Chinese Cat Girl


ღWhite Roséღ ♀
Nov 15, 2008
ღAustraliaღ ღQueenslandღღGold Coastღ
Chinese Cat Girl

A six-year-old Chinese girl has doctors puzzled after thick grey hair started growing all over her body, earning her the nickname "cat-girl".

Li Xiaoyuan, from Fengkai in southern China, had a small birthmark on her back just months ago, which has since grown to cover her entire back and parts of her arms and face, The Sun reports.

"Doctors told us it was just how a birthmark even when it started spreading but now it covers half her body," her father Li Yan was quoted as saying.
"None of the other children want to play with her, they are calling her cat-girl and are really mean."

Her mother Li Jian said it broke her heart to see her daughter suffer like this.

A surgeon at Zhaoqing City Dermalogical l Hospital in China's Guangdong province said Li Xiaoyuan may have a rare skin disease that makes normal moles run amok.

Dr Lou Zhongquan said laser surgery could have been used if the skin problem was smaller, but there would be a significant chance of post surgery haemorrhage if Li was operated on.
If you click on the link you'll see the image of the girl. =0

It really is quite shocking and I'm surprised they didn't do something about it earlier.

Now they reckon that there is too much of it and it could cause her further problems if they try to get rid of it.

Poor thing is going to go through hell in school.
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Oh My God!

That's crazy. I wonder why that happened...Bad genes?

And yes, she IS going to go through hell in school.
Surely there is a way to remove the excess body hair? I don't know why should want to though.

That is the coolest thing I've seen all day, thanks for the post!
If she played wow i bet shed play a druid =p shapshifting cat form, she can relate XD

wats up with that small patch on her elbow? its totally seperated from everything else.
Sounds like a case of gene splicing or something if that truly works. I'm not scientific, but that is a bit nutty. I mean so what though, if people make fun of her then they are basically asking for a kick in the arse. It'll happen though.. I feel for her.. but at least she's unique.
Sounds/looks like hypertrichosis. Also known as Wolfman's disease. It can either be congenital, or it can manifest as a result of some sort of trauma. In most cases the hair is dark and coarse, but I suppose there isn't any particular reason why it couldn't be gray, if there's a lack of pigmentation in her body.
I think the story may be a bit off on the facts, after all, it is The Sun. :wacky:
But it does look a little weird to say the least, to be honest, the doctors may have said it was a birth mark but I don't think it would have spread so rapidly that the parents didn't have time to take her back to the doctors. So I blame them just as much >.>
Poor thing, if I were her Mother I would have her home schooled, I'd neve rlet my child go through that kind of treatment.

As for the girl and the 'birthmark' it couldn't have grown all that much in a matter of hours if it that was there for a while, I mean come on how inattentive can the parents be? There's a black/gray thing crawling along their daughter's body, how can that NOT be noticed?

If this story happens to be true, then I wish all good wills to the child. No one should ever have to suffer like she is at the current time.

People can be cruel...
Oerba's right. This is the Sun- and I'm usually wary when it comes to tabloids. But seeing the image of the girl is evidence enough and it has upset me greatly.

The poor sweet girl is going to face a life of hell and trauma if the hair remains on her body like that. When she attends school, a barrage of abuse and mockery will be inevitable. She will most likely suffer from depression, a lack of self esteem and ultimately a loss of will to integrate with society.

We're all fortunate that we do not suffer maladies like this, and I have no scientific knowledge to contribute here. We may not be able to help her and the least the world can do is not to degrade her, nor shall Li be called a "cat girl". To her family, that is a rather upsetting term.
I can empathize with her to a small extent. Although less obvious or serious, my ears aren't exactly normal, in the sense that it isn't fully developed. Yet, despite the fact, I almost never got bullied, save for one occasion.

I still bear some animosity to that guy, but view him as a retard for his poorer grades anyway- so that compensates the hatred. But that's not the point.

The point is, I already had low self-esteem, and was rather anti-social, even with the worser treatments like bullying. Just knowing the fact that I was probably not as normal as any person on the street is already enough to crush that confidence. For that girl, who have also went through bullying, I can only pray that she would be strong.

I hope that her parents can provide her with the love and support she needs. Engage a social worker or counselor to help as well, since that proved to be the turning point for me (I became more cheerful and more social after that). Still, do not hide her from the harshness of school. Education is vital, and those bullying may well be the experience she needs to go through in order to grow.

There is no choice in this harsh world. She have to become stronger or be lost in self-pity. People may sympathize, but that isn't going to support her forever. I wish her all the best.

To the others. I would think regarding her as normal would be best though. From my own experience, what I truly wanted was people to regard me as someone normal, even with my ears, and hearing disability that accompanied it. Unless she says so, I think that is what she would seek as well.
Hell in school? Here she would be praised. People would find her cool if she attend school here. On top of that she's got so much publicity she'll probably be perfectly fine. :3 Is she an attractive girl?
^ all you see is her hairy (looks like fur. <.<) back, you can't really tell. And that's not what this is about, it's that freaky thick hair on her back and left elbow (that part of it in particular looks a bit odd...). =P

That's unreal, that person is going to get made fun of and name-called so much, it's going to be hard for her, it's a shame, but to me it looks kind of neat, I know the other people of the world won't think that way. D:
All you strange people thinkingit's cool xD

If that was me Id be bathing in hair removal cream every day, that poor girl :gonk:

I refuse to beleive it spread that fast that they couldn't do out about it, its practically taking over her back

I'd be gutted if that was me :gonk: