Calling all 90's kids!

Apart from the ones mentioned I remember watching shows like, Space Ghost and The Barbarian or something like that :D The early cartoon network days :D
Also I remember watching Akira, I think I was 7-8 years old, seemed too brutal at the time :D
Also 90's the time of Michael Jordan :D and the Bulls, and some great soccer WC ,ahhh I miss the 90's. :D
N64 was deffinately the highlight of the 90s
Banjo-Kazooie Was Awesome.
i still have my N64. but i need to track it down again :D

oh and the Dreamcast was pretty good too :P
and how can we forget good ole' FF VII
i liked power rangers and i collected pogs in the 90's lol but then again i was a little kid so who didnt then lol
Hahahaha, this is great.

What do I remember?


Okay, I know the 'Power Rangers' was a big deal but it all made me sick. :blink:

Furby's: Yeah, an aunt got me one. I always enjoyed starving it to death and making it cry. :monster: friggin' messed up evil things...

Pokemon: oh yeah, this was a big deal. I remember I bought this extra-rare card for ten bucks I think. :wacky: yeah, I didn't have much in the way of 'hobbies' then.

I remember getting my Gameboy Color! (The first and only Gameboy I ever got, and it still works too. But it can't read stored memory files anymore. :( and it's such a shame..... I was really looking for Gameboy Color games too... so few of them...)

Nintendo 64... I never played on one, and that's probably why I never took to Mario or any other Nintendo game/console. The darn controller is simply too....wierd. and big. :P besides, Jiggly Puff fighting Link isn't exactly what I'd call a good game. But, that's just me.

Lisa Frank!! OMG, that was simply the rage! I remember that well. Today, however, there is little of it to be seen (thank god).

Clinton: *ahem* the man-whore should be shot.

Now, don't ANYONE dare quote that and reply. This thread isn't for that. Make yer own thread for it. Needless to say, I AM a Republican and a member of the NRA. :P
so, yarly, Clinton's reign was not a good time for me.

And the Outer Limits! ^_^ My favorite show, now sadly discontinued. But! It's been replaced by Supernatural, so all's right with the world!

Ah, Goosebumps. I remember them fondly. Those books are what set me on my way to becoming an excellent reader and lover of all things fantasy/horror/sci-fi. Yup. I owe them a great deal.

but I still think an evil dummy is stupid. Just put a match to it!!

I loved the nineties...

Skip-it was really fun, as well as the second wave of hula-hoops (although it definitely wasn't as widespread as the fifties craze).

Neither myself nor my sister got into Furbies or Beanie Babies, although I'll admit to having Tamagotchi and Pokemon.

I remember getting an SNES... the one that came bundled with Super Mario World (the best platformer in the world). Lots of good times with that system... swatting flies in Mario Paint and whatnot.

I remember reading the Boxcar Children, Babysitters Club, Goosebumps, and more.

I remember watching Clinton confess... and still knowing that his term was still an awesome time.

I remember when Nickelodeon used to have Stick Stickley, and those commercials that designated a holiday for every day of the year (Pat Yourself on the Back Day, or Upside Down Day, etc). And also Snick...

I remember watching The Lion King in theaters... and also Titanic.

I remember the rise and fall of the Chicago Bulls... and the subsequent rise and fall of my LA Lakers.

Oh nostalgia...
I knew it would happen.

anyways, yarly, I just remembered them Beanie Babies. I've got 2 huge boxes under my bed, with about 200 of them.

geez, I liked some that were cute but not THAT many were cute.

Also, who can forget the Backstreet Boys, NSNYC (sp?), Britney Spears, and Ricky Martian? They all rose at that time, flooding our innocent minds with terrible music.

god, i wish they had never gotten an agent.
Just how exactly did I completely miss this thread? The past couple days all I've been talking about with Nephry and F. F. Fan is nostalgic stuff and bombarding them with videos from retrojunk.

Giga Pets
(Mine was a dinosaur, and my best friend had a koala). ^.^

Was it...THIS dinosaur?

Because I had that one. Actually I think I still DO have it....somewhere...but the batteries have long since died. I should totally find it and buy new batteries.

Apart from the ones mentioned I remember watching shows like, Space Ghost and The Barbarian or something like that :D The early cartoon network days :D

That was back when Toonami was still good and would show the Hana Barbara classics like Birdman and only good animu like DBZ and Outlaw Star. And "the barbian"? Are you, by any chance, thinking of The Herculoids?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, dudes. I loved those green bastards. I was also into the Power Rangers for a bit.

