Chastity, What do YOU think?

Jan 18, 2007
Ireland: The Land of Impossibilities
chastity |? ch ast?t?| noun
the state or practice of refraining from extramarital, or esp. from all, sexual intercourse : vows of chastity.

Personally, I don't agree with it. What IF you don't want to get married? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to! But the catholic church believes that "it's not true love unless you are married"
Well I left the V-Club when I was 16. I don't have a problem with sex, it's fun. Why should I have to wait till I'm married to have sex? Then I'll have no experience at all, and I won't be able to please my wife.
I personally am waiting till I married. Mainly because I do not want to gett married to someone and feel I may have betrayed them somehow by not waiting. My mind would make me feel that way. But if someone chooses not to wait, I have no problem with that, you should do what makes you happy
chastity |? ch ast?t?| noun
the state or practice of refraining from extramarital, or esp. from all, sexual intercourse : vows of chastity.

Personally, I don't agree with it. What IF you don't want to get married? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to! But the catholic church believes that "it's not true love unless you are married"

If you can do it then great. If you can't, get married or not be a clergyman or clergywoman.
Well I left the V-Club when I was 16. I don't have a problem with sex, it's fun. Why should I have to wait till I'm married to have sex? Then I'll have no experience at all, and I won't be able to please my wife.


Also, I used to believe that you should save yourself for marriage. Then, I found the actual 'one'. No joke, I've really found him. So screw that, we're getting married anyways, what's the point?
It is the persons own choice whether they choose to save sex for marriage or not. Everyone has different morals and values and it is not fair and very close minded to critisize others for what they choose to do in their private lives. No one has any right to call a promiscious woman a whore just as they have no right to call a virgin who is planning to wait for marriage a tight ass(is that term even still used?).
All sex is morally wrong, whether you're married or not. I agree with you that this idea that it's somehow OK during marriage is plain silly.
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It is the persons own choice whether they choose to save sex for marriage or not. Everyone has different morals and values and it is not fair and very close minded to critisize others for what they choose to do in their private lives. No one has any right to call a promiscious woman a whore just as they have no right to call a virgin who is planning to wait for marriage a tight ass(is that term even still used?).
its still used when people refer to people waiting till mariage for anal sex!
Chastity, as in wait 'till you marriage to have sex? Well I guess it depends of the person, and their moral values, whenever they are too traditional people or not, either way I don't believe there is anything wrong with having sex before you get marriage.

However one person could make mistakes, terrible mistakes for "rushing into the battlefield" (lol clever expertion< you all know what I mean) but as long as the person is responsable enough like to not do anything stupid then sure, with not?
All sex is morally wrong, whether you're married or not.

It's all a matter of opinion, so whoever claims that sex is wrong as a FACT should hang their heads in shame. I don't care one way or another. Also, nothing wrong with masturbation either. I can't imagine an adolescent male who DOESN'T do it. Like I said, it's all a matter of opinion.
i don't really know what it is, but basicly it's having no sex before marriage because of religious meanings?

to me it's fine, i have no problems with it, however, myself i don't do it... i admit i already had sex... and it was to be honest just for fun(i'm 16 currently) it had nothing to do with love, just plain fun... i have no problems with it
What does being married have to do with being able to have sex. Sex is an act and marrige is a title. Completly diffrent. Being married doesn't bring people any closser to one another. Sure its an exciting period of life but after a week (or more/less) people go back to there same old selves. There personality doesn't change, there thoughts/beliefs stay the same. Neither marrige or sex changes those. (Unless under a psychological disorder)

So im not really seeing how sex outside of marrige is wrong, or how the "church" should have any say in it what-so-ever. I take the same stance i do with gay marrige. Sex is an act done in the home and so the church should have no part in it what so ever. (Neither should the government or other groups)
I think that people can have sex as long as they are mature enough to. Ive never gone to church and don't agree "wait till your married" thing. Prolly because I wouldn't be here if I thought along those lines. I do respect people who are going to wait though.
I think that people can have sex as long as they are mature enough to. Ive never gone to church and don't agree "wait till your married" thing. Prolly because I wouldn't be here if I thought along those lines. I do respect people who are going to wait though.

would you re-word that is sounds like if you would have waited till marriage before having sex you would have never been born, and since you can't be your own father that makes no sense
Back to the thread....Chastity, again another thing i dislike, i thing its generally wrong, people chastise them self to bring themselves closer to god , to try and feel the pain jesus bore I dislike it because either way god is and will be close to you
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Like others have said here, it's all a matter of personal opinion. I totally respect other people's beliefs and what they feel is right to do with their bodies. It's their bodies and their lives, not mine, so who on earth am I to say if it's wrong? Personally, I'm waiting for several different reasons. I really want to give it to the right person, though I'm sick of people telling me how stupid I am to wait. Hey, it's my thing. I respect yours, you respect mine, it's a simple as that, you know?
Truthfully, I'll wait untill I'm Married so I don't have any little Zalamanders running around before I'm able to take care of them....and i know about protected sex, but there is the risk that the 'protection' will break. So I'll wait and not try to ruin my life. but if you do it, go ahead. I'm just a guy that dosen't like to take risks.