Can you get Sephiroth as A playable character?


Jun 12, 2007
Hi Guys,

I read ages ago in one of my magazines that it was possible you could get Sephiroth and Zach as playable characters...?

Now, I don't know if there's any truth in this, but I remember reading that you needed some kind of special cheat catridge to get them in your party...

Anyway, is this true? Can you get Sephiroth and Zach as playable characters...?

Also, does anyone know what cheat catridge this is?


CHIP. ;)
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yeah it is gameshark because one of my friend used the code to get sephiroth and young cloud but i dont know about zack
You cannot get Zack at all, simply because he doesn't have a battle sprite, not even with a gmaeshark.

Sephiroth - yes you can get him with a gameshark but theres a few problems :
he cannot be controlled
You cannot get vincent
he doesn't have any limit breaks

You can take all his materia off of him though.

Young Cloud - yes you can get him with a gamesahrk but you can't have Cait sith. and since Cait sith is an inevitable character anyway its pointless. interestingly though, Young Cloud gets to level 99 faster than any of the others.
yeah i noticed that too also with sephiroth every attack he does is 1 hit kill (sometimes) and he is immune to damage so ultima, emerald and ruby weapon is pwned
yeah i noticed that too also with sephiroth every attack he does is 1 hit kill (sometimes) and he is immune to damage so ultima, emerald and ruby weapon is pwned

thats true, infact the only attack in the game that damages Sephiroth is that move Ruby Weapon uses which removes a character from the battle. apart from that he's immortal ^_^
Yea, AG hit it on the head. The only exception to this is the PC version... which has tons of mods. You can play as anyone from Zack to Barney Rubble on there as long as someone made a game sprite, as AG said.
I prefer the vanilla game, where Sephiroth joins you in one scene from the past.

I suppose you could make sephiroth playable with a game shark such as you can with Aerith but then why would you really wanna if he cant do much?
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The only time you do sorta play as Shepy is with young Cloud in a flash back.
Although I like the sound of controlling young Cloud.
yeah he levels up the fastest out of all the cheat characters you get but i dont think sephiroth levels up does he?
When u get sephiroth as a playable character he is good but its pointless..he doesnt level up..and his limit breaks are the same as clouds..using gameshark ruins any ff game in my opinion anyway
lol, ur ban'd, mitchell. And no, you cannot even get him through Cheat Codes. You'd have to have mods and patches and have the PC game. :monster:

Still having sephiroth is awesome. Everyone wants to be sephiroth. Everyone.

I don't want to be a stripper. :monster:
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You can, via Gameshark, but why would you want to? If you hadn't noticed, Sephiroth has horrible stats for a level 50 character. I tested this by attacking a Grand Dragon with my best character at level 50 (Cloud) and my worst at level 50 (Vincent). If I remember correctly, Sephiroth does roughly 2300 to the Grand Dragon. Vincent on the other hand, did roughly 2100. Did Sephy win? No. Sephiroth has a Touph Ring and could only beat the worst character (statistically) in the game by 200 damage. If you were to remove Sephiroth's handy accessory...Well, you get the idea. Simply said, he isn't cool or strong enough to be worth the messed up story line and game crashes.

Zack on the other hand, does not exist as a playable character. Period. The closest thing you're going to get is the realization that the man in the tube at Sector 5 is, in fact, Zack.
Seems I was mistaken about this topic... :monster:

Well, if you had a gameshark, that wouldn't be much of a problem, would it? xD

But yes, you cannot have Zack. There are no character battle models for him.

Could you link me to this code or give me the digits for it? xD