Channy’s Plushie Extravaganza

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Ah. You still could have done that anyways, but no sweat, so the first ones won't under "P", that's no biggie. :P

Good job on the plushies by the way, keep up the good work. ^_^

how about this one?
You wanna know what she was gonna do? You really wanna know? Just for that, I'm not gonna tell ya!

But seriously, I don't know either... Oh wait, it is starting to become clearer to me now, yes, so clear.

She was going a jig for you! :awesome: At some point, I'll make my second staff plushie request, but I'll wait until I know my Crimson Wolf staff plushie is done, so it won't be held back any more than necessary.
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last post continued (sorry about the double post)

i would appreciate it. also, if i could perhaps see a preview of it before it hits the shop, that would be great too. just pm me a link as to where it is. thank you channadian bacon.
Your plushies are so cute Channy <3

I don't really want one of myself...I'd like a Stella plushie if you have time.

Something similar to this

I know this is someone elses work...I don't want it exactly the same...just similarish if you can.

Thanks girl :britt:
Since the FFF Pre-Set avatars thread has been placed in the request section, I think it would be best if this thread was also there too.

-Thread Moved-


There is no update.

All plushie requests are accepted, but since my folks have been gone I've been out on dates almost every night. :britt: So I have plushie exoskeletons of some but that's it.

But I don't feel bad. :monster:
Well yeah, you've been out on dates, you ought to feel wonderful after all those nice nights out. :ryan:

Because if not, then something would be seriously wrong... Either everyone around would be serious jerks that you couldn't have a good night with, or you don't know how to have fun. xD

So yeah, glad you're feeling good at least. :monster:
Plushie request

wondering if you could make this work......


if you could somehow make it so that his hair is "blowing in the wind" that would be mega cool!!

Can I request by description? Like, blonde hair, pink dress, etc etc? I want to know before I make a request. Because these are just TOO cute. :jess:

EDIT: Well, here's my request. I have tons of points and I just want one :jess:

I would like mine to have long wavey dirty blonde hair(it's like curls) with some kind of swooping bang. And if you can I'd like to have a little red bow to the left side of the plushie's hair(Kinda like in this pic.) For the clothes can I have it like this white dress(of course in simpler form, lol) with the same white high wedge heels? And For an accessory is it possible I can have a jack-russell terrier like my dog in this pic ? (without the bandanna if you want.)

Phew, okay, that's all. Is that too much? I don't know when I should stop. :ffs: sorry if it's too complicated. And if it is I won't waste your time any longer. :ryan: Thanks in advance. Rep and money for you when and if I get it. :3
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Hey not to get on your case or anything, just wondering are there going be anymore plushies?
Lol I needz a plushy of myself! Hmmmmmm Oh I gotz it,

Use this...

Don't forget the eyepatch the scar and the arrowguns :D his eye is yellow. Oh and if possible put The Freeshooter on the center of his cloak IN BIG WHITE LETTERS! :excited: :fan:


...because I'm a procrastinating slob. ;-;

I finally got my mojo back and started working on them tonight. I started off with the slow, more basic looking ones and finished off two: @Calico 's nameless request, and @Alyss. I got partway through Stella's as well as Joey's, when my laptop overheated and I lost them. -__- So now I'm kinda pissy and need a bit of a break.

That said, I'm also oing this update to do a tally on the thread of who else requested, as well as responding to complicated requests.

Since there have been two (or three? @DarkLordSephiroth66, @sephiroth24300) different member requests for a Sephiroth, I'll do just one and then he can be bought at free will by others. Animation, try as I did before and was ambitious to think I could accomplish it, isn't possible. My version of photoshop doesn't have imageready with it, so I'm not sure how else to animate.

@The Freeshooter: I can do the basis of that character but the weird complicated details like having lettering on his cloak? This is an inch tall graphic so.. that's not really possible. :monster: Sorry.

@Crimson Wolf, @Acer Ecthelion: I dunno what I'm gonna do. I keep putting these two off, and attempting to add bits and details here but it's kinda looking bleak. They may either take a long while before I feel satisfied with them, or I may not ever like em at all and I may just need other requests. But, I'm still trying to be optimistic right now.

Now that leaves me wiiiith

@Liseli 's Lebreau
@Sakura 's Little Sister
@Cardiac Kid
Nox Flueret
@DarkPaladin 's Samurai...thing

And remaining Staff Plushies (which got cut in half </3)

If I recall correctly. :hmmm:

Aaaaand, end scene.
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