Chocobo Breeding

Cait Sith_01

Planet Protector
Apr 17, 2007
North Wales
The chocabo breeding thing in 7 was really compicated! But OK you got a really cool summon in the end but after all that really in theory you dont need a chocabo anymore.
You kidding? The gold chocobo's very useful in the races (get some sweet items, if you're lucky) and you can get pretty much anywhere with it. Whereas with the Highwind and the sub, you can only land on grass or on the shore. Sooo...chocobos are good if you're feeling lazy, I suppose.
chocobo breeding is easy i found no difficulty in it mainly because i spoke to the chocobo sage in the mountains of the north continent just past the forgotten city
I only got a Gold Chocobo when i whooped Weapon. I was never really keen on the Chocobo Breeding sub game.
Good + Great = Blue or Green
Blue + Green = Black
Black + Wonderful = Gold

There are special nuts you need to use, but I forgot how to spell them. >.o I think it was Carob for getting Blue, Green, and Black and to get the Gold, you need one that starts with a Z...but I'm not sure.
Chocobo breeding was one of the best parts of the game, which I wish they put into XII ^_^ And I preferred riding my gold Chocobo around than taking the Highwind because I could get to areas easily.

Oh and by the way it was a Zeio Nut ^_^
I couldn't complete that little side quest. :(
I only got the mountain chocobo, methinks.

But either way, I had no idea you could race it and improve its stats. :P
And it was pretty useful, but not much else in terms of treasure hunting.

Yarly. :monster:
chocobo breading was VERY expensive in FF7, i went all the way to KOTR, the only boring bit was traing every chocobo up via racing the things, but it paid off though, well several thousand gil later anyways...