Cait Sith

Im currently replaying the entire game. And for some reason i felt really sorry for him in the Ancient temple. No idea why :S

I've also started playing FFVII from scratch. I have to admit that as much as Cait Sith annoys me at Temple of the Ancients, I tear up every time he
sacrifices himself T.T

How profound an effect a cat on a marshmallow has on me! :3
I never use Cait Sith in my main party for fighting. Now I do take the time after I level my main people and get them maxed to use Cait Sith and level up. As for the Temple part regarding Cait Sith, I'm with the post above me all the way. And idk why I do, its just one of those things I'll never understand but
when Cait Sith sacrifices him/herself it makes me a little teary eyed to know I'm losing a person in the game.
Meh oh well guess I'm a softy at heart too.
It seems they sorta just rushed him into your party. Then he turns out to be a
stupid thieving jackass spy
. Then you hate him for a bit then he
sacrifices himself
. Which actually, I felt bad..but...I was kinda happy he was gone. :awesome: ...Until he came back! -__- Just when you thought he was
...*sobs* olol spoilers everywhere :dave:
I've also started playing FFVII from scratch. I have to admit that as much as Cait Sith annoys me at Temple of the Ancients, I tear up every time he
sacrifices himself T.T

How profound an effect a cat on a marshmallow has on me! :3

See uh, that didn't make me feel sad...I mean, it's not even really
a sacrifice, since it's just a toy body, and he comes back later anyway. I was just like "oh thank god, you finally went away." Then he came back later and I was like "fuck."

I really didn't like Cait Sith at all...didn't like his character design, didn't like his stupid megaphone weapon, and I absolutely hated his limit break. I think Quina in IX is actually more useful than Cait Sith -__-
Yeah, nobody likes/needs Cait Sith. There's a reason. He's a Shinra worker, controlling a cat, controlling a giant stuffed moogle, shouting through a megaphone. All he ever does is kidnap Marlene and go throw away one of his many bodies.

Which brings me to another point. Cait Sith did not "self sacrifice." He waltzed into the temple, crushed himself to death, then inexplicably waltzed right back out in another body. Where are these bodies coming from? Why can't Cloud and friends do this? Whatever happened to *permanent* death? I guess Squaresoft just wants you to cry harder when Aeris gets stuck through, so they decided not to kill the obnoxious Cait Sith before the loveable Aeris dies.
Yeah, nobody likes/needs Cait Sith. There's a reason. He's a Shinra worker, controlling a cat, controlling a giant stuffed moogle, shouting through a megaphone. All he ever does is kidnap Marlene and go throw away one of his many bodies.

Which brings me to another point. Cait Sith did not "self sacrifice." He waltzed into the temple, crushed himself to death, then inexplicably waltzed right back out in another body. Where are these bodies coming from? Why can't Cloud and friends do this? Whatever happened to *permanent* death? I guess Squaresoft just wants you to cry harder when Aeris gets stuck through, so they decided not to kill the obnoxious Cait Sith before the loveable Aeris dies.

That's one thing that always puzzled me.. He instantly gets a new body? Shouldent he had to go back to shinra or some place to get one? You see the temple in ruins and 1 minute later hes back on the screen :S
That's one thing that always puzzled me.. He instantly gets a new body? Shouldent he had to go back to shinra or some place to get one? You see the temple in ruins and 1 minute later hes back on the screen :S

I uh...guess they have a super fast production line? I was really disappointed when that happened though...he wasn't exactly an intriguing character. Never understood why he used a megaphone either. It just doesn't make any sense...not that a cat riding a giant moogle does either...but I just wonder why they settled on a megaphone, it has absolutely nothing to do with the character design.
Yeah, nobody likes/needs Cait Sith. There's a reason. He's a Shinra worker, controlling a cat, controlling a giant stuffed moogle, shouting through a megaphone. All he ever does is kidnap Marlene and go throw away one of his many bodies.

Which brings me to another point. Cait Sith did not "self sacrifice." He waltzed into the temple, crushed himself to death, then inexplicably waltzed right back out in another body. Where are these bodies coming from? Why can't Cloud and friends do this? Whatever happened to *permanent* death? I guess Squaresoft just wants you to cry harder when Aeris gets stuck through, so they decided not to kill the obnoxious Cait Sith before the loveable Aeris dies.

