Britanny Murphy Dead.

It's no coincidence that famous people die so young. Why would a millionaire NEED prescription drugs? Their doctors aren't going to refuse them an onslaught of medication, even if they think its not necessary. Would you refuse Brittany Murphy if she needed a truckload of Valium for the red carpet? Nope. And 32 yr olds dont die of the flu. Babies and old people do. And even more so for her, because she was a MILLIONAIRE. She didnt die of natural causes, she just so happened to have the flu while she was souped up on prescriptions. Kinda speaks for itself really, I don't know where all the controversy comes from_
8 Mile and Clueless off the top of my head, never seen 8 Mile myself though, bar the ocdcasional bit, here and there

theres summat with michael douglas in it as well where shes's in a mental institute

cant think of out else.
Uptown Girls... Little Black Book... Love and Other Disasters... Happy Feet... Sin City... and Just married... also, she was in King of the Hill... those were some of her other films :{