Celestial Weapons..how the heck


ShinRa Guard
Dec 31, 2006
Eastern, WA
...would someone work this out on their own? I did the cactaur spirit thing completely by accident and had to go online to figure out why I now had a ghostly cactaur at the southern end of the Thunder Plains.

And who ever thought up these side quests needs to be congratulated for their cleverness then noogied until they beg for mercy.:P

Comments anyone?
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It wouldn't be too hard to do the celestial weapons on your own, I did a couple of them almost by accident, although, there are a few things you probably wouldn't just happen across. Deciphering those codes would probably be the hardest part.
I did have several pieces of the weapons but no idea as to what to do with them until after I did some reading.

Did I miss something? Was there a rumor about celestial weapons?
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What do you want to know? o_O

You have to find a certain characters Crests and Sigils. Lulu's crest I think is hell to get. >_< Dodge 100 lightning bolts in the thunder plains or something stupid like that. :'(
It's 200. I've done 10 :P

I don't need to know anything except how you were supposed to know about the celestial weapons without resulting to a walkthrough? I found several pieces but had NO idea what they were for until read about them online. Heck I even got the Celestial mirror and went "oh cool a mirror...now LuLu can redo her makeup"
Rikku's was easy...Auron's was easy but tedious. I have all but the sigil for Kamarhi's and if I ever see a butterfly in real life again I'm gonna squish it.
172. Golden Chocobo Corollary
The magic formula for acquiring this supreme upgrade will be only vaguely alluded to in the game itself. Ideally, you're supposed to shell out $19.95 for the strategy guide instead.

Oh.......silly me.

Yea I just followed the first time I got it on accident but then when I got the Spirit I started looking for stuff like that. Then I found them all the only thing I need is the Sun Sigil for Tidus to get that you have to complete Catcher Chocobo with a time of 00.00 or less.