Characters you wish were developed more.


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Jun 26, 2008
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I swear there was a thread like this at some point, but I can't seem to find it... Perhaps it was just for single games...

Anyway... Are there any characters in ANY of the Final Fantasy games that you thought were amazing concepts, but lacked sufficient development?

Or was there anything that you wanted to know about the characters that wasn't revealed in the game?

Post them here and discuss.

I'll add some of my own once I'm not so busy, and this has been noticed (or deleted/moved).
I remember that thread too.
First I'd say Paine from FFX-2.I don't think they spent to much time when creating her,maybe I'm wrong but I wait for more.How can she just pop up out of nowhere?They should've shown more of her past and I never felt she was member of that party,she felt a little distant to me.
Although he was only a guest character, Reddas in Final Fantasy XII should've been introduced earlier in the game, and given time to develop. A real potential there, and he should've become an actual playable character.
Shame he was killed off at the end of the Pharos, no matter how heroic his death
Sorceress Adel from FFVIII. I really liked her and I wish we knew more about her. It seemed like the game was teasing us. How Elione (or was it Rinoa?) mentions she was "inside the young Adel". I would'v eliked to know about the young Adel.
Hmmm, Al-Cid Margrace from XII, he just seemed really cool and laid back and I think he could have been a much stronger and relevant character in the story

Ultemica from VIII, not much is really known about her other than being a sorceress from the future that wants to get a hold of Ellone and her power

Amarant in IX, very cool and mysterious, pretty much a bad ass, but little is ever shown or told about him.
Some NPC's that I thought were interesting, but lacked development:

Ghido - The talking turtle sage in FFV... An AWESOME concept, I just wish we saw more of him, or perhaps joined the party as a guest or something :D.

Owzer - The big fat aristocrat you meet in FFVI - He only makes a brief appearance, and I guess thats all he needs, but I love his design... Like a precursor to Brahne, only male... I just think he could have been introduced a little bit earlier.

Mikoto - The female Genome from FF9. I wanted to see what power she possessed, and what she would be like in comparison to Kuja and Zidane. I hoped she'd join the party as a guest character for a bit, but sadly not.
red XIII for sure. he was definitely underplayed, and by the time you actually got to know a little of his story, the party had already moved on.

i agree with adel. pretty sure adel was a dude and not a chick. when you fight him he's not wearing a shirt and he's bare chested. i guess what i'm trying to say is, no boobies LOL

paine too. i agree that she didn't feel like part of the group at all. like she came out of nowhere and joined the group.
Amarant - he was a greeat character but i dont feel they indulged into his past enough. You see a few flashbacks when your in Treno about when he met Zidane but thats it. Wheres his hometown? Where did he grow up?

Same with Steiner, i really liked him but you dont really know anything about him besides the fact that hes is captain of the knights of Pluto and he serves the Queen.
I'd ofliked half the cast of VIII to be developed more, you just didn't know enought about them as uindividual characters, it was always concering the group, about all we learn of Quistis is she was in the orphanage, things didnt work out wit her firster family so she ended up at garden, was always trying to break up fights with the lads then became was a SeeD at 15 then became an instructor....not really indepth now is it, most of the others seem to be about the same ands its a shame relly, there was so much potential D: Learning more about Ellones powers would be nice aswel

Can't really think of any other characters, because the guys from 8 just take the biscuit.
Pretty much anyone from Final Fantasy XII. Vaan and Penelo had absolutely no story... but even characters like Basch and Balthier didn't have nearly as much backstory as I would have liked. I honestly think the judges were better developed than any of the heroes, which is cool in its own right. I just wish the love was spread around evenly.
Ultimecia, she was the "main" villain of the game, I suppose, but she just seemed so incredibly random and I didn't really feel any incentive to fight her other than the fact you have to. I suppose this is why I support the Rinoa = Ultimecia theory, it actually gives her a story.

Vaan and Penelo - they were both war orphans, they could have had really horrible lives and stuff that effected them but we got nothing. I was really disappointed with the two of them in FFXII.
Ultimecia, she was the "main" villain of the game, I suppose, but she just seemed so incredibly random and I didn't really feel any incentive to fight her other than the fact you have to. I suppose this is why I support the Rinoa = Ultimecia theory, it actually gives her a story.