Oh, and Beanie Babies. Damn those things. I wasted a lot of money.
Sailor Moon was a very popular show in the 90's.

Along with Dragon Ball Z. ^_^!

Urmm...Power Rangers were uber popular at that time.

1990 exactly for me! ^_^!
Ahh the 90's..

As far as TV shows go, I used to watch Goosebumps and Pokemon religiously, and would be up every Saturday to watch Live and Kicking.

I had Pogs (and the Tazzo things that came in Monster Munch :P), Yo-yo's, Beanie Babies, Pokemon cards and games, Tamagotchis, Power Rangers dolls (dont ever remember watching it on tv though), Furbys, Barbies, etc.

I listened to the Spice Girls and Boyzone and that was about the limit of my musical horizon :cool:
Lol! pokemon cards!

The Battle of Nsync and Backstreet Boys.

Also the rush of the Furbies. OH LAWD!

Hrmm...OH! Pokemon vs. Digimon. rofl.
Hrmm...OH! Pokemon vs. Digimon. rofl.

Haha, oh lord yes. I used to LOVE pokemon but I hated Digimon, and at school we used to argue about it and people would be like 'But Digimons can talk so are clearly better!!' even though they were just freakish, not a patch on my Bulbasaur!! ;)

Actually, I was a digimon guy. I loved me some Digimon and how they digivolved and stuff. It was unique I thought. =).

Pokemon had gotten annoying at that moment in my life. "Gotta catch'em ALL!" -_-!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, dudes. I loved those green bastards. I was also into the Power Rangers for a bit.

Oh, and Beanie Babies. Damn those things. I wasted a lot of money.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were awesome and always will be. And I still have all my old Beanie Babies xD

Sailor Moon was a very popular show in the 90's.

Along with Dragon Ball Z. ^_^!

Sailor Moon = major fanservice and fantasies for my horny little 9 year old mind.

As for DBZ, I don't think I need to say anything other than IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAND!

Lol! pokemon cards!

I had a hundred something of those, never figured out how to play the bloody game but I just liked collecting them.

Hrmm...OH! Pokemon vs. Digimon. rofl.

I used to hate Digimon until I actually watched it, then I figured out it was awesome, so I liked both ^_^
I don't really remember a lot about my Childhood, but I remember wanting to do the Pink Ranger for the longest time when I was a kid. xD

I liked your basic nerd shit, the stuff that got you picked on at school. I absolutely loved sticking my hands in Pumpkin pie and eating it all. Mum wasn't very happy because I always got up at night and looked through the fridge when I was a wee little tyke.

I used to love the power rangers so much, that one time I got dressed for school, I put on my White ranger costume first and then my clothes and took off my clothes over the costume in the school bathroom. I can't remember what I was going to do, but I'm pretty sure it was attempting to bring justice upon my kidnergarden teacher by kicking her and throwing pencils at her. xD

Oh the good old days. What I wouldn't do to go back and watch that part of my life. :wacky:
I definitely remember loads about my childhood. I found something on someone else's FanFiction.Net and basically sums me up!

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YOU KNOW YOU'RE A BRITISH (Most Applies To US aswell) 90s KID IF...

-- You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Pince of Bel Air".

-- You've worn leggings and felt cool.

-- You used to love playing with your "Puppy In My Pockets"

-- You remember when it was actually worth getting up on a Saturday morning to watch Live & Kicking or SM:TV Live.

-- You had a huge fringe at some point in your childhood.

-- You remember reading and watching "goosebumps"

-- You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.

-- You remember the craze of Yo-Yos and tamagotchis

-- You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence. NOT. Lol

-- You knew that Kimberly, (Pink Ranger) and Tommy (Green Ranger) were meant to be.

-- You collected pokemon cards.

-- You played and/or collected Pogs.

-- You had a weird alien that lived in gooey stuff in a plastic 'pod' and thought if you stuck 2 back to back they would have a baby!

-- You watched the original Postman Pat and Fireman Sam

-- Yikes pencils were the best! - What happened to them?

-- You remember when the new beanie babies were always sold out.

-- You got your mum to buy 'BN' biscuits.

-- You know the macerene by heart.

-- "Talk to the hand!" Enough said.

-- You remember the time before literacy and numeracy hour existed.

-- You thought brain from "Pinkey and the Brain" would finally take over the world.

-- You remember Bum Bags

-- You always wanted to be on fun house

-- You collected Tazos.

--2 Words, Spice Girls!

Post this in your profile if you're a proud 90s Kid!

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Wow, it really DOES sum me up. ^_^