Chocobo Forest [Hot & Cold]


Apr 7, 2007
What are the best items you've found? Who else was as addicted to this part of FFIX as I was? What areas of the game did you like playing Hot & Cold best? (Forest, Lagoon, Air Garden, Paradise).
I think I got a megalixer, or an ordinary elixer from the Air Gardens... Its been a while, but I remember going, "Oh sweet, I'll just stay here and farm these". So yeah, it was probably a megalixer, because I wouldn't have farmed normal elixers.
i found an elixir or megalixir like you^
but it was really deep down like 150 or something lol
The best I got was a Chocograph Piece.:smartass:

But I loved it. IX was my favourite, and the Chocobo quest was no exception. Hours and hours and hours were spent trying to get this done. XD

Getting the Golden Chocobo at last was amazing. Chocobo Paradise was kickass.
Oh, I got the Chocograph Piece too! ^^ I remember getting excited about it. And of course, ethers. I always get excited when it comes to ethers...and yet I never really use them. =/ I guess I just like collecting them.

I like the Air Garden. And yes, I was extremely addicted to this mini-game! Anything that has to do with chocobos, I love!
Hours and hours? You must've had rottem luck, man. I probably got all the Chocographs (and the pieces) in about an hour and a half... At most two. Finding the buggers were easy as well, I used a map I found. Uber pwnage.

The Chocograph Pieces were bastards for me. Besides, I just liked getting all those nifty items. You don't really get many Ethers throughout the game, so finding them within that mini-game was great.

And... an hour and a half? I hate you so much for that. XD
Too much time spent playing Chocobo Hot and Cold, it wa wondefully addictive. I remember going mad trying to get all the chocograph pieces and then finding most of them in the space of half an hour one day XD - that was a nice moment.

Out of the venues I liked the lagoon best, was easy to find stuff there, which meant less frustration all round for me!
Appart from Chocographs and Chocograph pieces, I think the best I got was a Megalixer from the Air Garden, but mine was something 280 down :sad: I really hurt my thumb digging that up xD
I love getting forced to stop by the moogle
S'pose the best I got was a Cachusha. I probably has 50+ Elixirs by endgame, and never used 'em much anyway. Plus, as soon as I found the last chocograph, I didn't waste anymore time playing -- chocographs are the ultimate prize.

You don't really get many Ethers throughout the game, so finding them within that mini-game was great.

Monsters drop quite a lot. In fact, I had so many, I made about 60,000g from selling the excess.
I loved this sidequest. Mostly I liked the lagoon, just because of the atmosphere. The forest would be my favorite, but then when you eventually get to go up the sides onto the ledges to dig, I got annoyed with that. The great thing about this chocobo sidequest was that it was so balanced, between digging, finding the chocographs on the world map, and then getting very worthy rewards, it was just great. In the other games I felt bored or that I had wasted my time.
I loved this mini game too. At first i had no idea what to do but once i got the hang of it i was hooked.
OK, somebody hook me up with the info. This is my second time playing the game and I have *no* idea what you guys are talking about. Do you start this sidequest in the Choc Forest? All I ever got there was gyshal greens. Thanks!!

**EDIT**: Never mind! I've got the blue choc now.
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I really didn't like the item's gotten out of digging except for teh actual Chocograph pieces themselves like Saix mentioned. Sure it was a really fun game, but the Graph Pieces are the only one's I really wanted to dig up.
(ah -ha! I knew there'd be a fred somewhere :wacky:)

I love chocobo hot and cold :monster:

I remember it so well from my last play through, although I also remember being extremley frustrated at getting kweeeeeeeeh! and not finding the KWEEEH intime, it does my head in. Defo the most infuriating part, because Im convinced everytime I miss out its a chocograph and I want to headbutt the control pad >_<

It is loads of fun though. I remember the lagoon place the most, so I can only assume that place was the most irritating....

This part of the game probably took more time than the actual game annoying yet so addictive. I absolutely loved the chocobo paradise place though, it was well worth it!
I don't know what the best item I dug up was, but the best Chocograph item is Steiner's Ragnarok sword. I like how you can use the chocobo to find Zidane's Ultima Weapon and Freya's Dragon Whisker on disc 4 provided Choco is dark blue or gold.
I'm starting to get impatient now, I have only found 4 so far, I'm almost certain you can get on the ledges in this first forest aswel, although I dunno if that is at a later point or if it's another forest D:

I'm gunna try and find a couple more then carry on with my adventuring I think.....

I have no idea what the best item I have found is though.....although I just dug up summat that was at a depth of 50 and I thought yaaaaay~ it's another chocograph but it was a BLOODY REMEDY D:
You can also search for stuff on the ledges in Chocobo Forest, but not until your Chocobo becomes red and learns the Mountain Ability.
I found all but 5 chocographs (inc that other choco peice) and I was told Choco couldn't search no more at that time, I assume I now have to wait to change into that mountain chocobo. I kept telling myself, just find one more and Il carry on with the story, then Id find one and Id be like WOOHOO....maybe just one more......rinse and repeat.....D:

I was at it for about 3 and a half hours before it told me to stop, can't wait to get back and find the rest, curse it's addictiveness......
Yesterday I finally managed to finish everything and get to the chocobo paradise!

Although it took me hours to find the last 3 chocograph pieces, then they came in 4 rounds of looking. typical.

Bambi-Thats the beauty of hot and cold, you just keep on going until you realise its like 3 in the morning and all the other things you said you were going to do on the game have gone out the window! ^_^