Vaan and Penelo - they were both war orphans, they could have had really horrible lives and stuff that effected them but we got nothing. I was really disappointed with the two of them in FFXII.
Couldn't agree more about both of these suggestions.

I'll definitely slip in all of the characters from FF1, particularly Garland. He seems to be a villain for the sake of being a villain and the whole story surrounds 4 nameless warriors wandering around, bumping into him (who appears to be "immortal"?) and "breaking" a cycle that no one really noticed or cared about in the first place. :wacky:

Other than that, probably Cissnei and Hollander, from Crisis Core. They were both characters who were just flung in there and the story would've carried on almost identically without them. xD
Balthier and Fran from FFXII. I for one would have liked to have seen more about how these two ended up in a partnership. Not only were they the epitome of "odd couple" but the Viera in general seemed to show disdain for Humans, what made those two stick together? I would say Vaan and Penelo also, supposed main characters whom nothing of note was revealed about.

Cissnei from Crisis Core was also kinda just there, but I think add on characters are always going to have rather absent development in the grand scheme of things.

Lulu and Wakka in that left me thoroughly WTF'd. Where the Hell did that come from? Not so much poor development as NO development at all!
If I could choose any character as a candidate for development I would choose Beatrix, Al-Cid, and Firion. I know Firion is already well developed but I would appreciate some kind of side story on his part. I would like to see his life story before the game and not just a script.

I also would like to see a side story for the boss Lich and some kind of adventure for Bahamut. Bahamut has been one of my favorite summons for quite some time and I wish FF did something like in Bahamut Lagoon. I would never stop playing that game.
Like many others, I believe the characters from FFVIII were poorly developed. I mean with the exception of Squall, you didn't really no much about them. Especially Ultimecia. Who the hell was she exactly? Besides being a sorceress from the future who wants Ellone's power and all that jazz. Seifer's another one. I mean he's supposed to be Squall's rival but...that's about it -_-

And FFXII.... Well the main reason why I didn't like that game was because of the poorly developed characters. I mean Vaan and Penelo.... COME ON!
I agree with most of the people here. Final Fantasy VIII probably had the least character development for me though. I really would've liked more development in XII, which is probably the reason I can't get myself to finish the game. I'll note from a few other games...

Final Fantasy VII - Red XIII: I wish we would've learned more about his past and the past of Cosmo Canyon... All we know is that there was a war with the GI Tribe. =/

Final Fantasy IX - Amarant: Again, people have already said it but we don't know a hoot about this guy other than the fact that he and Zidane met in Treno before the game. No past information at all.
Mikoto: I mean wtf? You meet this Genome who seems like she's going to be a big character and all, but after you leave the place, she has nothing to do with anybody? Sounds like a trashed idea by Square and they should've did something else than what they did.

Final Fantasy X - Kimahri: I think they could've done more with him. He was a really boring character in general (imo) and the Biron and Yenke scenes just established that he was small and hornless for the most part. lol

Final Fantasy X-2 - Paine: She was just pretty much... there. She served little purpose to the story, and they show very little about her past.
I dont know why I forgot to mention FFXII, it ahd so much potential to develop the characters, but it seemed like it was too busy trying to be one giant dungeon,. that the characters go tneglected. Vaan was just like some kid whos brother died in the war and wanted to be a sky pirate, we know even less about penelo.....

The others had decent development, but alas, it could have been so much better. I never really felty like I was proper introduced to any of the characters or really got to 'know' them, if that would be the right word. They just seemed to be some people I knew a little about >_>
Ohh yes! Let's not forget Necron, the last boss of FFIX. He was introduced during the last minutes of the game. What's up with that?
Good question, here's my answer.

I'd have to say Gogo (FFVI) and Quina (FF9) there's way to much mystery. We don't even know if they are boys or girls. Zidane and Vivi should have there own movie about rather they live or die. Other then that every story of Final Fantasy is about revealing the characters. So not too many are left undeveloped.
Sorceress Adel from FFVIII. I really liked her and I wish we knew more about her. It seemed like the game was teasing us. How Elione (or was it Rinoa?) mentions she was "inside the young Adel". I would'v eliked to know about the young Adel.

def agree. FFVIII was a great game but the backbone of the story wasn't really told too well so the storyline on the whole wasn't as good as FFVII or FFIX