Britanny Murphy Dead.

it happens sometimes i suppose

shame so close to crimbo though
Saw the news on the internet, she was indeed great in 8 Mile.

R.I.P Brittany Murphy. You were definitely too young to die. :gasp:
Oh- I remember her from 8 Mile.

A heart attack at such a young age- that really surprised me. And she died during Christmas. That sounds like a horrible prospect for her husband and family.
she dont half look thin in that pic. was she anorexic?
i know that shit can put all sorts of strain on your heart
Damn thats bad. She was damn sexy in Sin City - I liked her more than Jessica Alba.
Somehow I don't think it's a heart attack, but more a cover up for the reason she went into cardiac arrest. Two major differences between cardiac arrest and a heart attack. Probably cocaine as Jesse said in the SB. She looks really incredibly sickly though. Like she's anorexic or some shit. Too bad. I didn't really know her and never seen 8 Mile, so *shrug* Sucks it had to happen so close to Christmas though.
Well, a few years ago:


More recently:


Doesn't seem right...
I've actually read the article now- so it was a cardiac arrest rather than a heart attack. This goes to show that the media just tend to generalise things I guess.

Damn, she looked so thin in that image in the article. It's actually really painful to look at.
I remembered her from 8 mile.She will be missed. She was so young,

What is up with alot of these famous people dying this year? 2009 is a bad luck year I swear.
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She was in a lot besides the 8 mile. A lot of the movies didn't get recognition, but some of them were good.

If you are in to twisted drama movies "The Dead Girl" will probably appeal to you. The way they portray the story is creative. I'm not into those kind of movies but its not bad.

It does suck she died so young. I am sorry for her and those who cared about her.
I'll move this to Midgar since that's where we typically posts general entertainment news contents.

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I'm sorry to hear that she has passed away... I'm sure she'll be missed by her loved ones.
Its never nice to see someone so young die but it happens =/
I remember her from sin city but thats about it. Best wishes to the family and all that.
Its so sad that she had to pass through cardiac failure she was so long great in 8 Mile total hotty but still a sad loss :(
I loved her in Clueless. :gonk:

It came as a shock to me when I saw this news on the internet.

She was far too young to die. It's sickening how much prescription medication they're given too. Apparently they found all sorts of medication in the house for her, all with her name, her husbands name and her mothers name on them.

So close to Christmas too. =/
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32 is no age, its so sad. My boss told me this morning, cant believe it. Its a shame as she was a great actress and its so closed to christmas, so it must be more difficult for the family.
Here are a few more articles about Brittany and what they found the day she died:;_ylt=Aqys1weQqG_ndK9uWcWEouV7pxx.;_ylv=3;_ylt=AndONkEeEfzbPg_ad9y1e2h7pxx.;_ylv=3


They claim that Brittany was ill days before she died. Apparently she'd been experiencing flu-like symptoms. Then they're saying that she was vomiting a lot on early Sunday morning before she collapsed in the bathroom. They're also saying that they found lots of prescription medication in her bathroom. Now the coroner is claiming that Brittany died of natural causes. It's all very confusing. It'd be nice if they'd just release what killed her without sugar-coating it or hiding behind the truth of what killed her. It's so sad it being this close to Christmas. I only really remember her in Clueless, but that's it.
Otherwise healthy 32-year-old women don't die of cardiac arrest and/or natural causes. Or the flu, for that matter. Something else had to have been taking place.