Captain America vs. Cloud Strife


White Mage
Jul 5, 2006
This is slightly more even than Sephiroth/Superman as both of them are street-levelers.

No magic. Cap with Shield and Cloud with sword.

Who wins?
Nah. I know Cap wins but I want to see how many people will say Cloud will.

It is somewhat amusing. For a while, anyway.
It will be amusing until all possible debate is destroyed with their constant "Cloud will win cuz he's got a sword!" then constant agreements like "Yeah, Cloud's the kulest" then repeat until the fanboy statements blow up like a volcano smothering us in all it's horribleness.
Now this one is hard to say becuase the are both awesome and both strong. i would have to say cap. is very agile and cloud is very strong so i chose that they will both just kill each other!
none of them will win.
they are such good friends that they couldn't lay a finger on the other
end of story.
you are all mad cloud would easily thrash caps butt so youre mad

( thats like saying mario v.s barret!!)
Cloud wins, he's got a sword. (jk)

Can't really say. I saw Cloud fight in EHRGEIZ, but I saw Capt. A. fight in Marvel vs Capcom 2. If were going on that alone, Captain America would..
...........................Naaaahhh Cloud would, he'll Omnislash the shit outta Cap.
Awww come on!! I love Cloud just as much as the next guy but i'm also a avid comic reader/collector and I know i repeat I KNOW THAT CAP WOULD WIN. Just look at Caps record he's fought the Hulk, Ironman, Spiderman the list goes on and on and he is still alive. Whatever clouds got Omnislash or whatever cannot break his shield. Like i said I love Cloud he's my man and much cooler than Cap but he would loose:sad2:.
As strong as Cloud is, he wouldn't have a hope of beating Cap. For a start, Cap has an indestructible shield, but even without it he could take Cloud without breaking a sweat.
Can I vote more then once?? I'm gonna have to bring in all the Cloud fans to relentlessly SPAM this thread!!
No you can't vote more than once as that would be considered cheating, and any attempt to spam up this thread will be reported.

*Awaiting the inevitable Cloud fanboy rush*
I give it to Cap. Lots more experience. And the fact that he survived in the Atlantic Ocean, frozen for 30(?) years.
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