of the cuts is felt. Then we'll see how much longer this coalition government stays together for.
Seriously. Is there no party anyone can trust in now?

no, and i doubt there has been for a very long time now.

its plainly obvious theyve got plenty of dosh to see them through so why should they care what their policies and cuts mean for real people?
as for the military. in germany, why? in iraq why?

I'll answer that. After WW2 US, UK, France and Soviet Union all kept troops in Germany incase Germany attempted any further attacks from the wehrmacht. Over time these fears were put to bed as the Soviets became the new enemy, having troops in Germany so close to the iron curtain was benefitial as a deterrent as well as fast response counter-attack.

In a way this is still a good thing, due to Germanys geographic position we are in place for instant response from attack from the middle east (such as Iran or Syria) as well as any Russian aggression. Face it, without collaberation of NATO troops in Germany, Russia would try something. So we keep troops there under the permission and invitation of German government.

Iraq, well, they had weapons of mass desctruction right? RIGHT?
For the record, there was no reason why we went to Iraq. I would've said it was because of the oil, but then that would make me no different than the typical people who were against it.

at least in Iraq, there is no British presence anymore. I can understand why Germany though still...