Cait Sith


Apr 22, 2009
Did anyone here actually use Cait Sith in their party? I alway's found him kinda useless while playing so i never borthered leveling him. His limit break's seem kinda weak, and as for "Joker" Wtf lol kill's your's entire party. Can't think of a reason why that's any good.

So what about you? Did you use him? If so, is he any good at a high level? (for anything)
Nah never, I always try to level everyone up equally, although I generally get bored...I never ever used him in my main party though, he was just rubbish, Ive NEVER got his last limit ever, I just didnt have the patience

I liked his character - just not in battle
Lol... Oh damn... *Starts telling*

I like to use a new person in my part each time through-out the game, I always have Tifa and Cloud, but a new person along with them. =/ Example; First time I played it with Cloud, Tifa, and Red XIII. Second time I played it with the (which I call the original) AVALANCHE members; Cloud, Tifa, and Barret.

Than, sometime I used Cid, and Vincent I think... =/ Vincent never appealed to me much in battle, 'cause of his LimitBreak, but okay, moving on...

I had Cloud, Tifa, and Cait Sith. I leveled him up along with the standard characters in my party, and his LimitBreak as well, and then... >_< When I finally was about to say ; I feel bad not using him before, 'cause he's pretty decent.

He used his Joker limit break. >_< I was so pissed off 'cause I hadn't saved, but played through it for a decent while... And I don't blame the not saving, I just wasn't expecting to die, I was leveling up in the fields, so... >_< Well, needless to say, he got kicked right out of my party.

What a bitch was that. =/

*Mumbles something about a friggin' LimitBreak*
lol poor you :P I have no idea why they thought an idea for a limit break is kill everyone on your team :S
Wow, I hardly ever used him XD I just didn't had the patience to level him up, I think I only used one of his Limits (Dice I think... it's been SO long so I don't remember well). Back then I thought Yuffie would be the most unused member of my party, but it turned out to be Cait Sith.

I tried to use him, I really did, but I just gave up after I realised he was useless to my party. I liked the character, he was cute and everything, but I just said no. =/
I barely used him in my party. He had a pretty good character in the game, but battle-wise he was just... ugh. His limits sucked(especially that Joker one, seriously Enix what were you thinking when you put that in there and make it kill the whole party? at least only make it kill Cait seriously) and he isn't strong enough for me.
I used him a little when i first got him. But after the first couple of battles when i realized that his attacks were significantly weaker than EVERYONE else's, i just switched him out and never used him again.
I never used him that much either. His dice limit-break was easily the weakest and less useful in the game and his normal attack wasn't particularly that strong either. To top it off, he looked like a fat man in a party suit.
Used him alot at first, because was young and thought that he was cute <w>

But after the Gold Saucer Date and backstabbing everybody.


Cait Sith never saw the light of day.

When I first got the game a read the booklet and seen his weapon was a megaphone, from that moment on I just didn't like him.

Even though this was before I had even got him in my party. :wacky:

Latest game I've not long got him, haven't used him yet. Probably will at some point just so he's a decent level for the journey to the final battle because of the whole split your party into three groups fight.
He's cute as a mascot and all but pretty useless in battle :/ and I agree with DLFlux, the megaphone thing is just stupid, I wanna see a megaphone kill a huge ass dragon.
I NEVER EVER bother with cait sith. He was only ever usefull for taking the black materia in the temple of the ancients. I never forgave the bastard for taking my keystone-__-
That aside i didnt see any reason to take him, he didnt have any advantages that overpowered the skills of other characters. His slots could instantly win u a battle but they can game over you aswell. Hes the only character i will not take=/
I never used him except for the one time were I actually had no choice cuz well it was only him and barret so no choice :/ but I really really regret getting him >:( and honestly when I battled Safer Sephiroth I never really bothered to revive him XD
Used him alot at first, because was young and thought that he was cute <w>

But after the Gold Saucer Date and backstabbing everybody.


Cait Sith never saw the light of day.

:lmao: xD Same here though afterwards, I wanted to give him another chance, seeing I got rid of him right after he killed me, but then also the Gold Saucer date, >_< He upsetted mah baby; Tifa. So He's just shit out of luck in my party. :D
i didn't use cait sith. he was afatgass fortune telling machine and his physical str was so weak. well supposedly his magic is really high, but since he forced cloud to make him let him join the party pissed me off and i just hated him. i didn't use him when i first got him since my friend would always say that cait sith sucked, but i would have stuck to my cloud, tifa, red XIII party anyways.
I've always loved Cait Sith tbqh >_>
As a character he's got a good story, which I won't ruin for those who are still playing etc.
In battles, I will admit he's not the best, and his Joker limit was ridiculously unnecessary, but apart from that i've used him quite a bit.
I've been using him more and more each time I go through xD
He didn't seem to have as much time spent on him than the other characters however, there was something slightly.. lacking there, especially with only 2 levels on limits, even Aerith (Or Aeris, you choose) had Great Gospel and
she wasn't a permanent party member
I never used Cait Sith. I didn't even know about his Limit Break - Joker - but now that I do, I'll be sure to never use him in the future either.
I don't have anything against him as a character (despite being a total prick at the Temple of the Ancients...), but in battle: USELESS.
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Im currently replaying the entire game. And for some reason i felt really sorry for him in the Ancient temple. No idea why :S he's only a machine and i knew he comes back as mark 2.
I've always loved Cait Sith tbqh >_>
As a character he's got a good story, which I won't ruin for those who are still playing etc.
In battles, I will admit he's not the best, and his Joker limit was ridiculously unnecessary, but apart from that i've used him quite a bit.
I've been using him more and more each time I go through xD
He didn't seem to have as much time spent on him than the other characters however, there was something slightly.. lacking there, especially with only 2 levels on limits, even Aerith (Or Aeris, you choose) had Great Gospel and
she wasn't a permanent party member

Hm. I gotta agree with you on that, in all honesty even Advent Children I like Cait Sith for his character, but just the things he does sometimes, kinda how it upset the characters in the game, it just annoyed me.

As far as his two limits go, I think that might be because of the slots, and you can get quite a few different things on them. So maybe that's why it seems like it's not alot of development on that.

All in all Cait Sith is alright, *not in battle for me*, but FFVII wouldn't be the same without his spying ass. ^^ Hehe.
He did contribute alot to the group though imo. In battle he sucked, yes but he helped alot in the story imo.

I wonder why they made him so puny gameplay wise though : /