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Ha ha ha, epic.

We were discussing if you were a spambot for ages. You're epic spam avatar didn't help your image either.

That is epic. :awesome:

Either you a really clever spambot with a sense of humour, or you're an awesome dude with a sense of humour who is totally going to kick ass here.

:monster: Welcome to the forums!
Orofl. :wacky:

I think you've confused every member of the mod team.

Welcome to the forums :elmo: /late
Omg loving how you have the SPAM avatar, I was just like ROFL.

One of the best intros EVER! Have fun and see you round the forums! ^_^
I knew you weren't a spambot. Spambots don't take the time to upload avatars.

So welcome to FFF and we'll see ya' around!
I knew aswell, seen you post in the member pic thread ;))
Greaty intorduction though and ur on 3 pages, thats like a record. Stick around pal.
I had three pages on my thread <_<

True, but you threw yourself at us as some crazy girl with a broken keyboard and jumped straight in there with threads and SB'in and picturefying etc. :ness:

I think a good introduction in this forum seriously boosts a persons popularity. :gasp: