Can we please have some updated font colors in the SB?

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Jun 27, 2010
I am just making a polite suggestion that we update our font colors. Most of them are really ugly and are left the poop colored browns, black which you can't even see, and etc.

I think most of us would appreciate some pinks, blues, and whatever else we fancy in our choice of color palettes.

Please and thank you :ari:
I think this is a very great and super idea, though I do like the deep brown colour coz it reminds me of chocolate, but the other ugly colours should go
I agree. The SB colors need to be updated.. like a year ago. :mokken:

They look so dated. but I believe someone said it'd be hard to do :hmmm:
(y) im on board wev been asking this for a while idr what the problem was tho
Greeny would like a few more shades of pinks.
yes, pink :ohoho:

it'd be cool if we could just put down our own color code ourselves and not have to rely on preset colors.
I was looking at this earlier and there doesn't appear to be a way for me to add them in the ACP or from the SB. I'll have to check with the techies to see whether we can do this and how.
I would request some more blues please.
Yeah, this is a great idea. I'm with LJ, some more blue colors would be great! :)
I think this is a very great and super idea, though I do like the deep brown colour coz it reminds me of chocolate, but the other ugly colours should go

You like brown cuz your obsessed with toldies :mokken:

Cant say i care if theres any more colours or not but its a fair request and if people want it done i think they should be added :D I like me my orange font :mokken:
If the techies resolve this, I can see this turning into another fabulous vBShop thing where we can use our in-site virtual currency that we accumulate to "buy" colours named after ourselves. Through this, I can figure out which members on here like yellow/orange/lime green and kill them when they dare to add anymore of those in.

So I support this (y)
If the techies resolve this, I can see this turning into another fabulous vBShop thing where we can use our in-site virtual currency that we accumulate to "buy" colours named after ourselves. Through this, I can figure out which members on here like yellow/orange/lime green and kill them when they dare to add anymore of those in.

So I support this (y)

Just you try it English lassie :mokken: Il blow your ears off with my bagpiping skills. Orange is legendary :ohoho: I also liked the old clan leader yellow...and lime green is quite nice too :wacky: Reminds me of sour haribo
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