
Breaking rules is my favorite hobby!
(1)Drinking. (Figures!) Back home in PRland its legal, and here in the US they have some _________ law about not drinking under 21. ____ that, It's a cultural matter, and food doesn't taste the same without wine!

(2)...Look at my screen name. Guilty as charged, tough ATM I'm taking a break from it. 420 is my muse, but too much will make me start getting slow, and I don't want that for myself. = P

Other than that, the usual rebellion against rules in classrooms and homework.
1. Drinking can be really fun, but i don't do it to often...
2. Tresspasing on private property, not like stealing, but finiding neat things in the woods and stuff is always fun. I once found a needle and a few viles with my friends when i was 9 or so haha.

I've never been caught by the police, or anybody. I did have to file a witness statement for something a couple days ago though...

Oh yeah, I'm one of America's Most Wanted.
I' littered, Jaywalked, loitered in front a fair share of conveinece stores. I rip the tag off matchesses, I walk on the grass when there a sign saying not to, I even feed the bears at National Parks....
Who bad? Don't mess wit me..
Oh yeah, I'm one of America's Most Wanted.
I' littered, Jaywalked, loitered in front a fair share of conveinece stores. I rip the tag off matchesses, I walk on the grass when there a sign saying not to, I even feed the bears at National Parks....
Who bad? Don't mess wit me..

I'm dialing the hotline right now. And I know what you look like. I saw your picture in the member's picture thread. :monster:

I drove with my license revoked for like a month one time. I didn't even realize it was revoked until I went to the DMV to get the address on my driver's license changed. :omg:

You'd think they would send you a letter or something when they revoke your license.
I currently have no auto insurance coverage. The bill was paid in July for 6 months of coverage, but when they sent me the proof of insurance papers, it showed that my coverage starts in December.:wacky:

My registration sticker has been expired since July. And my inspection sticker expires this month. I procrastinate far too well.
I have broken the law once, though I only think I broke it once. I stole when I was about 6-7 years old and I was caught the next day when my parents found it hidden in my room. I stole a stuffed cat because I didn't have an animal then and I always wanted one. I didn't get to keep it, my mom made me return it, and then I had to apologize to the store owner, and then I was punished for a couple weeks. Yes I said WEEKS!
Boy you guys are all sissys...
I've broken into my friend's neighbor's house - not caught
Stolen some crap from this store in a mall - not caught
Got in tons of fights in public - usually got away
(I can't drive so no speeding) So yea...
Was jumped at the end of my street (not my fault) - not caught
Got drunk (once again I can't even drive so I'm obviously not 21) - not caught.
I got absolutly hammered on Monday night and then i ordered Pizza.

And all i had was change.

I thought the guy was going to call the Cops.
downloaded a few programs, uploaded some youtube videos that possibly infringe copyrights and recently downloaded some music from the internet to burn to a disc

so aside from piracy, I've got a clean record (well, I sometimes speed by accident but almost always drive at the limit)
I shot a man in Reno... does that count? I killed 5 people and then ran away -.- but anyways.... on a more serious note....

I only drink beer, whiskey, and coolers with friends and piracy is about it.
I think the most I ever did was pirate and sneak a few candies out of stores.