Celes's outfits

Which outfit?

  • Video game clothes

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Amano Clothes

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I like them both the same

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I hate them both

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Which of Celes's outfits do you prefer? The one she wears in the game, or the one that Amano designed for her? Here a picture of them if you forget what they look like.

Video game


Amano design


I definently prefer her Amano outfit. It is much more fitting for a general. To be honest, I really don't like her video game outfit. It looks more like something a female super hero would wear and I just can't imagine a general wearing that.
Mrrg...I wasn't too keen on either of her outfits. I like her better with a cape, but the bathing suit thing is kind of...gaudy. Her amano attire seems like something an elf would wear. It would have been nicer if she had the amano attire WITH cape.
The colors for Amano's outfit doesn't really appeal to me, nor the tight pants and boots. I like the sword, however...xD And the color of her hair - just the right shade, I would say.

The game outfit is more fitting for my taste, except it looks as if she's wearing a bathing suit and that looks kinda weird. =/ I love the white cape though. She looks more bad-ass.
Agreed. That yellow outfit looks incredibly lame and clashy with her hair. =x

I prefer the Amano version of Celes.

I agree, the game version of Celes outfit reminds me of a super hero. The green bathing suit reminds me of Poison Ivy, although she's not a hero at all. o_o

That CG of Celes isn't great. Purple and yellow? Bah :/ The actual Amano sketch looks more fitting.
Her in-game outfit reminds me a bit like Locke's with the bandanna-like headband on. I find those first two pictures to be almost exact opposites, so when it comes to choosing my favorite and my preference, it's gotta be the clothes she wore as I played her in the game.
What about opera Celes? XD She had a pretty outfit then.

I agree with Rhea, i would have prefered the amano outifit WITH cape. Generals wear capes XD not the green bathing suit though :omg:
haha Her Opera outfit was pretty cool I do have to agree. It was the epic moment altogether which just makes you love the Opera even if you hate real life Operas.

lol the only reason I chose the Main game "uni" over the Opera "uni" is because it's what I see her in the most. I can't see her going through the whole game kicking ass and battling fiends and bosses in a dress though, even though Lulu some how pulled it off.:P
Now didn't the Incredibles teach you guys anything about capes? :P

The reason I didn't include the opera outfit is because she only wore it during the opera. She didn't go through the entire game wearing that dress. XD and I was just wondering which outfit people would have preferred her to wear in the game.

Although, having her wear her Amano designed outfit probably wouldn't work well with 16 bit sprites. It could end up looking like she didn't have any pants on. :O Hmm... Maybe a green amano designed outfit would have worked?
i prefer celes in her opera dress above all else. for some reason it seemed to fit her best IMO. but if i had to pick from the two, i'd go with others and say amano with a cape, she's a mighty general she's gotta have a cape.
I always thought the Amano design looked the best, especially the Amano rough sketch that Cerridwen posted. As for her game outfit, I never really cared for it.
Yay, Celes is my favorite video game character, period ^^;. I agree and think that the Amano outfit with the cape would be pretty awesome.
Aww I cam in here thinking Opera outfit would be on the poll :gasp:

Anyway I like the cape outfit. Don't think much of the colours on the other one. I had no idea that was even her o_O Anyway, she doesnt look lik an army general in that one. She looks like she has just been hunting.....so I prefer the in game one (altho she shoulda kept opera outfit 'cause it was hawt)
The Amano Celes looked nice and I am partial to it, but her sprite form gave her the appearance of a general with the padded shoulders and long, flowing cape.

The Amano pic just made Celes look like a simple traveler in my opinion.
A general with a cape is what i can picture...
And the second one doesn't look all that bad either.
So both!


Why hello Celes with cape by Amano! ^_^

To me, it kind of makes more sense for a general/shogun/soldier/what-have-you to not go around with completely exposed arms & legs...>_>

EDIT: And, why not...chibi Celes!

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