Ok you do know there is a BIG big difference between Aeris and Cait Sith right? You do know that Cait Sith is a toy, and Aeris is human. Toys can get remanufactured and spit back out in an instant. Humans can't. Aeris cant just wake back up from Sephiroths Masamune blade piercing through her. She may be an ancient, but shes not invincible. Hints why there are big difference between Cait Sith and Aeris/ and or Cloud. It's not that hard to figure out really.
I'd say Cait Sith is the Mistake Character, I've never gotten any enjoyment or fun from any thing that character has done, and he darn well stole pretty near any chance Nanaki had to have a line in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and he steals your Keystone in the original FFVII game, rigs everything up so you can't leave, then he'll nab the keystone... >_<

I really, really don't care for the Cait Sith all. >_>
Lol I HATE cait sith he's just a retarded character.. useless in many many many many ways.. Best party
In my opinion

Obviously because you have to have in in there but he is also the strongest character in the game if used correctly.. in level 50 and my criticals are 9999 (with ultimate weapon of course)

She is surprisingly good with magic.. i wanted a magic character that did damage so i decided to test her and she turned out to own.. right now she has 915 mp and she's only bout 50.. plus she does amazing damage with the right items..

Vincent Valentine
Him I just use because i like him.. he's just awesome.. he isn't bad with magic and i like his limit moves.. use this guy with mimic and he can be way good..

Together that team kicks ass.. I did about 100k to sephiroth's final form before he finally killed me and i realized i needed knights of the round to beat him.. -.-
Cait Sith was (and still is) stupidly irritating. I'm still not entirely sure what his weapon was, and his limit was shockingly bad!
I think he should go down as one of the most pointless characters in the FF series.
Cait Sith needs to DIE a slow and horrible death.
I think the game producer threw him it to be a bit of humour but he is as funny as funeral(not funny)

Although I do not like Cait Sith
I do like Reeve as he seems different from the rest of shinra he should of just picked a different costume

I have never used him long enough to see joker :P
He is really suckish. He looks funny. He has a strange way of moving. He IS Cait Sith.
I saw a video on You tube a few days ago. It was Cait Sith killing Sephiroth all by himself! Maybe there is something we don't see in him.
lol i honestly hated Cait Sith. just the idea he was actually a Shinra worker. wth I knew he was a robot or whatever but a stupid Shinra employee? Yeah i got that joker limit break as well, actually twice. never used him again.
I found myself choosing a party in Seven based on my personal feelings toward each character, or how well I liked each one. At the same time, me and Cait Sith didn't really "connect", as it were. I suppose I was always confused as to what exactly "it" was, and...I dunno, I just didn't like him much. -_-

Admittedly, once the truth came out about him being a robot and such, I sort of liked that twist in the story, but it didn't make much sense to me. Why would a Shinra employee be helping them...and why does Shinra let him get away with continually helping your party? :gasp:
Why would a Shinra employee be helping them...and why does Shinra let him get away with continually helping your party? :gasp:

Cait Sith (or more accurately his
Reeve) sort of became one of
the "good"
Shinra employees. He originally joined the party as a
in order to
help Shinra keep an eye on the party and to obtain the Key Stone to allow them to access the Temple of the Ancients etc.

But while he was with the party he grew attached to their plight, and was generally a much nicer person than most of the leading people in the Shinra office. Most of them were full of "ahahhaha!" and "g'wahahaha!" and "hehhehehe! *cackle cackle*" laughs and poses, and were responsible for murders and destruction. Melodramatic villains in their evilness.

Reeve was head of Urban planning and construction I believe, so his job was really to help give the people a good quality of life etc (well, in some areas of the cities). He wasn't neccessarily a bad person, and I always got the vibe from him that he wanted to help people.

He grew to realise that serving Shinra, and working a long side evil people who care more for their power than the planet, that he had to work to help Cloud's party to
ultimately defeat Sephiroth, save the world etc

He had to sort of act behind Shinra's back (I don't quite know how he controls Cait Sith, whether by mind or some kind of device, or just via order, I don't think it is ever explained). So he's essentially Avalanche's man-on-the-inside.

He's eventually
caught helping the party I believe and held by Scarlet and Heideigger.
So he's not just helping both sides with no consequences, he's more trying to save the world making the best use of his possition. He acted to try and
keep Shinra off Avalanche at any opportunity, and relayed information through Cait Sith to the party (several scenes show Cait Sith giving them information he says is coming from Reeve).

Also. I love Cait Sith. :awesome: