

Jan 30, 2007
No, no, no, no. Not banned. Just retiring. And before you make any old jokes at me, I'm only 24 ;) so not retiring like that way. (Koloth)

As most of you that I'm close to know, I've been in the military almost a few years now. Knew coming into the Administrator position that I would have to deal with my new lifestyle and my role on FFF, but didn't realize it would take up so much of my time and leave me with so little free-time.

I just want to fill you all in on why I have taken myself off Staff as Admin so no questions are left unanswered. I just feel that while I have been so inactive as of late, I feel hypocritical informing fellow staff members of their lacking activity and their need to be more active when I myself am hardly ever on. This isn't a "Oh I'm leaving, and not coming back deal", it's a "I'm stepping out of my position that I no longer feel I fullfill the role for". To everyone who's helped me out since the beginning of 2007 as a reg member new to the site, all the way up the ranks to Admin (both times!), thank you. Whether you're on staff now, used to be, or just as a regular member coming to me with any issues you had, or just FF-talk. Even to the suspended, banned, and "Most Wanted" members we have on the site from now, to way back then, it's been quite a journey.

I'll still post. Won't be much, but it's not goodbye. Just figured those should know that know me. Mitsuki's an amazing Admin and friend both, so I know her and Shu got a grip on things. :busta:

*So in the words of my best friend Aztec/Eric: "4. Mercurial likes men."

Hey man I know you have been inactive lately but you are still awesome and Ill see you on Halo Reach. Its a hell of alot of fun playing xD But If it isnt goodbye, Ill see you around man! You will still post and all so awesome :lew: Its gonna be hard not to notice you in blue/red(breast cancer) Also I have seen that source before. XD I was bored and found that. It made me lol again though so that is a good thing. See ya around Jace! Also good luck in the Military and all!
Last edited by Mitsuki : Today at 11:51 PM.


Anyway, good luck and stay safe doing the military thing. Much respect to you for your sacrifice there, as well as the work you've put in here. It's been a pleasure being on staff with you. See you around the site. :monster:
Glad to see that you will continue to visit the forum. Sorry to see you step down from staff. But your real life responsibilities come first. Take care and hope to see you around. :monster:
Aw, at least you'll still be around, so thats good. i might run into you on Reach if you play. My tag is the same as my user, so say hi if ya see me. Enjoy your new free time XD
Awww, it's sad to see you step down. D= Life comes first though, I understand that. Hope to see you around as much as possible, and good luck with anything you do. :3
Wow, I didn't see this coming. It comes as quite a shock.

First off, I'd like to say that I appreciate your bravery to serve for our country. To protect our country is seriously an awesome thing. You're actually a real life hero. You're out there doing something that, quite frankly, I'm too much of a wuss to do. I'd like to personally thank you for your services.

Secondly, I'm ashamed to say that I never did make a better effort to get to know you. We've both been on staff together for over 3 months, and I've done nothing about that. I know you've done a ton for the site, so you'll certainly be missed. But sometimes, life priorities leave a person with very little time. And the whole idea of the forum is to relax and enjoy your time, even when you're on staff. But it's very admirable of you to realize that life comes first, and that sometimes stepping aside is the wiser choice.

Enjoy your time on the site, and do make sure to stay safe out there. The door is always open, don't hesitate coming around, you're more than welcome.

Take care Jace! :ryan:
Last edited by Mitsuki : Today at 11:51 PM.


I knew someone was bound to notice it. >.>

Jace made me edit two things out. That's all I'll say. :)

And Jace, you will be missed. We'll keep in touch of course, but it won't be the same not having your inputs on forum issues and such, or just having you there goofin' around when I really need it most. It's been a pleasure working with you and thank you for all the help and support. You damn better be sure to come back and do exactly what it is you love most: discussing whether Sephiroth was stronger than Superman. Nuthead.

Stay safe, buddy. I know you went through a lot these past couple months and it's very admirable to see you log on and help me and Shu out despite what you were going through at the time. From creating long essays just to fix certain issues or try to boost someone's morale up, bugging the hell out of LG, and taking your time to really listen to the members and staff members...it surely has been a blast despite us feeling like wanting to throw the towels in every now and then. xD I'll miss you, pal. Really, thanks for being there as a staff member and awesome friend these past few years. The staff and I relied heavily on your guidance and I'm sure you were aware of that. Hope to see you on Xbox even if just to chat once in awhile. :busta:

Gonna miss you around staff, Jace. That goes without saying.

I've had a wonderful time being on staff with you and it's sad to see you go... but it's your choice and we all respect that. You better visit us often because it just ain't the same without you around.

Love ya! and KEEP SAFE!

Crank that Soulja boy ;))

Edit: I really don't know what else to say because they've all said what I was going to say. :C
It's really sad to see you leave staff, Jace. You've been an admin for as long as I've been on the site. Well, there was a period in between but I was inactive then so I don't remember it. :lew: However, real life issues do come first so I can completely understand. I wish you the best of luck with everything.

It was nice getting to work with you on staff and I'm sure I'll see you around the site sometimes. And if you ever want to play Halo 3 again, I'm game. :dave:

Take care. xD
Well, since everyone else has said just about everything else, what I say is gonna be repetitive. That being said, I'm gonna say it anyway.

Sucks to see you step down, since you've done such a good job. You take care of yourself out in the world and come back safe. I don't want to hear about Jace (whateveryourlastnameis) getting killed out in the service, because I would not be happy.

Peace out, man. :busta:
People say that they'll remember you as an admin. I will, but I'll remember you best as Bob the Builder. :andry:

Good luck in everything you want to do. Take care.
run away you horrible nazi

and never return :gmonster:

go double agent and shoot some nazis for me :awesome:
It's gonna be weird not seeing you on staff anymore, Busta, since as Tia said, you've beeen on staff since forever :gasp:

Glad to know you'll be posting from time to time though, it would suck for you to leave altogether ^^
You couldn’t take the pink could you? :ahmed:

It’ll be odd to see you leave your admin position, and to leave staff, though your reasons are very sensible. You’ve pretty much been the laid back, badass, dude near the top since I joined the forum. There was a certain aura about you, and you suited the cool shade of admin blue you once sported.

Take care, and I'll see you around every now and then as a normal member... Even though that will feel very odd. I personally think that all of us normal members need to be demoted now. :ness:
It's sad to see you leave staff, but it's nice that you won't be leaving us completely and I salute you for all the hard work you've put in. Don't feel bad that you're leaving us, just remember the good times and enjoy your life more now that you're free. We've had some great times and I'm sure there'll be more to come in the future.

Pssst, we'll always have that Soulja Boy dance in Survivor. You were awesome. ;)
Haha I still remember that Anyone Caught game. Man that was an ordeal :gonk:

We hardly spoke, but they do say the best at their jobs are the ones you rarely notice. I hate change. :sad:

Take it easy Busta.