Christmas Number 1

KITNO is the only RATM song I know and I love it.

Check out these RATM songs, if you like Killing in the name of then you will love these tracks.

Township Rebellion
Wake Up
Know Your Enemy
Bullet in the Head
Bomb Track
Take the Power Back
Guerilla Radio
No Shelter
Sleep Now in the Fire
Bulls on Parade
Fistful of Steel

*its official, RATM are the UK Christmas number 1.
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I am really not happy that Rage against the Machine are no.1 it's totally stupid, I would rather have the X-Factor single to this rubbish. Muppets would have been a good choice though.
ANYthing other than the same old predictable xfactor shit over and over every year would have suited me, its time they canned that shit show now

Think about it. I watch X Factor, yet even I'll admit it's time for something different for a change. They've hogged that spot for a few years now and it's time someone else take it.
I am really not happy that Rage against the Machine are no.1 it's totally stupid, I would rather have the X-Factor single to this rubbish. Muppets would have been a good choice though.

More stupid than being spoon fed and told what to like and what to buy?
So RATM is number 1. The extent of the effectiveness of the Facebook campaign seems rather incredible. I imagine the two who started it are feeling rather smug with themselves.

I stand with the view that the whole campaign is just pointless, yet nevertheless the rather predictable outcome has amused me a little. It's too bad Joe misses out on success as many people predict he will fade away quickly like Leon Jackson.

I still think that all this fuss about the Christmas Number 1 thing is also pointless. I don't see what is so sacred about that position :mokken:

Although if people are happy that the X-Factor effect has been stopped, I guess I'll be as well.
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More stupid than being spoon fed and told what to like and what to buy?

No one is being "spoon fed" anything, what people like and buy/download is their own choice.

But I do agree that X-Factor should be cut if people are resorting to campaigns like this to get rid of the singles from the show. I mean this whole thing has just made my Christmas really dissappionting, because the music contributes to the mood, but now there is all this hype about some stupid band that jumps around swearing all throughout the song, I mean come on!

Plus Christmas is also for Children, do you really think parents will appreciate thier kids jumping around swearing along to RATM?? I don't think so!
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This "spoon fed" argument seems rather interesting to me now that I think about it.

If any X-Factor winner releases their winning song, there isn't some dictated and predetermined rule that means the public must buy that winning song.

I don't remember anyone telling me what to like and buy either. Everyone has their own free will. I haven't downloaded The Climb and that has been my own decision not to. No one has been trying to coerce me to.

As far as I know, if I like a single, I buy it. The public can simply not buy Joe's song if they don't want to.
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That grinning X-Factor twit will get number 1 next week. When people stop buying RATM.

I was amused for a while. So everyone whinging about how awful RATM are, don't worry. The silly little game is over now.

I am pleased that RATM are giving the royalties to Shelter though, and playing a free gig. I can guarantee that burke Joe wouldn't have done that. He'd probably spunk it all up the wall on cocaine and fast cars.

He'll be forgotten in about a years time, because he can't write songs. Only sing other peoples.
No one is being "spoon fed" anything, what people like and buy/download is their own choice.

They're not. People aren't that intelligent, that see ads for things and they buy them. Shows like Xfactor are designed to create one no talented idiot who is famous for awhile then vanishes. Simon Cowell et al pocket the cash and laugh all the way to the bank.

But I do agree that X-Factor should be cut if people are resorting to campaigns like this to get rid of the singles from the show. I mean this whole thing has just made my Christmas really dissappionting, because the music contributes to the mood, but now there is all this hype about some stupid band that jumps around swearing all throughout the song, I mean come on!
Some stupid band? As opposed to some stupid singer?
RATM almost single handedly created the genre of rap metal. For over 15 years they've been the sound of rebellion, they've actually got ideals.

Plus Christmas is also for Children, do you really think parents will appreciate thier kids jumping around swearing along to RATM?? I don't think so!
Firstly it's been played on the radio once? Secondly, there are plenty of other songs with swearing in. Finally, children don't go around copying whoever happens to be number 1. When it's Elton John kids don't go around being gay, and when it's Cheryl Cole they don't go around beating up black people.
The idea that people were being "spoon fed" because of the Xfactor is comical.

What's the difference between that and the RATM campaign then? Oh wait, there isn't. People followed this ridiculous and petty facebook trend like sheep. I just really hope that RATM don't think they're popular now in the general public's eye because people bought their single, the majority of people will have done it simply to break the Xfactor trend. No one will care about them next week simply because the single is "just noise" :lew:
I think it's great that RATM beat X Factor from the top spot this week, the reports of how angry Cheryl Cole and Simon Cowell are just annoy me, as though they think they automatically deserve the top spot.

That being said, Cheryl's new single with Will.I.Am gets released next week, so I wonder if she'll bleat it's unfair if SHE beats Joe, I doubt it.

I just hope, now that Facebook's shown that X Factor CAN be defeated, that more big bands release Christmassy songs next year and we have a real chart battle, as that was what I was interested in. I hate both songs, but I was interested to see which would come out on top xD I just hope next year is equally as interesting, and that they pick a better song than Killing In The Name >_>
I'm glad RATM won. I don't mind the song at all, but it isn't a song I listen to anymore and there are better songs out there... But that isn't the point. The point more than anything is proving that the X-Factor can be beaten and that Christmas Number 1 can be interesting / semi-interesting again.

