Chaos, the god of spam.

Captain Squee

Like a pirate, but with class.
Jul 27, 2009
The seas be my home
Rever Seurwit
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Timber Owls <Owls>
Ever notice this? Not only is he readable like a book, but often attempts using the same move too many times in a row. If it didn't work the first 3 times, why try again? No joke, I was once fighting him and he froze his bravery at about 4K just to span Demons Dance seriously 4 times. After his bravery unfroze, I got pretty close to throwing my psp out of annoyance because he uses Utter Chaos 7 times in a row! At this point, he had about 5K HP left, and my Warrior of Light had enough to one-hit him, if he wasn't busy dancing or being a giant.

This was of course the worst case scenario, it was never that bad before or has yet to be that bad again, but he also has a massive spamming tenancy for divine punishment spam. He does that so many times in one minute, I facepalm. I counter it every time, the AI learns not to use some things when fighting with other characters, so I think Chaos is the god of spam in all reality :dave:
Finally someone besides me is acknowledging this besides me. I use level 72 Firion against Chaos (who is what, level 48?) and I keep losing to him, just because he is a fucking cheater. I have noticed that he never seems to cut me any slack when it comes to repeatedly doing the same attack over and over - and I have reminded myself before I fought him for the first time that final bosses do not play fair (that's how I noticed that the first half of battle was WAY too easy.), so I should have been expecting this. . .but still, doesn't mean that I can't call his methods very irritating.
Well, he didn't hit me with a single move, fighting chaos is mostly about out-maneuvering him. I simply find it annoying and unnecessary to use the same things over and over, each one has a trick to avoiding, playing against a level 100 chaos a lot (Like, every battle I fight him in now) I need to know his moves. I do get hit, yes, but 90% of the time, I avoid his moves. Since I avoid them, one would think he could catch on...stupid computer...
It's worst when you're doing arcade mode time attack when fighting Chaos. I was doing really well, had about 3 minutes going to fight Chaso with untill the time limit went over 10 minutes, beat him twice wall smash he had one HP lef and I had about a minute left. 4 utter chaos moves in a row, and the animation is about 30 seconds long so I missed out on 10 megaelixirs because I couldn't attack him whne he was doing his utter chaos move. Unbelivebly frustrating.
So what? Just be patient until the combo is over and then use really cheap moves to kill it back (WoL's ascension for some reason isn never dodged/blocked)
I never said it was a big deal, I was only mentioning how annoying it was. I still almost never lose against him, as he almost never can land an HP attack on me anymore.
I fought fire with fire and spammed Terra's tornado nonstop until chaos is beat (x3). I do it everytime I fight him and I have no shame doing so. If SE is gonna spit in my face with this spam hungry piece of shit A.I. then I'll use the exact same technique against him. And it works every single time.
Well that's one of the things about this game that makes it horrible.

Players / NPCs can just repeatedly do shit and there is nothing you can do about it. If Square really wanted to they could make an unbeatable boss that didn't do anything but sit there and dodge.

So much of the game is just a waste of time, and I personally find tech spamming to be pretty impractical and unrealistic, even for a fantasy violence video game.