Card Game On The FFF?


S'all good in tha hood!
Jun 1, 2010
United Kingdom
This may sound like a big suggestion, and one that may take time to implement if it is accepted by you guys.

But....just for our own fun on the FFF (I know we have the arcade and RPG).....but can't we have our own card game?

Just like the mini-games in FFVIII and FFIX but here on the FFF with monsters,summons and even characters involved from every FF game. I don't know how the gil system works on the side below our usernames (it seems to be increasing for me somehow :confused:)........But we can buy cards using the gil and play against each other.
I'm not gonna go into detail how this card game works......because even I havent considered that yet.....and it may not even be allowed if you guys dont like the idea of this......

So whaddya think?
Hmmm I think you would have to ask Lord Golbez if he likes this idea or not. :hmmm: But I personally think this is a useless suggestion. What is even the point of a on FFF?
A card game against each other!! (forgot to mention that) it would be more fun than the RPG or the my opinion of course

I think more people will parcitipate too......loads of people play mini-games in the FF series and we could have it up to the same qualities here as well :hmmm:......its just a suggestions though.
I suggested this exact idea last year in the RPG section, because there was nothing on the Triple Triad game and you couldn't buy cards.

Believe it or not though, On another forum i was on ages ago, we had the minigame and it was hell fun!

for memory oneof the RPG staff said last year that they were looking into it, but haven't heard any news on it since.

i think it's a great idea! I like collecting cards and challenging people to TT games :)
Hmm... I'll admit that card-like games I have had on forums have been fun. However, I think adding anything else to this forum is unnecessary, as we have quite a bit on this place in the first place.

Though, if someone is willing to make it, I'd be up for it. Though let's not bug the RPG director/s. They're busy.
um i love the cardgames in the old system but.... maby just make an online copy of the cardgames from the game with posably afiew other addons
I don't think it'll be implemented, I know in HQ there was one time it was suggested as a replacement for the RPG if we upgraded and couldn't find a compatible RPG for the forum. But seeing as the next VB upgrade isn't particularly massive it's more than likely that the RPG compatibility is a priority, so it's probably unlikely.
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Card games on FFF?! What next, card games on motorcycles?! :gasp:

I can't honestly see how this would work...nor do I think too many people would take part in it.
I think it would be neat, but then I hate the RPG (I don't understand it) so I can see where people who like it wouldn't like the idea too much.

If you're saying like a Trading Card Game, I'd love it and play it to death because those things are both addictive and fun.
I think this is an amazing Idea and it would boost posting and involve members more, in posting and interaction. It may just be the thing needed to spark a new life to a great forum site like this. If there was a petition created than I would sign for it without a second doubt.
How would we implement this though?

Would there be a ranking system? I think in order to do this with a minimum of fuss we would need a need side bar thingy? a designated arena and a place to play casually also folk are going to want to talk about there victories and losses so a chat and discussion thread as well.

Its not hard to do but it would need to be Moderated and it doesnt even have to be like the RPG it can just be Thread or Threads type of thing.

As for the format Triple Triad would be the best model to follow its simpler and the rules are understandable, as for the cards we could have Player Cards for all FF Characters and summons. The point is with some creative ideas as how to make it simple and doable would not be difficult.

It probably wont work though:lew:
How the game works out??.......well you can be the boss of that......But I don't see why it cant be as good as the mini-games in FFIX and FFVIII. I was thinking of this idea after seeing one of my friends play poker (or some kind of card game) on Facebook against his friends........So if anyone has facebook you can check it out.

I like the idea of a trading card game if you lose you have to give up a card and such......But I also like the idea of buying cards through the gil under our usernames......oh so much things.....But you guys can be the boss of it and decide,IF we will be able to do it.

But since it got got met with mixed reactions here I don't know......I don't think any of the mods can decide whether we'll be allowed it......We'll have to wait for big boss (Lord Golbez).:sad3: (hope he's a nice guy)
Also its just a suggestion in its preliminary stages, so there's no need to be rushing to conclusions yet,we need confirmation first......I havent even thought it through yet......Hoping you guys can help me out here.

But can we all agree (with all respect) that the FFF RPG is a :fail:?
its a screenshot RPG game...nothing exciting,addicting or competetive....
Triple Triad would be the nearest thing to it, and it could be easily implemented in the current RPG Inferno. It wouldn't even need to be Final Fantasy monsters and characters - it could be FFF members an' shit (if someone could be arsed to create the cards in PS).
Hahah you want a card game with us photoshopped? That would be so hilarious but weird at the same time xD. Still it made me laugh :lew:.
I'm sure we can have something simlar to this:

Visually,its nothing big.........compared to the arcade games we have here......which graphically look more better than the tetra master above....I'm not suggesting an exact same thing to Tetra Master as there would obviosly be copyright issues......But something simlar to the picture above with our user names on the side,maybe a deck,stats etc etc.

Averagly there are around 25 member active,we only need 2 to play......And like I've said before loads of people play the mini-cardgame in FFIX and FFVIII,but playing with an actual person over the internet is much more satisfying and competetive.