That said it'll probably go back to X-Factor domination next year anyway as I can't imagine a campaign like that getting all that support next year. If it does, then fantastic again.. Hopefully in a few years time then artists / anybody can make christmassy songs again or just interesting songs to battle for Christmas Number 1 as it's not only has it been terrible for a long time, but it has been really predictable too, X-Factor pretty much being guaranteed the Number 1 for years until now.

As for being worried about offensive lyrics in Chritmas Number 1 songs, see The Pogues - Fairytale of New York.
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Im so happy RATM won, makes a nice change. My mate was joking bout christmas carolers going round singing KITNO rolf XD Id pay the kids to sing that to me! So yeah very happy with that :) The power of Fb is terrifying!!
Alright as my Sig may suggest, I am indeed a Rage fan. But I'll try and leave my fanboyism at the door for the most part of this post..

Seen as I don't live in the UK I am not really familiar with the tradition behind the number 1 Christmas hit. But I have been following the news behind the facebook campaign and all that jazz.

No one is being "spoon fed" anything, what people like and buy/download is their own choice.

If you're not familiar with it, I suggest you briefly read a little bit about Gramsci's theory of hegemony
I'm not saying it is an absolute truth, but I think it is somewhat relevant to the idea of 'spoon feeding' that is being discussed.

Dasher said:
The idea that people were being "spoon fed" because of the Xfactor is comical.

What's the difference between that and the RATM campaign then? Oh wait, there isn't.
I disagree. Firstly it is important to realize that the campaign was not about getting RATM to number one, it was about beating the X-factor. KITNO was merely chosen because of its rebellious nature (and probably the person's musical taste).

Secondly, the Xfactor essentially represents the dominant body of the entertainment industry. The campaign however, was started and supported by the public. Joe had the support of some of the biggest figures in the industry which amounts to a ridiculous amount of promotion. The facebook campaign started from the bottom and ended up winning.
~Kitty-Kat~ said:
Plus Christmas is also for Children, do you really think parents will appreciate thier kids jumping around swearing along to RATM?? I don't think so!
Kids will eventually learn to swear anyway, listening to KITNO is hardly a big deal. Besides, I'm sure the song will be censored.
.Swift said:
Sure, Simon Cowell's money-generating TV show has been very dominating for the last half-decade in the Christmas charts, but it's not him I'm sympathising at all. I think Joe deserves that number 1 seeing as he worked so hard for it.
Joe's single has only been out for a week and it is already at number two. That is hardly something for him to cry about, let alone something to make you feel sorry for the kid. What is wrong with second place?
Dasher said:
I just really hope that RATM don't think they're popular now in the general public's eye because people bought their single, the majority of people will have done it simply to break the Xfactor trend. No one will care about them next week simply because the single is "just noise"
Dude, they have been popular since the beginning of the 90's and they still remain popular despite the fact that they aren't active. I doubt everyone will suddenly realize that RATM's music is just noise by next week :monster:

.Swift said:
All I hear are explicit yelling from this Zack guy- I guess I need to research more on the band to see how talented they are- but KITN as a single doesn't seem to showcase it that well. In terms of talent, I back Joe. Shouting does not equal real talent.
It's interesting that you have been focusing on Zack as the basis for determining whether RATM has talented or not. Granted KITNO is not the best showcase of Zack's lyrical talent, but the first time I ever heard that song (before I was a fan of Rage) I found the song to be pure sex to my ears (musically) :wacky: I found that the song showcases the talent of Rage as a band.

I find RATM to be one of those bands which work as a group. Each individual is talented in their own right but it is the band as a whole which wins me over.

As for Joe's talent, I can't judge him. I have heard next to nothing from him. I'm going to assume that he obviously has at least some vocal talent seen as he won a singing competition. But a lot of people have vocal talent. To me, a musician needs to sing or play about what matters to them. This is starting to sound ridiculously corny, but there needs to be some sort of feeling behind what they are doing. Some people get so caught up with fame that they begin to forget that music is an art form. That is probably why I like Rage, at least their stuff is genuine. As opposed to some recycled crap that has been simply handed to someone for them to sing.
I just think this whole thing is ridiculous, no matter how people want to sugar coat it, the fact remains they re-released a song just to basically stop X-Factor getting to number 1. If people want to buy the song it is their choice, so fair play to RATM for getting it this year, but they got the number 1 spot for all the wrong reasons, and to be honest that really puts me off.

Spoon feeding as Dasher said is actually the same with the whole RATM thing too, it's being advertised on a major networking site, it's just as easy as advertising on TV these days.

I was pretty happy the X-Factor didn't get number 1 in the charts again, and that it was RATM that got it. Shame that they've lost it now though. Lady Gaga instead, but I don't mind.
To be honest, I don't see why everyone's so fussed about Joe losing out on the Christmas number one. People can make up their own mind about what single they wanted to buy and so there's no need to fret. Like someone else previously mentioned in the thread, second place isn't even horrible. Being outside the top 40 would have been disastrous. Kudos to RATM for bringing something different this year. It's quite refreshing to see a heated chart battle instead of seeing X Factor take the crown without any competition.

And besides, Joe got a number one on Sunday. Everyone wins. :wacky: