
>< NOOOO how could you eat them? It's much more economical to keep them alive. think of all the stuff they could pull, fight and ..... and....

ahhh you get the point.
hey chocobos rule. that is all there is to it. and to all chocobo luvers out there! if i get permission i am going to have a chocobo luvers club! for all of those who luv chocobos! but only if i get permission.
*GASP* someone didnt play the chocobo mini quest on FFVII the best FF out there. The gold chocobo is the ultimate chocobo. It can fly(gold), run on land(yellow), go over rivers(blue), and climb over mountatins(black), at least I think thats it there might be a red one. I havnt played it for years so dont bind me to these words.
Almost. Yellow for land, Blue for rivers, Mountins are Green, all three plus abit more for Black and Gold can go ANYWHERE. It however cannot fly in FF VII, the only one I know it flys in is IX. You can't obtain a Red Chocobo but you can race against them in the races along with White, Purple, Pink and other colours.

As for eating Chocobos', its blatenly a popular meal in the Turtle Paradise ^_^
ey zurh... i will kill u...
Chocobos will rule everything soon... especially those dum moogle fat heads...
I keep geting Chocobos and my name confuse cuse they are almost alike
I love chocobos. ^_^
They're useful and they're loyal.
Except for those rent-a-chocobo characters, sheesh...they just leave you in the middle of nowhere. there any way to catch a wild chocobo in X-2? Outside of the missions, of course. I end up on the Mi'hen Highroad and after Yuna points out that chocobos are a rarity, I end up running into three chocobos in three different fights all on the first trip there o_O
Chocobos and Moombas are my favourite creatures of the Final Fantasy world. I have a FFX chocobo teddy somewhere ^^