Characters you wish were developed more.

Amarant. I thought in the shrine, that they were starting to get to something when he reminisced over his past and called himself a loser. But he really didn't change very much. He changed some, but not much.
There wasn't much info bout riku in ffx, at least not at the part im at in the game.
Vaan :mokken:

We weren't told anything about him much. He was just there in the shadows of the party along with Penelo. He needed more information about who he was. Like what happened after Reks dies. How exactly it made him feel? He just seemed to be there to make it seem as though the game had a good party size. He needed more backstory and a bigger contribution to the main one.
Final Fantasy XII's whole cast, there was next to no background development of the characters whatsoever. The scene was set by what happened to one or two of them and the pasts of others were briefly mentioned but other than that there was next to nothing, there was hardly any relationship development between the characters throughout the game either. It was pretty depressing really considering there was so much they could have done with the characters =/
Final Fantasy XII's whole cast, there was next to no background development of the characters whatsoever. The scene was set by what happened to one or two of them and the pasts of others were briefly mentioned but other than that there was next to nothing, there was hardly any relationship development between the characters throughout the game either. It was pretty depressing really considering there was so much they could have done with the characters =/

Couldn't agree more. Also, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, and Rikku in X. I know they were supposed to be escorts for Yuna, but that's ALL they felt like. They might as well have been NPCs--I felt like I knew just as much about that Rin guy who kept showing up as I did half my party. :grumpy:

It would've been nice if the other characters in IX had acted like they gave a damn about Freya's issues, too. They showed sympathy for
, of course, but aside from Zidane, I felt like no one ever really talked to her about anything else, or cared about what was going on with her and Sir Fratley. I thought that was a more compelling love story than Zidane/Garnet, and yet it got pushed to the background somewhat in their shadow. Maybe I'm just remembering it oddly, but I played it again fairly recently...:hmmm: Actually, I do remember her having a few conversations with Amarant, but they felt kind of odd and left me wondering, "Why do they keep gravitating towards each other?" If there was supposed to be some sort of profound reason, they should have expounded on it a little more, I think. I don't think it's because they were both "loners", because she would really have no reason to be, the way she was developed.
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Kimari (FFX)- I thought they could have done so much more with him. There were times through X that I forgot he was even there.

Lulu (FFX)- She just needed a little more character development.

Everyone from XII cause as far as I'm concerned, they were all pretty much the same character.

Armarant (FFIX)- apparently they had more story for him but there was not enough time to finish it due to the release date.

Gogo and Umaro (VI)- No character development at all for them. At least give Gogo some background.

Tifa (VII)- Add more to her character than her obsession with Cloud. I would have liked to have seen her become emotionally independent depending on how you interpret her reaction to "I think I can meet her there"

Quistis (VIII)- She really interested me at the begining of VIII, but then nothing ever happened to her character nor did it develop at all. Another character I forgot was there.
Final Fantasy XII's whole cast, there was next to no background development of the characters whatsoever. The scene was set by what happened to one or two of them and the pasts of others were briefly mentioned but other than that there was next to nothing, there was hardly any relationship development between the characters throughout the game either. It was pretty depressing really considering there was so much they could have done with the characters =/


Amarant from FF IX also. He came in pretty late in the game and he got next to no development. He just seemed a rather pointless character to me. He was decent enough in battle but I didn't really care for him as a character.

Quistis in FF VIII. I really liked her character a lot (somewhere Vikki just facepalmed) and I wish they had done more with her. After the first disk, nothing really happened with her character.
Quistis! A bespectacled lady badass should have pushed a lot of my happy buttons, but she's in love with Squall, then she isn't, and that's about all she gets.

Also, the entire cast of XII. Most of them had so much potential, but approximately no time in that game is devoted to character interaction and development.
I agree!!! The cast of XII needed more development. I loved all of the characters except for Basch. Haha. Didn't like him much.

Also Paine from X-2 should have been developed more :/. Oh well.
I agree with all the Amarant posts. I really wish the developers put much effort into him.

I'd also say the Emperor from FFII. The only thing you know about him is that he's the baddie from the start. No past or anything. The four main characters had SOME development. More couldn't hurt, but I'm fine with how they are now.
I think that all of the characters from FFIII needed development. The few attempts at romance in the game were poorly done and needed more dialogue.