Can we please have some updated font colors in the SB?

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The colors were, in fact, updated about a year ago. Were they in need of an update right after?

People picked their personal SB colors, so I don't see what's wrong with the colors available. Should've picked a better color. Just my two cents, though.
no only 'certain members' got to pick their colours. The rest of us plebs had to pay 15000 points to get a colour
I paid for my colour. Doubt putting your own hex code in is going to happen. :lew: They'd have to re-do the whole coding of the shoutbox if it's even possible to add an option like that.

Maybe something more like swap your current colour with an updated colour you'd like. If you think about it, more colours now... then more colours in a few months... I'm all for colours, of course, but... that list would be ridiculously long. :lew:

So maybe they could let people replace their current colours? I dunno if that's something. =]
can i please have the most obscure colour which will class with any stylesheet the site uses?

failing that i'd like to see more reds.
You know how you can choose the option to change your text color when you post in a thread, and there is an option that says "More colors"??

Is there a way to transfer that? :O

We did have a rainbow color palette installed in the SB, which was why I deleted the option to buy the SB color permission thing in the vBShop sometime last year. I'm not sure what happened to it, but I'll see if Belazor can update that for us again. Also, the only reason why I had to turn it into a 'vbShop item' was because admins had no permission to update SB colors back then. Techies had to do it, and we didn't want an overwhelming number of requests for this. Apparently we now have permission to update the SB colors, but I haven't had the chance to mess around with the template. It would be a lot easier to just bring back the color palette though so we're not constantly updating SB colors requests.
Right then. Apparently we can't have the rainbow color palette implemented in the SB, so this leaves us to having to manually edit the template - per skin. I'm really hoping we won't be bombarded with many requests, especially of similar color shades. So to start off, I'll add five colors off the bat, so go ahead and just give me the hex codes (I can input a generic name for it) and I'll update those for each skin.

I don't know if you guys care for having colors named after you (like we did early last year), so if that's the case...we'll have to put some sort of limitation. But we'll get to that later, if that's even necessary. For now, I'll add five color requests and update them later tonight all at once.
There's no white option in the sb but more mysterious is how I've managed to use white all this time.

White please. #FFFFFF

and if we get to name it after ourselves I call white etc etc

wait a sec... looks like white creeped in when i wasnt looking
I already added white the other day, that should've been a default but it did mysteriously disappear for awhile. :ryan:

For now, I won't name the colors after members.
Five colors have been updated for each skin. That'll be all then. :)
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